Ioun Charm Chain (3.5e Equipment)

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Ioun Charm Chain: This golden chain wraps and holds round the players wrist when equipped. When it senses the aura of an Ioun Stone within 6 inches, it collects it and places it amongst it's links. The magic of the Ioun stone can be used without it having to circle you're head, also a DC 30 strength check must be passed to remove it forcefully by anyone but the wearer. Sleight of hand checks automatically fail.

This chain is worn usually by more wealthy treasure hunters or collectors. It is a valuable tool to protect you're stones and keep them from being plucked or netted easily.

Aura: Faint 1-5, Moderate 6-10, Strong 11-30, Overwhelming 30+ ; (DC 18)

Varies DivinationCL 3rd; 14th Level caster, Craft Wonderous Item, permanency, animate objects; Cost (spell level 5 x caster level 14th x 25gp) + x2 for no space limit + 3000gp exp cost = 6500gp.; Activation: Standard and —; Weight: — lb.; Market Price: 2,800 gp

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