User Racial Paragon Classes Moderate Spellcasting

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Template:DnD Racial Paragon Classes Breadcrumb

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Members of this group don't get top-notch spells quickly, but they have other abilities to make up for their reduced progress.

Homebrew Moderate Spellcasting Racial Paragon Classes
Name Rating1
(out of 20)
Type2 Description3
  1. Shows the rating other users have given the class out of 20. Unrated classes are labeled "NR" and not fully rated classes are labeled "NFR". The rating is from the actual class's page; it is not made on this page. Follow the following link to learn more: Rating System.
  2. A general category the class fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  3. A concise description of the class—should advertise the class.
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