Cloak of Fortification (3.5e Equipment)

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Cloak of Fortification: These fantastic cloaks range from colors such as dark red, a dignified blue, to a silky white or a satin like black, and bestow a protection to the wearer in the form of a deflection bonus to Armor Class and a resistance bonus to saving throws. Both of these bonuses are equal to the cloak's enhancement bonus.

Market: 3,250 gp (+1), 13,000 gp (+2), 29,250 gp (+3), 52,000 gp (+4), 81,250 gp (+5).

Varied abjurationCL Varies; Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith, resistance, caster level must be at least three times that of the cloak's bonus.; Activation: —; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: Varies

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