Stealth Cloak (3.5e Equipment)

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Stealth Cloak: This long black cloak blends into the darkness and shadows and muffles the sound of the wearer.

This cloak gives a +2 bonus to Move Silently and Hide and is made out of Darkweave (ECS, +1 Hide in Shadows). In addition, 1/Day the wearer can cast Darkness, centered on himself, which lasts for 20 minutes. Also, 1/Day the wearer can cast Invisibility on himself which lasts for 2 minutes.

Moderate (DC 17) Illusion;CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Darkness, Invisibility; Cost 2,100gp, 160 XP, 4 Days; Activation: — and Swift (Command); Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 4,200 gp

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