Crocodile Mask (3.5e Equipment)

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Crocodile Mask: This metal mask is shaped like a crocodile's head and decorated with green ornamental stones. Its bearer may activate it once per day by speaking a command word, causing it to move and articulate as if it were an extension of the wearer's body. When the mask is active, the wearer may make a bite attack once per round as if he had a bite attack as a natural weapon, dealing 1d8 hit points of damage plus Strength bonus. The wearer may use Improved Grab with the bite attack against opponents of his size or smaller, and deals bite damage on later rounds with a successful grapple check. The mask remains active for five rounds before becoming inert (releasing any bitten creature when it does so). While biting, the wearer can't speak, cast spells with verbal components, activate command word items, or do anything else that requires articulation of his mouth.

CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Monster III; Market Price: 5,000 gp

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