Serene Maneuver (3.5e Feat)

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Serene Maneuver [Combat]

Your intense concentration and focus allow you to evade most attacks at the cost of your environmental awareness.
Prerequisite: [Dodge], Mobility, BAB +5, Concentration 7 ranks, Balance 7 ranks, Must be able to both see and hear or have any of the following; Blindsight, 360 degrees vision and/or hearing, true sight., Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Benefit: As long as you are carrying no more than light load, wearing no armor, having no shield bonus to AC, casting no spells and attacking only once (AoOs doesn't count) each round, you can make a concentration check as a full-round action with a DC of (10+Opponent HD+your missing HP) for a single opponent. If you beat the DC you can double your AC and DR against that opponent but lose all of your AC except natural armor against all other creatures, a character with Uncanny Dodge retains her AC against melee attacks from other creatures. A failure to activate this ability Staggers your character for (3-Charisma Modifier) minutes (Minimum 1 minute, consecutive failures stack the penalty time) but you can still attempt the skill check next round. If you are staggered, attempting Serene Maneuver leaves you prone on the ground but you are relieved from the stagger effect if Serene Maneuver goes in effect. This ability can be activated only once against a single opponent for every instance of combat, you can only have Serene Maneuver activated on one creature at a time. While Serene Maneuver is in effect, you automatically succeed any Reflex or Will saving throws that are directly caused by the attacks of your chosen opponent, this also prevents you from taking damage from magical or psionic mind-affecting abilities used by your target. The effects of Serene Maneuver immediately end once you take any kind of damage. If the ability ends with you taking damage, make a Will saving throw with a DC of (10+ Half the damage taken) to regain normal focus or get stunned for 1d4+1 rounds on a failed save this stun effect can not be negated by any means short of divine intervention. Serene Maneuver has no effect if you can't detect the target. Any Mind-Affecting ability that succeeds at harming you end the effects of Serene Maneuver. While Serene Maneuver is in effect you are unable to communicate by verbal or telepathic means. The AC gained from this ability is considered Dodge bonus and functions as long as Serene Maneuver is active and you are not immobilized. For the purposes of this feat, a Natural 20 is an automatic success and a Natural 1 is an automatic failure. This ability can be used on any creature within the sight of your character.
Normal: You cannot increase your defense through Concentration checks
Special: A Spellcaster can decide to cast spells while Serene Maneuver is active, however, said Spellcaster must make a Concentration check with a DC of (10+spell level) each attempt, failure does not end the effects of Serene Maneuver but the spell is lost if you fail the Concentration check. Every 5 character levels above 5, you can use Serene Maneuver on three more targets. However, you have to use the result of your first Concentration check for additional targets and the targets beside your first target must have a CR of your ECL or lower.

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