Downtime Activity Proficiencies (5e Variant Rule)

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Downtime Activity Proficiencies

When designing a class or backgrounds, you can use a downtime activity proficiency instead of a tool proficiency.


If you have proficiency in Crafting, you can craft nonmagical items at a greater speed (PHB p. 187). You still need to be proficient with the appropriate set of tools. Your daily progress towards the value of the object increases by your proficiency bonus. For example, if your proficiency bonus is +2, you progress by a value of 7 gp (expending 3 gp 5 sp in raw materials) per day.


If you have proficiency in Profession, you earn more money than normal when practicing a profession (PHB p. 187), which allows you to support a higher lifestyle.

Proficiency bonus Lifestyle
+2 Modest
+3 Comfortable
+4 Wealthy
+5 Master Profession
+6 Aristocratic


If you have proficiency in Recuperation, you can add your proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws you make while recuperating (PHB p. 187) if you are not already proficient with Constitution saving throws.


If you are proficient in Researching you add double your normal proficiency bonus to any ability checks made while researching (PHB p. 187).


If you are proficient in Training, you can learn new proficiencies and languages at a faster rate when training (PHB p. 187). You reduce the time taken by a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus × 20.


If you are proficient in Foremanship, the construction time and cost of building a stronghold (DMG p. 128) is reduced. Each day that you spend overseeing the construction reduces the construction time a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus. Each day that you spend away from the site negotiating for materials and labor reduces the construction costs by gp equal to your proficiency bonus × 125.


If you are proficient in Carousing, you are better able to avoid bad fortune while carousing (DMG p. 128). You roll twice on the carousing table and take either result.


If you are proficient in dweomercraft, you can craft magic items at a greater speed (DMG p. 128). Your daily progress towards the value of the object increases by 5 × your proficiency bonus. For example, if your proficiency bonus is +2, you progress by a value of 35 gp (expending 35 gp in raw materials) per day.


If you are proficient in prestige, it is easier for you to gain renown during your downtime (DMG p. 129). The amount of time it takes for you to gain a renown point is decreased by your proficiency bonus × your current renown.


If you are proficient in piety, you gain the benefits from performing sacred rites for a longer period of time (DMG p. 129). When you roll to see how long your daily inspiration lasts for after completing sacred rites, you can add your proficiency bonus to the result.


If you are proficient in adminship, you are better at running a business during your downtime (DMG p. 129). When you roll on the Running a Business table, roll twice and take either result.


If you are proficient in consigning, it is easier for you to find a good buying price for salable magic items (DMG p. 129). When you roll on the Selling a Magic Item table, you can add 5 × your proficiency bonus to the percentile roll.


If you are proficient in talebearing, it is easier for you to sow rumors (DMG p. 131) by either reducing the time required to sow the rumor, or by increasing your chance of a successful rumor. If you decide to reduce the time required, roll on the Sowing Rumors table. The result is reduced by a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus. If you decide to increase the effectiveness of your rumor, you can add 5 × your normal proficiency bonus to the Charisma check made to see if your rumor is successful.

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