Threaded Cane (5e Equipment)

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Threaded Cane

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Threaded Cane 250 gp 1d6 Piercing/1d4 Slashing 2 lbs Finesse, Light, Reach
A threaded cane extended and closed.[1]
"One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters on their duties. Sufficiently deadly as a rigid bladed cane, but also serves as a whip when its blade is split into many. Concealing the weapon inside the cane and flogging the beasts with the whip is partly an act of ceremony, an attempt to demonstrate to oneself that the bloodlust of the hunt will never encroach upon the soul."

Trick weapons can be transformed and have different attacks in their transformed mode. The threaded cane can be transformed between a cane (equivalent to a shortsword) and a notched whip once during your turn. The weapon only gains the reach property when it is in whip form.

(one vote)

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