Lightning Halberd (3.5e Equipment)

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Lightning Halberd: This masterwork halberd has a blue tinged blade as well as a shappire crackling with electricity on the pommel.

This Halberd fuctions as a +1 Shocking Halberd. In addition it has some more powers that can be used a certain number of times per day. 1/Day the halberd can fire a bolt of lightning as Lightning Bolt the spell (CL 5th). Also, 3/Day the halberd can cast Shocking Grasp (CL 5th).

Moderate; (DC 19) EvocationCL 5th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Lightning Bolt, Shocking Grasp; Cost 10,000gp (plus 310 for a Masterwork Halberd), 800 XP, 20 Days; Activation: Standard; Weight: 12 lb.; Market Price: 20,310 gp

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