Awakened Zombie (3.5e Template)

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Awakened Zombie

A sentient, near-alive and highly dangerous variation of zombies.

Ages ago, a Necromancer developed a ritual to create a special type of zombies, which includes magically altering the body to grant the new creature immense strength and invulnerability, and calling the original soul back into the body. The ritual succeeded, but he underestimated the will of the newly created creature, which rebelled and left him. To his bitter disappointment, further attempts led to the exact same result. Through the ages, the details of the ritual were spread through certain circles of spellcasters, leading to the creation of more Awakened Zombies, though, to date, no way has been found to magically harness their will and control them. The ritual isn't very known, though; usually, it won't be found in ordinary magical libraries (though reference to the ritual may be), however particularly experienced sorcerers, wizards and witches (especially necromancers) may know about it, and perhaps even have a copy of the instructions.

Creating an Awakened Zombie

“Awakened Zombie” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Physical Description

The creature's base look, except very pale, the hair (if have) lack almost any color, and the sclera is black. Any other feature is maintained, except all preexisting scars are healed due to their healing factor.

Size and Type

Size is untouched, type changes to Undead. Acquire the subtype unliving: while undead, Awakened Zombies still share many features with the living.

Hit Dice

All current and future racial Hit Dice become d20s.


The base speed is fourfold. Achieve swimming speed and climbing speed equal to the land speed.

Armor Class

The base creature's natural armor bonus improves by +10. The tissues of Awakened Zombies are durable, and are not as easy to damage as human tissues.


An Awakened Zombie retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a secondary slam attack which deals 2d4 hit points damage. Awakened Zombie natural weapons overcomes any DR except RD/-. Creature with natural weapons retains them, and the damage they cause is doubled.

Full Attack

Awakened Zombies can use their slam attack on the same target twice or on two near targets as full attack. If they are armed with a weapon, they would usually use the weapon as its primary attack along with a slam as a natural secondary attack.

Special Qualities

Technically Dead (Ex): As a result of their invulnerability and healing factor, this is extremely difficult to destroy Awakened Zombies. The only way to truly destroy Awakened Zombies is to cause their body such extensive damage it simply couldn't regenerate, such as complete shredding, dipping them in lava or strong acid, forcing them into the direct way of a massive explosion etc.

Undead Immortality (Ex): Obviously, Awakened Zombies don't age, and can stay in that state forever. They require no sustenance or oxygen, and although they require a few hours of sleep per week in order to function normally (if they remain awake for more than a few days in a row, they begin to suffer from hallucinations that worsen over time), they cannot get tired from physical activity.

Perfect Status Vision (Ex): Awakened Zombies have a keen eyesight; they can see perfectly regardless of the illumination level, as well as through illusions and magical shielding and concealments. They also have a +4 bonus on all Spot checks.

Invulnerability (Ex): Awakened Zombies have damage reduction 40/-; while they are not immune to pain, they are extremely difficult to actually harm, as they simply ignore most physical injuries.

Healing Factor (Ex): Healing Factor (Ex): Awakened Zombies have regeneration 10/magic, epic (+6) and fast healing 1, and restore 1 lost ability point per round, and 1 drained ability point per minute. Awakened Zombies can regrow internal organs and small extremal appendages (such as fingers), which regrow in 1d4 minutes. While they are unable to regrow entire limbs, these can be instantly reattached if are held to the stump.

Resistances and Immunities (Ex): Awakened Zombies have resistance 40 to all elements, and are immune to mental effects, transmutation and unholy damage.

Altered Magic (Ex): Awakened Zombies always function as if they are under the effect of the spell Freedom of Movement (can move and attack normally regardless of environmental conditions, and succeed automatically on any grapple check made for the purpose of resisting a grapple attempt and on any grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made for the purpose of escaping a grapple or a pin). However, the effect is not magical, hence cannot be dispelled.


+22 Strength, +16 Dexterity, +20 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +4 Charisma


Because Awakened Zombies require no oxygen, they get a +6 bonus on Swim checks. As undead creatures with unlimited physical stamina, they never take any damage from Hustle or Forced March (effectively, they automatically succeed on all Forced March checks) and can run unlimitedly.


An Awakened Zombie gains the feats: Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Supreme Strength, Track and Two-Weapon Fighting. It can acquire new ones as usual.




Because of their bizarre appearance, they tend to be outcasted from most societies, except the most open ones. They often get along with others of their kind.

Challenge Rating

+16. Awakened Zombies are definitely dangerous.


1/2 the usual for the base creature.




Always by HD

Level Adjustment


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