Shadow Hand (3.5e Class)

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The Shadow Hand

Shadow Hand's are Martial Artists who use the "Elemental Mimicry" style of fighting. The Elements of Body is a type of bloodline magic used to change ones' body in favour of an element of choice. An Earth Mimicry Kata focuses on being immovable and resilient. Water Mimicry is used to outlast the opposition through wavelike movements and armour penetrating strikes. Air Mimicry is used to become one with movement, gaining speed, mobility, and a flurry of attacks. Fire Mimicry is focused on the idea that the Shadow Hand's body is naturally more resilient that their enemy, unleashing furious attacks which mimic the exact movements of their enemy, trading blow for blow until one falls. They are called Shadow Hand's because of their ultimate ability which is shown by the Black Void that covers their hands when using it. The Shadow Hand ability is one not used lightly, as it forces the user's Physical and Mental Attributes to extend further than their body can handle, causing extreme pain and some leftover side-effects. These side-effects are precisely why the Shadow Hand is trained from day one to keep their emotions under control. The Shadow Hand Ability activates under extreme emotion stress.

Making a Shadow Hand

The Shadow Hand is a good utility class when it comes to spouting lore about things they've picked up from being around. Unlike other Utility Classes, the Shadow Hand is able to stand on its own.

Abilities: Intelligence is the most important Ability for Shadow Hand's, as it fuels their Elemental Mimicry Features. Dexterity and Constitution is good for raising the Shadow Hand's Defensive Capabilities. Strength is a choice made for more Offensive-Focused Shadow Hand's.

Races: Any sentient race may become a Shadow Hand. Once a Race has been chosen in the World to be subject to this bloodline curse, all other races of this class within the world must be within that lineage (If a Human is chosen, the Shadow Hand may only be a race with the Human Lineage, such as Half Orcs or Half Elves).

Alignment: The Shadow Hand must be True Neutral, as if they feel too passionate their ultimate ability will trigger dangerously.

Starting Gold: 5d4 gp (12 gp, 5 sp).

Starting Age: Complex.

Table: The Shadow Hand

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Kata
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Shadow Hand, Elemental Mimicry, Mimicries, Kata Specialty Tier 1 None
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 2 None
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 2 None
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Mimicry Mastery, Mimicry Specialisation Tier 2 First
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Tier 2 First
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 3 First
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Tier 3 First
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Mimicry Mastery, Mimicry Specialisation Tier 3 Second
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Tier 3 Second
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 4 Second
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +7 Tier 4 Second
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Mimicry Mastery, Mimicry Specialisation Tier 4 Third
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Tier 4 Third
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 5 Third
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +9 Tier 5 Third
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Mimicry Mastery, Mimicry Specialisation Tier 5 Fourth
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Tier 5 Fourth
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11 Mimicry Specialisation Tier 5 Fourth
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 Tier 5 Fourth
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 Kata Mastery, Mimicry Specialisation, Mimicry Mastery Tier 6 Fifth

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentrate (Con), Craft (any, taken individually) (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge ([All Skills, Taken Individually]) (Int),
Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

The Shadow Hand know exactly how to reflect the Elements onto their Bodies, and have the Magic to do it. All of the following are class features of the Shadow Hand.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shadow Hand's train their bodies so as to not require any Armour. Shadow Hand's are proficient with one chosen weapon (See Below), and no Armour.

Kata Disciplining: The Shadow Hand begins play with its chosen Kata Specialty Weapon (Bastard Sword, Quarterstaff, or Scythe). The Shadow Hand may never use a Shadow Hand Class Feature while wearing Armour, or carrying more than a Medium Load (Except their Shadow Hand ability) . The Shadow Hand may not activate an Elemental Mimicry Stance without its Kata Specialty Weapon on its person.

Shadow Hand (Ex): Shadow Hand's are not exceedingly passionate about much, because when they show passion it is terrifying to all, including themselves. When the Shadow Hand ability is used, the user's Hands and Weapon are Enveloped in Black Smoke, and their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence Modifiers gain a temporary +2 Bonus. This is offset by the fact the Shadow Hand becomes immune to any type of Magical Healing, and becomes effectively Disabled(This Disabled Effect cannot be countered). While in this state, the Shadow Hand cannot be Knocked Unconscious. The Shadow Hand will fight anything in sight, including Allies (Can Prioritize). This goes on until its body gives out, it makes a DC (10 + Rounds Spent in Rage + Total Damage Taken while in Rage) Concentration check, or is killed. This ability may be used for rounds equal to Once Per Class Level Per Week. When this effect ends, if the Shadow Hand was not killed, it becomes Unconscious, loses all effects of the Shadow Hand Ability, is reduced to -9 HP, Stabilizes, and may only heal to Consciousness through Natural Means. The Temporary Modifier Bonus is increased to +4 at Level 5, +6 at Level 10, +8 at Level 15, +10 at Level 20.

Elemental Mimicry (Ex): The Shadow Hand is known best for its ability to change its body to act as an Elemental Substance. At first level, the Shadow Hand gains the Ability to switch between Mimicries as a Move Action. The Shadow Hand is always in one stance, thus they must exit the stance as a free action before they may enter another stance.

Mimicries (Ex): The Elemental Mimicries of the Shadow Hand are split between four stances, Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Only the greatest of Shadow Hand's are masters of all Elements, thus there is often specialisation of a single element. At first level, the Shadow Hand has Tier 1 in every Elemental Mimicry.

Air (Ex): To be like the Air is to be constantly moving, and never without an escape. This Stance looks as if always wide open to attacks, yet even when standing still, the Shadow Hand is bouncing slightly.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand must use a Move Action to switch to this Stance. The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is added to their Dexterity Modifier. The Shadowhand's Movement Speed(s) is increased by +10 feet. In addition, the Shadow Hand is treated as having the Dodge Feat while in this stance. If the Shadow Hand has the Dodge Feat even when not in the Air Stance, it instead is treated as having the Mobility Feat. All effects of Tier 1 Air Mimicry are removed when the Shadow Hand leaves this stance.

Tier 2: In addition to the effects from Tier 1 of the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand acquires the effects of the Mobility Feat, and Evasion. If the Shadow Hand is already treated as having the Mobility Feat before achieving this Tier, then they are treated as having the Spring Attack Feat upon achieving this tier. In addition, the Shadow Hand's Movement Speed Increase is now +20 (Rather than +10) feet. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Air Mimicry Stance.

Tier 3: In addition to the effects from Tier 2 of the Air Mimicry Stance, if the Shadow Hand is targeted by an Attack of Opportunity created by moving through a threatened square, it is first granted an Attack of Opportunity against the attacker. It also uses its Dexterity Modifier in place of its Strength Modifier on Attack Rolls. In addition, their Movement Speed Increase is now +30 (Rather than +20) Feet. These effect are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Air Mimicry Stance.

Tier 4: In addition to the effects from Tier 3 of the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand now gains the effects of the Spring Attack Feat. If the Shadow Hand is already treated as having the Spring Attack Feat before achieving this Tier, then they are now treated as having the Whirlwind Attack Feat. As well, their Movement Speed increase is now +40 (Rather than +30) Feet. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Air Mimicry Stance. When the Shadow Hand is not in the Air Mimicry Stance, it now receives a Movement Speed Increase of +30 feet, and if the Shadow Hand has not yet acquired the Run Feat, it is now received.

Tier 5: In addition to the effects from Tier 4 of the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand treats all difficult terrain as normal terrain. Their Movement Speed Increase is now +50 (Rather than +40) Feet, this effect does not stack with the Movement Speed Increases from previous Tiers of the Air Mimicry Stance (Except the Epic Speed Feat). The Shadow Hand may now replicate the Feather Fall spell once per day per four class levels. The Shadow Hand is now always considered to have Improved Evasion. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Air Mimicry Stance.

Final Tier (Air): When the Shadow Hand is in an Elemental Mimicry Stance other than Air, it still receives the effects of previous Tiers of the Air Mimicry Stance(In addition to the current Stance's effects). In addition, the Movement Speed Increase from Tier 5 of the Air Mimicry Stance changes to +60 Feet (Rather than +50 Feet), this effect does not stack with the Movement Speed Increases from previous Tiers of the Air Mimicry Stance (Except the Epic Speed Feat). When the Shadow Hand is in the Air Mimicry Stance, it is now treated as having the Whirlwind Attack Feat. If the Shadow Hand was already treated as having the Whirlwind Attack Feat, it is now treated as having the Improved Whirlwind Attack Feat.

Earth (Ex): To be like the Earth is to have strength, and ever still. This Stance looks very tense and very wide, staying completely still, not even being knocked back by most hits they take.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand must use a Move Action to switch to this Stance. The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is added to their Constitution Modifier. The Shadowhand's Movement Speed(s) is decreased to 5 feet. In addition to the bonus Hit Points, half of the Shadow Hand's Constitution Modifier (Rounded Down) is added to its Deflection AC. All effects of Tier 1 Earth Mimicry are removed when the Shadow Hand leaves this stance. If the bonus Hit Points that are lost from exiting the Earth Mimicry Stance would drop the Shadow Hand below -9, the Shadow Hand is instead returned to -9 Hit Points and Stabilizes.

Tier 2: In addition to the effects from Tier 1 of the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand now uses its Constitution Modifier in place of its Strength Modifier on Attack Rolls. If the Shadow Hand uses the Total Defense Full round action, it is no longer a Dodge Bonus to AC, and is now an Enhancement Bonus. In addition, When the Total Defense full round action is used, it adds an additional +2 Natural Armor Bonus to AC until the end of the round. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Earth Mimicry Stance.

Tier 3: In addition to the effects from Tier 2 of the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Movement Speed is no longer decreased, instead they may now move as if they have a Heavy Encumbrance (Example: A Human with a movement speed of 30 ft. will now move 20 ft., and only be able to run at x3 speed [They do not incur the Max Dex of a Heavy Encumbrance, nor the Check Penalty). The Shadow Hand now uses its Constitution Modifier in place of its Strength Modifier on Damage Rolls. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Earth Mimicry Stance.

Tier 4: In addition to the effects from Tier 3 of the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand is no longer encumbered from the Earth Mimicry Stance, and may move at their full speed. Once per day as a Movement Action, the Shadow Hand may now heal up to twice its Character Level in Hit Points.

Tier 5: In addition to the effects from Tier 4 of the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is always added to their Constitution Modifier (This effect does not stack). The Shadow Hand's Constitution Modifier is now always added to their Deflection AC (This effect does not stack) If the Shadow Hand does not already have the Combat Expertise Feat, it is now received. If the Shadow Hand does not already have the Power Attack Feat, it is now received.

Final Tier (Earth): When the Shadow Hand is in an Elemental Mimicry Stance other than Earth, it is still treated as being under the effects of previous Tiers of the Earth Mimicry Stance(In addition to the current Stance's effects). In addition, each round spent using the Total Defense action gives the Shadow Hand an extra +2 Natural Armor (Stacks), if the Shadow Hand makes an action other than Total Defense, all stacks of this are immediately lost. When the Shadow Hand is in the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand adds its Intelligence Modifier to its Constitution Modifier, Twice (This Effect does not Stack).

Fire (Ex): To be like Fire is to be ever powerful, always fading, and always burning something new to stay alive. This Stance perfectly mimics the Shadow Hand's target, matching their movements exactly, trading blow for blow.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand must use a Move Action to switch to this stance, and must select a target of the Stance as a Standard Action. The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is added to their Strength, and Constitution Modifiers. While in this stance, the Shadow Hand may not take any action during their turn other than No Action or Switch Stance. When the Shadow Hand switches to this stance, it now acts on its target's turn makes the mirror actions of the actions the target takes. If the Shadow Hand chooses not to mirror its chosen target exactly, it exits the Fire Mimicry Stance and cannot enter into the stance until it has a full night's rest. Every attack made in the Fire Stance is made at the Shadow Hand's Highest Base Attack Bonus. All effects of Tier 1 Fire Mimicry are removed when the Shadow Hand leaves this stance.

Tier 2: In addition to the effects from Tier 1 of the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand now multiplies its totaled Strength Modifier (Int Mod + Str Mod) by 1.5 when making Attack and Damage Rolls (Rounded Down). This effect is only applicable when the Shadow Hand is in the Fire Mimicry Stance.

Tier 3: In addition to the effects from Tier 2 of the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's attacks are now considered Fire Damage for the purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction. In addition, the Shadow Hand exudes a barrier of fire from its body. If struck by an attack, the Shadow Hand deals 1d6/2 levels of fire damage to the attacker (If within the Shadow Hand's Threat Range). These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Fire Mimicry Stance.

Tier 4: In addition to the effects from Tier 3 of the Fire Mimicry Stance, if ever the opponent makes an attack against a creature other than the Shadow Hand, it is now granted an Attack of Opportunity against its Opponent (Bypasses Mirror Action Restriction). This effect is only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Fire Mimicry Stance. When not in the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's attacks are still considered Fire Damage for the purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction.

Tier 5: In addition to the effects from Tier 4 of the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now always added to their Strength Modifier (Effect does not Stack). The Shadow Hand now receives Damage Reduction 5/-. If the Shadow Hand does not already have the Diehard Feat, it is now received. If the Shadow Hand does not already have the Power Attack Feat, it is now received.

Final Tier (Fire): The Shadow Hand's Damage Reduction (From Tier 5) is now Damage Reduction 10/-. The Shadow Hand may now switch targets while in the Fire Mimicry Stance as a free action. The Shadow Hand has now become a Master of Mimicry (Of Opponents), and now has the choice of using its own AC, TAB, and Damage Rolls, or its opponent's AC, TAB, and Damage Rolls (The Player is given knowledge of the Shadow Hand's target's AC Score, Total Attack Bonus Score, and Damage Rolls).

Water (Ex): To be like Water is to be everlasting, though overpowering. This Stance looks very wide, yet not very stable due to the Shadow Hand constantly swaying from side-to-side.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand must use a Move Action to switch to this stance. The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is added to their Dexterity Modifier. Before the Shadow Hand attacks, it must declare whether it is making a Penetrating Strike or an Unassuming Strike. When making a Penetrating Strike, the Shadow Hand must make a Touch Attack against its target. When making an Unassuming Strike, the Shadow Hand's opponent is considered Flat-Footed (Does not bypass Uncanny Dodge).

Tier 2: In addition to the effects of Tier 1 of the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand is now granted an Attack of Opportunity when it is attacked by a creature within Melee Range. It also uses its Dexterity Modifier in place of its Strength Modifier on Attack and Damage Rolls. These effects are only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Water Mimicry Stance.

Tier 3: In addition to the effects from Tier 2 of the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand gains the effects of the Combat Reflexes Feat. If the Shadow Hand is already treated as having the Combat Reflexes Feat, they are now treated as having the WhirlWind Attack Feat. This effect is only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Water Mimicry Stance.

Tier 4: In addition to the effects of Tier 3 of the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand gains the effects of WhirlWind Attack Feat. If the Shadow Hand is already treated as having the WhirlWind Attack Feat, it may now choose to negate a single successful attack against it once per round. This effect is only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Water Mimicry Stance. The Shadow Hand now always retains its Dexterity bonus to AC, even if it is caught Flat-Footed or attacked by an Invisible Attacker, it does still lose its Dexterity bonus if it is immobilized.

Tier 5: In addition to the effects of Tier 4 of the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand can no longer be flanked, this denies a Rogue the ability to sneak attack the Shadow Hand by flanking it, unless the Rogue has at least four more Rogue levels than the target has Shadow Hand levels. This effect is only applicable while the Shadow Hand is in the Water Mimicry Stance. The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now always added to its Dexterity Modifier (Effect does not Stack).

Final Tier (Water): When the Shadow Hand is in an Elemental Mimicry Stance other than Water, it is still treated as being under the effects of Previous Tiers of the Water Mimicry Stance (In addition to the current Stance's effects). In addition, the Shadow Hand's Unassuming Strike now bypasses Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge, forcing its target to be caught Flat-Footed. While in the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand is granted an Attack of Opportunity against any creature within Melee Range that makes an attack action.

Kata Specialty: The Shadow Hand trains in one type of Kata throughout their lives. At first level, the Shadow Hand chooses Hand-To-Hand, Sword-and-Sheathe, Power-Staff, Reaping-Scythe each Kata has its own Weapon Proficiency and Style of Fighting that upgrades throughout the levels. Feats gained through Kata Specialty do not require the Shadow Hand meet the prerequisites of the feat.

Hand-To-Hand (Unarmed Strike) (Ex): Fighting in any situation. In the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand fights with Open Palms and slashes them forward with enough speed to injure. In the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand fights with closed fists, putting every ounce of strength they have into every strike. In the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand fights with clenched fists, or open hands in order to match the chopping motions, bludgeoning strikes, or piercing thrusts of the chosen enemy. In the Water Mimicry Stance the Shadow Hand fights with Open Palms, treating its hands as if they are spears, thrusting them forward to pierce through their enemy.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Unarmed Strike. Their Unarmed Strike's damage dice is now a d6 (d4 for Small Creatures, d8 for Large Creatures, etc.). When in the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Unarmed Strikes deal Slashing Damage. When in the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Unarmed Strikes deal Bludgeoning Damage. When in the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Unarmed Strikes deal Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning Damage, in accordance to their chosen opponent. When in the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand's Unarmed Strikes deal Piercing Damage.

Tier 2: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Deflect Arrows. Their Unarmed Strike's damage dice is now a d8 (d6 for Small Creatures, 2d6 for Large Creatures, etc.).

Tier 3: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Stunning Fist. Their Unarmed Strike's damage dice is now a d10 (d8 for Small Creatures, 2d8 for Large Creatures, etc.).

Tier 4: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike). By this point, they have been using their hands in combat to the extent that their hands have now become swollen to the point of no return. When making an Unarmed Strike, the Shadow Hand is now treated as a creature one size category larger. Their Unarmed Strike's damage dice is now 3d6 (2d6 for Small Creatures, 4d6 for Large Creatures, etc.). If ever the Shadow Hand accepts Magical Healing, its Unarmed Strike's Damage is reduced to 2d8 (2d6 for Small Creatures, 3d8 for Large Creatures, etc.).

Tier 5: The Shadow Hand's Unarmed Strikes are now treated as Magic, and Adamantine, for purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction and bypassing Hardness. If a Shadow Hand has not had Magical Healing, their Unarmed Strike's damage dice is now 3d8 (2d8 for Small creatures, 4d8 for Large Creatures, etc.). If the Shadow Hand has accepted Magical Healing, its Unarmed Strike's Damage is now 2d10 (2d8 for Small Creatures, 4d8 for Large Creatures, etc.).

Kata Mastery (Hand-to-Hand): The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), if they already have this feat, they instead receive Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike). If the Shadow Hand has not accepted Magical Healing, their Unarmed Strike's Damage Dice is now 4d8 (2d10 for Small Creatures, 6d8 for Large Creatures, etc.). If the Shadow Hand has accepted Magical Healing, their Unarmed Strike's Damage is now 3d8 (2d8 for Small Creatures, 4d8 for Large Creatures, etc.)The Shadow Hand's attacks may now deal Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing Damage (As Declared before the Attack is made). Once per round the Shadow Hand may reroll a failed attack and must take the second roll.

Sword-and-Sheathe (Bastard Sword) (Ex): Fighting with Discipline. In the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand stands straight up, sheathed blade in hand, rushing around to strike and sheathe in quick motions. In the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand stands with its legs wide apart, both arms straight in front of it, only moving its arms to deflect or strike with force. In the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand copies the movements of its chosen enemy, using its sheathe to copy its enemy's offhand(Whether it be used as a Shield or a Weapon). In the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand stands with its legs wide apart, offhand with sheathed blade behind it with its main hand always on the hilt, ready to strike as it sways from side to side.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand gains the feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), and Quick Draw. When in the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may use its Dexterity Modifer in place of its Strength Modifier on Attack Rolls. When in the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand uses 1.5x Strength Modifier on Damage Rolls. When in the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may use its Sheathe to copy its Enemy's offhand, either gaining a second attack (Bastard Sword Damage, Bludgeoning) when the enemy has an offhand weapon, or gaining a +1 Shield Bonus. When in the Water Mimicry Stance, Once Per Round, if the Shadow Hand has not performed any other kind of movement, it may use up its movement to make a 5-Foot Step as an Immediate Action, even when it is not their turn (This 5-Foot Step does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. It cannot be used to avoid a direct attack, but it can be used to intercept a ranged attack that is targeting another creature, or to intercept a charge.).

Tier 2: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), if the Shadow Hand already has this feat, it instead receives the Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword).

Tier 3: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Critical (Bastard Sword).

Tier 4: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Whirlwind Attack. (Su) The Shadow Hand has become disciplined enough to exude force from its Shadow Hand ability into its Bastard Sword, creating a visible aura of its current mimicry around its weapon. Its damage with a Bastard Sword is now considered one size category larger (Now 2d8 for a Medium Creature, 1d10 for a Small Creature, 3d8 for a Large Creature, etc.).

Tier 5: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword), if the Shadow Hand already has this feat, it instead receives the Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword). In addition, the Bastard Sword's Sheathe may now always give the Shadow Hand a +1 Shield Bonus (In addition to other Shield Bonuses).

Kata Mastery (Sword-and-Sheathe): The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), if the Shadow Hand already has this feat, it instead receives the Greater Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword). (Su) The Shadow Hand may now infuse any Bastard Sword while wielding it (Dissipates after it leaves the Shadow Hand's grasp), making the Bastard Sword's metal Adamantine, and turning it into a +3 Magic Bastard Sword. The Shadow Hand also now infuses its Bastard Sword's Sheathe.

Power-Staff (Quarterstaff) (Ex): Fighting with Power. In the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand whirls the staff about, using it for maneuverability or its ability to be used as a double weapon. In the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand keeps its wide stance, using the staff to deflect blows and to create forceful strikes. In the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand uses the staff to copy its enemies movements and strikes, flailing wildly. In the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand uses the staff to strike forward with great precision, maneuvering around its enemy's defenses.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand gains the feat:Two-Weapon Fighting, and becomes Proficient with the Quarterstaff. While using the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may make one extra Offhand Attack if it uses a Full-Round Action to attack. While in the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may forgo an extra attack (Still taking the -2 Penalty from Two-Weapon Fighting) to gain an extra +2 Bonus on Damage Rolls (This must be declared before the first attack roll is made, and does stack). While in the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand gains a +2 Speed Bonus on Attack Rolls. While in the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may deal Piercing or Bludgeoning Damage as it chooses, this must be declared before the attack is made.

Tier 2: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Two-Weapon Defense.

Tier 3: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.

Tier 4: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff), if they already have this feat, it instead receives the Greater Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff) feat. In addition, the Shadow Hand also gains the feat: Weapon Specialization (Quarterstaff).

Tier 5: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting. (Su) The Shadow Hand has become disciplined enough to exude force from its Shadow Hand ability into its Quarterstaff, creating a visible aura of its current mimicry around its weapon. Its damage with a Quarterstaff is now treated as one size category larger (Now 1d8 for a Medium Creature, 2d6 for a Large Creature, 1d6 for a Small Creature).

Kata Mastery (Power-Staff): The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff), if they already have this feat, it instead receives the Greater Weapon Specialization (Quarterstaff). The Shadow Hand no longer receives a penalty for using the Quarterstaff as a Double-Weapon. A Quarterstaff is also treated as having Reach (10 ft.) when used by the Shadow Hand (Unlike Most Reach Weapons, this one is able to attack Adjacent targets).

Reaping-Scythe (Scythe) (Ex): Fighting with Speed. In the Airy Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand stands straight, holding the Scythe in one hand, preparing to twirl the scythe toward its enemy in rapid succession. In the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand stands with its legs far apart, ready to strike at any point on its enemy's body, whether to trip it or simply overpower it. In the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand uses the Scythe in two hands, copying its enemy's movements and slashing toward it with great fury. In the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand uses the Scythe to strike precisely at the points in its enemy's defenses that are least guarded.

Tier 1: The Shadow Hand gains the feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Scythe), and Weapon Focus (Scythe). While in the Air Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand has the ability to treat the Scythe as a Double Weapon (2d4/1d4|Piercing or Slashing/Bludgeoning). While in the Earth Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may use its Scythe to make an Improved Trip Attempt. While in the Fire Mimicry stance, the Shadow Hand gains a +2 Bonus to Damage Rolls. While in the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand may treat its Scythe's damage as Slashing or Piercing (Must be declared which before the attack).

Tier 2: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Weapon Specialization (Scythe).

Tier 3: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Greater Weapon Focus (Scythe).

Tier 4: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Greater Weapon Specialization (Scythe. (Su) The Shadow Hand has become disciplined enough to exude force from its Shadow Hand ability into its Scythe, creating a visible aura of its current mimicry around its weapon. Its damage with a Scythe is now treated as one size category larger (Now 2d6 for a Medium Creature, 2d4 for a Small Creature, 3d6 for a Large Creature, etc.).

Tier 5: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Critical (Scythe). In addition the Shadow Hand may now treat a Scythe as a One-Handed Weapon.

Kata Mastery (Reaping-Scythe): The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Two-Weapon Fighting, if they already have this feat, they instead receive the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Feat. The Shadow Hand may now treat a Scythe as a Light Weapon. The Shadow Hand now gains the Power Attack Feat, and the Cleave Feat, if the Shadow Hand already has one of these feats, it instead receives the Great Cleave Feat.

Mimicry Specialisation: A Shadow Hand focuses on certain Elemental Stances more than the others, thereby learning higher Tiers in each Mimicry they practice the most. At fifth level, the Shadow Hand acquires the ability to learn a higher tier of Elemental Mimicry of their choice. This Mimicry Specialisation cannot be used to learn a Tier of Elemental Mimicry higher than the Shadow Hand's Kata Specialty Tier. In addition, the Elemental Mimicry must be learned in Chronological Order (Tier 2 -> Tier 3 -> Tier 4, etc.). The Shadow Hand is able to upgrade an Elemental Mimicry at levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20.

Mimicry Mastery: The Shadow Hand has spent enough time in an Elemental Mimicry Stance that they now acquire a Permanent bonus from the stance. The Shadow Hand must choose the stance they Master at level four. Every fourth level after, that Mastery increases by one. The first Mastery must be chosen from one of the Stances the Shadow Hand has used Mimicry Specialisation to increase.

Air Mastery (Su): Constantly practicing with the Air Mimicry Stance has forced the Shadow Hand's body to become lighter, and its Bloodline Magic has fused with the essence of Air. Because of this, the Shadow Hand has gained the ability to Fly. If the Shadow Hand is rendered unable to fly (such as being knocked unconscious) its body immediately replicates a Feather Fall spell. This may not be used if the Shadow Hand is carrying more than a Light Load.

First Mastery: The Shadow Hand acquires a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, with a Maneuverability of Clumsy. The Shadow Hand's body weight is now equal to their previous body weight, multiplied by 0.8.

Second Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 2, with a Maneuverability of Poor.

Third Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 3, with a Maneuverability of Average. The Shadow Hand's body weight is now equal to their previous body weight, multiplied by 0.8.

Fourth Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 4, with a Maneuverability of Good.

Final Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 5, with a Maneuverability of Perfect. The Shadow Hand's body weight is now equal to their previous body weight, multiplied by 0.8.

Earth Mastery (Su): Constantly practicing with the Earth Mimicry Stance has given the Shadow Hand the understanding of the Earth to the point that its Bloodline Magic has fused with the essence of Earth. Because of this, the Shadow Hand has gained the ability to Burrow in so perfect a manner that no trail is left behind as it burrows. The Shadow Hand is able to sense what is 30 feet ahead of it whenever it is burrowing, so it can avoid danger. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 10 whenever burrowing (If the Shadow Hand has 10 Constitution, it may hold its breath for 10 minutes).

First Mastery: The Shadow Hand acquires a Burrow Speed Equal to half their Land Speed.

Second Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Burrow Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 30 whenever burrowing.

Third Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Burrow Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 1.5. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 90 whenever burrowing.

Fourth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Burrow Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 2.5. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 270 whenever burrowing.

Final Mastery: The Shadow Hand is now able to Run while Burrowing. Their Burrow Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 4. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 810 whenever burrowing.

Fire Mastery (Su): By constantly practicing with the Fire Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand has gained an understanding of friction to the point that its Bloodline Magic has fused with the essence of Fire. Because of this, the Shadow Hand is able to constantly move with such amount of friction that it sticks to any solid surface, effectively replicating a permanent Spider Climb Spell. This effect can be used when standing normally, and the Shadow Hand now leaves a lightly charred footstep wherever it walks (This can never start or create a fire). The Shadow Hand need not have its hands free to Climb in this manner. This ability may not be active while the Shadow Hand is unconscious, sleeping, meditating, or dead.

First Mastery: The Shadow Hand acquires a Climb Speed Equal to their Land Speed.

Second Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Climb Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 3.

Third Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Climb Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 5.

Fourth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Climb Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 7.

Final Mastery: The Shadow Hand is now able to Run while Climbing. Their Climb Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 9.

Water Mastery (Su): Through constant practice with the Water Mimicry Stance, the Shadow Hand has gained such an understanding of the ocean that its Bloodline Magic has fused with the essence of Water. Because of this, the Shadow Hand now finds moving within the water as easy as walking, and later finds it easier than walking. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 5 whenever underwater (If the Shadow Hand has 10 Constitution, it may hold its breath for 5 minutes). The Shadow Hand may now see as well underwater as on land.

First Mastery: The Shadow Hand acquires a Swim Speed Equal to their Land Speed.

Second Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Swim Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 3. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 25 whenever underwater.

Third Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Swim Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 5. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 125 whenever underwater.

Fourth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Swim Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 7. The Shadow Hand's breath limit is now multiplied by 625 whenever underwater.

Final Mastery: The Shadow Hand is now granted the ability to breathe Underwater, replicating a permanent Water Breathing Spell. Their Swim Speed is now Equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 9.

Ex-Shadow Hand's

If ever a Shadow Hand's Alignment changes from True Neutral, its Shadow Hand ability activates, and it will continue fighting until Killed. This effect may be cut short by the Shadow Hand's Alignment returning to True Neutral (If this happens, the Shadow Hand is rendered Unconscious, reduced and stabilized at -9 Hit Points). If ever a Shadow Hand gains a level in another class, it loses the Shadow Hand Class Feature, and may not gain any levels in the Shadow Hand class again.

Epic Shadow Hand

Table: The Epic Shadow Hand

Hit Die: d6

Level Special Kata Specialty Mimicry Mastery
21st Tier 6 Fifth
22nd Tier 6 Fifth
23rd Tier 6 Fifth
24th Epic Mastery Tier 7 Sixth
25th Tier 7 Sixth
26th Tier 7 Sixth
27th Epic Mimicry Tier 7 Sixth
28th Epic Kata Tier 8 Seventh
29th Tier 8 Seventh
30th Tier 8 Seventh

2 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Kata (Ex): The Shadow Hand bypasses Kata Mastery, moving into Epic Kata levels of Specialty. Their Kata Specialty increases to Tier 7 at level 24 and Tier 8 at level 28.

Hand-to-Hand (Unarmed Strike):

Tier 7: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Ki Strike. Thier Unarmed Strikes are also now considered Alchemical Silver and Cold-Forged Iron, for the purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction.

Epic Kata (Hand-to-Hand): The Shadow Hand gains the feats: Infinite Deflection and Vorpal Strike.

Sword-and-Sheathe (Bastard Sword):

Tier 7: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Dire Charge. Any Bastard Sword the Shadow Hand picks up is now treated as Vorpal.

Epic Kata (Sword-and-Sheathe): The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Improved Initiative, if they already have this feat, they instead receive the Superior Initiative Feat. Once per Round, when the Shadow Hand would be hit by a Ranged Weapon, it may deflect it with its blade, taking no damage from the attack.

Power-Staff (Quarterstaff)

Tier 7: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: SRD:Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting.

Epic Kata (Power-Staff: The Shadow Hand gains the feats: Two-Weapon Rend and Epic Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)

Reaping-Scythe (Scythe)

Tier 7: The Shadow Hand gains the feat: Epic Weapon Focus (Scythe).

Epic Kata (Reaping-Scythe): The Shadow Hand gains the feats: Epic Weapon Specialization (Scythe) and Two-Weapon Rend.

Epic Mimicry (Ex): At level 27, the Shadow Hand obtains one more point of Mimicry Specialty. This point may be used to Master another Elemental Mimicry Stance, or upgrade its already Mastered Elemental Mimicry to the Tier 8 Epic Mimicry.

Epic Air Mimicry: The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now added to its Dexterity Modifier, twice (Effect Does not Stack). Once per Round, as a full round action, the Shadow Hand may now treat its Melee Attacks as Ranged Touch Attacks, and it is able to attack each opponent within 30 feet, once.

Epic Earth Mimicry: The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now added to its Constitution Modifier, twice (Effect Does not Stack). Once per Round, when the Shadow Hand would have been hit with a Ranged Weapon, it instead may choose to use its weapon to deflect the attack, and uses its own Ranged Attack Bonus to hit the attacker(As with Reflect Arrows).

Epic Fire Mimicry: The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now added to its Strength Modifier, twice (Effect Does not Stack). Rather than trying to overpower its enemy, the Shadow Hand may choose to perfectly mirror its chosen opponent, parrying each blow with its own, even to the point of avoiding damage from Magical Attacks.

Epic Water Mimicry: The Shadow Hand's Intelligence Modifier is now added to its Dexterity Modifier, twice (Effect Does not Stack). The Shadow Hand is now treated as being under the effects of Improved Combat Reflexes, and Improved Whirlwind Attack

Epic Mastery (Su): The Shadow Hand's Mimicry Mastery grows to Sixth Mastery at level 24, and Epic Mastery at level 28.

Air Mastery (Su):

Sixth Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 6, and a Maneuverability of Perfect.

Epic Mastery: The Shadow Hand now has a Flight Speed equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 7, and a Maneuverability of Perfect.

Earth Mastery (Su):

Sixth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Burrow Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 6.

Epic Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Burrow Speed is now able to Burrow through any substance. Their Burrow Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 8.5.

Fire Mastery (Su):

Sixth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Climb Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 11.

Epic Mastery: The Shadow Hand is now able to Climb on any surface other than Air. Their Climb Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 13.

Water Mastery (Su):

Sixth Mastery: The Shadow Hand's Swim Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 11.

Epic Mastery: The Shadow Hand is now able to survive without the need to Breathe. Their Swim Speed is now equal to their Land Speed, multiplied by 13.

Human Shadow Hand Starting Package

Weapons: Bastard Sword, Quarterstaff, or Scythe, Depending on Chosen Kata.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 5 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Concentration 4 Con
Escape Artist 4 Dex 0
Knowledge (Arcana) 4 Int
Knowledge (Nature) 4 Int
Listen 4 Wis
Spot 4 Wis
Swim 4 Str 0

Feat: Run.

Bonus Feats: Endurance.

Gear: Monk's Robes, Backpack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint and Steel, Oil (1-pint flask), Hemp Rope (50 ft.), Trail Rations (x3), Torch (x5).

Gold: 2 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp.

Campaign Information

Playing a Shadow Hand

Religion: A Shadow Hand usually refrains from worship, due to the passion associated with it.

Other Classes: The Shadow Hand does not mind working with any other class, but other classes might see the Shadow Hand as being too relaxed to be worth keeping around.

Combat: The Shadow Hand is very versatile in combat. In the Air Stance it is meant to be rushing around the battle field, striking opponents without being caught. In the Earth Stance it is meant to be drawing the attention of creatures, because it can take more hits than some Fighters. In the Fire Stance it is meant to be focused on One-on-One combat, trading blows with its opponent until one of them falls. In the Water Stance it is meant to be focusing down opponents so as to open opportunities for other party members.

Advancement: The Shadow Hand advances by focusing on a certain Elemental Mimicry. Due to the Shadow Hand being a very disciplined lifestyle, it will almost never multiclass.

Shadow Hand's in the World

A Shadow Hand is not Passionate. Should you meet an angered one, you should probably run.
—Aronid Sidro, Human Shadow Hand

In a monastery shut away from the world, in a city living day to day, or adventuring to create balance within the world, the Shadow Hand is a force of neither good nor evil.

Daily Life: The Shadow Hand is almost always practicing, and meditating. Without constant discipline, the Shadow Hand fears it might lose control.

Notables: The leader of Monks in a Monastery of Solitude, or a simple traveler.

Organizations: A group of Shadow Hand's is often exceedingly peaceful and calm. If someone stirs this group, it will turn into the epitome of Chaos and Bloodshed.

NPC Reactions: An NPC that knows what a Shadow Hand is might enjoy the company of one, find them annoying for never showing true emotion, or be afraid of them because of what happens when they do show emotion. An NPC that does know know what a Shadow Hand is will probably see them as Monks.

Shadow Hand Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (History) can research Shadow Hand's to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (History)
DC Result
5 They're basically Monks of a different Name.
10 They are known to be very disciplined, and only ever carry one weapon.
15 They practice something called "Elemental Mimicry", shaping their bodies to copy the Elements.
20 They carry one weapon around because that is the weapon they have chosen for their Martial Kata.
25 They never show emotion, because when they do, they lose all self control.

Shadow Hand's in the Game

The Shadow Hand is often found as being a fountain of lore, and the middle-ground of a party, being the mediator between their groups.

Adaptation: It is possible that a Shadow Hand learns to rely on its special ability, forcing itself into a blind fury whenever possible.

Sample Encounter: A Shadow Hand may be found basically anywhere in the world, almost never harboring anger, even to a party that has come to kill them. Or on the flipside, the Shadow Hand may be found anywhere, in a blood fury.

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