Witcher, Variant (3.5e Prestige Class)

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People... like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves.

When they get blind-drunk, cheat, steal,beat their wives, starve an old woman,
when they kill a trapped fox with an axe or riddle the last existing unicorn with arrows,
they like to think that the bane entering cottages at daybreak is more monstrous than they are.
They feel better then. They find it easier to live.

—Geralt of Rivia, Human Witcher

The Witchers, a group of professional monster hunters. Witchers are humans who have unlocked the full range of their body's limitations. Witchers use many unique abilities and tactics which makes them the bane of those they hunt. Witchers are masters of adaptation and are carry what they need for any situation. Witchers are known for carrying two or more swords for specific monsters and poisons that only they may consume for the benefits. Witchers carry a steel sword for humanoid combatants and a 2nd or 3rd blade for varying targets such as silver for Lycanthropes or Adamantium for constructs. Witchers also have limited verity of magic to fill in the gaps of skills both in and out of combat.

Becoming a Witcher

To become a Witcher one must pass through the Witcher Trials to be capable of reaping the benefits. The four Witcher Trials are; The Choice, The Trial of Grasses, The Trial of Mountains, and the Trial of Dreams, respectively.

The Choice "The Choice" is the first trial. It is a heavy diet and training regiment that forces the body to push itself to extreme levels (like a heavy military regiment). This trial is a preparation to enhance the chances of success for the trials to come.

The Trial of Grasses The Trial of Grasses is conducted after initiates have been through the choice for a few months. This is due to the fact most initiates do not survive it. Rumors state only three in ten survive the trial, those who didn't survive died in agony, but those who did gained lightning quick reflexes, their signature cat-like eyes, and other bodily enhancements in return. The formula for "The Trial of Grasses" is a closely guarded secret of the Witchers. However, it is believed by reputable alchemists that the ingredients to become a Witcher may consist of; Forktail Spinal Fluid, Manticore Poison Gland, Albino Bruxa Tongue, Bryonia, Ribleaf, and Mandrake Root. (Secretly) These ingredients create the three decoctions needed for the trial: Mother's Tears, Wildrye Juice and Speargrass Sap.

The Trial of Mountains The Second trial is an exam to test the mental capacity retained from those who survive The Trial Grasses. Even though the chances to survive are quite low, merely surviving the first trial does not signify that the trial was successful. A portion of initiates that survive the trial become mentally ill, mad, or do not retain any (or pieces) of memories.

The Trial of Dreams The last trial is the Trial of Dreams. Very little is known about this trial outside the Witchers. This trial is much less dangerous to the initiates and is done after the Trial of Grasses and mountains. Most scientists have very little interest for this trial as the information is not valuable without the prerequisite trial first. However, this has not stopped them from trying. The Trial of Dreams involves the mutation of the eyes, bone marrow and hormones, and allowed for better night vision. It also results in infertility.

In most cases, those attempting to become a Witcher find a school of Witchers where the existing Witchers may administer the Witcher Trials.

These trials are required to become a Witcher. Initiates that pass the Witcher Trials gain the Witcher Subtype. See Witcher Subtype in Class Features below.

Witchers in D&D

Those who go into the path of a Witcher, are looking to maximize their fighting capability. In exchange, they must go through the Witcher Trials (as stated above) which is generally deadly. This grants them enhanced immune systems, fighting capabilities, the ability to consume Witcher Potions, and cast signs. Witchers are blade masters who are always looking to improve their fighting forms.

There are 3 aspects to keep in mind when creating a balanced Witcher. They are; fighting capability, tracker or hunter, and knowledge of various monster.

Rangers grant all the necessary skills that Witchers need when becoming monster hunters, making them the preferred Base Class for a Witcher. Fighters (or heavy warrior type Base Classes), who are looking to add new tactics to their fighting capabilities, make powerful Witchers. However, this tends to leave them (at times) inadequate when hunting down their pray due to low skill points as hunters or knowledge. Bards and Wizards make relatively weak Witchers. However, with their their experienced knowledge, they are great assets to other Witchers and make great teachers when retired.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Race: Human.
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 4 Ranks.
Feats: Track, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (B-Sword), and Weapon Focus (B-sword).
Special: Must have passed the Witcher Trials. Specifically, Trial of Grasses and Dreams as they bestow the base Witcher abilities.
Table: The Witcher

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Sword Forms, Signs
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Anatomy Specialist
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Weapon Specialization (B-sword)
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Sign Mastery
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Blade Specialist
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Greater Weapon Focus (B-sword)
7th +7 +5 +5 +2
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 Sign Mastery
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 Greater Weapon Specialization (B-sword)
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 Blade Mastery

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level)
Bluff(Cha), Climb(Str), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Gather Information(Cha), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledges (Arcana, Geography, Local, and Nature)(Int), Listen(Wis), Ride(Dex), Search(Int), Sense Motive(Wis), Spot(Wis), Survival(Wis), Swim(Str), Tumble(Dex), Use Magical Divice(Cha), and Use Rope(Dex).

Witcher Subtype

Successful initiates who pass the Witchers trials gain the Witcher subtype. One does not have to advance any levels into the Witcher to gain this effect. Those with the Witcher Subtype possess the following traits:

Effects from the Trial of Grasses

  • Low-Light Vision 30ft.
  • Disease Immunity.
  • Meditates for Rest
  • +2 Fortitude (+8 against Poison) and +2 Reflex.
  • Capable of Drinking Witcher Potions.

Effects from the Trial of Dreams

  • Low-Light Vision 60ft.
  • +2 Spot checks.
  • Infertility.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Witcher

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

A Witcher is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor and medium armor.

Special Abilities of The Witcher

Sword Forms: All Witchers are trained into 3 sword forms that assist them in fighting in difficult scenarios that may occur. To start a form, a Witcher must designate his target and state which form he uses before rolling. As long as a Witcher successfully attacks, the form progresses and becomes more deadly. This increases the bonus that the form allots to the Witcher. If a Witcher's form progress 3 rounds it hits it's max potency. Subsequent rounds after 3, are granted the same benefits as the 3rd round's bonus. If a Witcher is unsuccessful in attacking his intended target during his turn, the form ends. However, a Witcher can choose to end a form at anytime as a free action but provokes an attack of opportunity by doing so (unless the Witcher has already completed his/her 3rd round in the form). If a Witcher changes sword forms, he/she must start back at round 1 of the new form. To use a Witcher's sword forms a Witcher must be using a masterwork (or magical, as magical weapons must also be masterwork) bastard sword and must have nothing in his/her off hand. This grants the Witcher the versatility of using a sword in 1 or 2 hands when needed and perfection of a well balanced blade. A Witcher can not elect to use multiple forms at the same time.

Lastly, a Witcher's effectiveness in their sword forms increases with experience. At 5th and 10th level, a Witcher gains Blade Specialist and Blade Mastery, respectively. These increase the bonus granted from the form's effect (as shown in the tables below).

The Cat: Also called the "Fast Style" this form increases a Witcher's ability to land blows on his/her target. The bonuses granted to the Witcher by this form effects the user's attack bonus. This sword form is preferred when used against fast or heavily armored foes to essentially out maneuver them. A Witcher cannot use the Power Attack feat while using this form, due to the quick and precise strikes needed to hit more difficult foes.

The Wolf: Also called the "Strong Style" this form increases a Witcher's ability to truly damage his/her target. The bonuses granted to the Witcher by this form effects the damage produced by the Witchers weapon.

The Griffon: Also called the "Group Style" this form allows a percentage of the Witcher's damage to also be applied to nearby foes (10 feet). A Witcher makes an attack against a single target. If the attack is successful, the Dungeon Master compares the attack to the Armor Class of those in range of the form. If the attack would succeed against those enemies (individually), they take a percentage of the damage the initial target had taken.

The Griffon's Limitations

A Witcher cannot use the feat Power Attack while using this form, due to broad, reaching, and peculiar strokes this form uses. Also while using this form, a Witcher's attacks threaten his/her allies that are in the forms range. Finally, Witchers cannot gain attacks of opportunity against his enemies unless he/she chooses to end the form (Free Action). Ending the Griffon Form in this manner (before the completion of the 3rd round) provokes an attack of opportunity from all enemies near the Witcher excluding the enemy that initially provoked the attack of opportunity and the Witcher cannot change into a new form until his/her next turn. Finally, the reach of 10 feet is not considered a "Threat Range", thus enemies do not provoke attacks of opportunity due to increased range.

Styles Standard
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Fiery Dancer (Cat) +1 +2 +3
Temerian Devil (Wolf) +1 +2 +4
Viroledan Style (Griffon) 10% 15% 25%
Styles Specialist
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Fiery Dancer (Cat) +1 +3 +5
Temerian Devil (Wolf) +2 +5 +8
Viroledan Style (Griffon) 15% 25% 35%
Styles Mastery
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Fiery Dancer (Cat) +2 +4 +6
Temerian Devil (Wolf) +3 +7 +11
Viroledan Style (Griffon) 25% 40% 50%

Signs:A Witcher can channel powers manifested and granted to them from Stones of Power. These stones are created and magically imbued in Witcher Schools to teach the next generation of Witchers. Meditating and opening the mind in the presence of a Stone of Power invites and entices the aura of power the stone emits. When this is done, the power of the stone imprints its power upon the Witcher giving him/her access to use this power. Once this process is done the Witcher then must learn how to use it. Signs are used by a combination of hand gestures (somatic components) and the stone's imprint. The imprint on the Witcher grows with use, making signs become more potent or grant additional effects. A Witcher may use a Sign a number of times equal to his/her Constitution Modifier+1/2 Witcher Level(rounded down). These Signs may be intensified, replenished, and/or granted more uses by drinking the appropriate Witcher Potions. Sign DC's are Wisdom Modifier+1/2 Witcher level+10. However, the type of spell varies based on the Sign used. Because of the focus needed for Signs, all Signs (except Igni) provoke attacks of opportunity when used.

If a Stones of Power is damaged or destroyed, it takes a great deal of work to repair and re-imbue them. If the stones are not available to the new Witcher, they do not gain the ability of that sign until it is either repaired or they visit a school in which there is a functioning Stone of Power of the needed Sign.

Aard: Aard is a telekinetic wave that can knock back/down, disarm, or merely push the Witcher's opponents/objects away. Aard may also snuff out candles, torches, and exposed lanterns up to 30 feet away (this effect does not take one of the Signs daily uses). When using Aard, a Witcher must designate the intended result. This wave is a cone (except Focused Wave) which effects creatures and objects within 15 feet of the Witcher. Save DCs to resist Aard effects is Reflex (partial). Successful saves negate the Sign's effects and any damage Aard produces is halved. Below is the designations and effects of what Aard is capable of producing:

  • Knock Back:

Essentially a Bull Rush action, a wave of telekinetic energy is focused on the core of the target(s). This effect deals 2d6 force damage and pushes targets away from the user. Those that missed their reflex save, roll for grapple vs a grapple of 24+Witcher level. If the effect is successful, the target(s) are then pushed 5 feet + 5 feet for each 5 points the the defender(s) lost by.

  • Knock Down:

Essentially a Trip action, a wave of telekinetic energy is focused on the upper body of the target(s) and pushes target(s) over. Those that missed their reflex save are knocked prone. Quadrupedal creatures still retain their bonuses to resist this trip attempt.

  • Disarm:

Essentially a Disarm action, a small (but intense) wave of telekinetic energy is focused on held items of the target(s). This effect attempts to push these items both out of the hands their wielders and 15 feet directly away from the Witcher. Those that missed their reflex save are disarmed. Those that cannot be disarmed (such as those with locked gauntlets), simply resist this disarm attempt.

  • Clear Debris or Destroy Construct/Object:

A strong unfocused wave of telekinetic energy is used on an object to either push it out of the way (such as debris) or destroy it. This effect deals a large amount of damage to these objects by bypassing their hardness and dealing 3d6+(Intelligence Modifier) force damage. For this effect to be successful the user must be within 10 feet of the target. This effect cannot be used on light or unsecured objects (such objects are pushed away with great force). This effect also does not sunder weapons held by enemies. Because of its pure force, this effect is commonly used to push down walls or clear debris from passage ways.

  • Focused Wave:

A strong focused wave of telekinetic energy is focused on the core of a single target. This effect is similar to Knock Back, dealing 2d6 force damage and pushes the target away from the user. However, unlike Knock Back, this effect is a focused line. Also when successful, users may choose to use a continual wave to force their target at bay. Bipedal creatures with a strength of 28 or quadrupedal creatures with a strength of 22 who failed both their Reflex save and their grapple check, may walk through this wave with a reduced speed of 1/4th. Similar to Knock Back, those that missed their reflex save, roll for grapple vs a grapple of 24+Witcher level. If the effect is successful, the target are then pushed 5 feet + 5 feet for each 5 points the the defender lost by. Also if the target does not possess the strength required to walk through the beam they are push to a max of 30 feet from the user and cannot move towards him/her until they stop or break concentration. If defender makes their reflex or grapple roll the defender avoids the wave all together. This effect takes 2 uses of a Witcher's daily Signs instead if they create the continual wave of force.

Igni: Igni is a pyrotechnic Sign that can burn opponents, set torches, candles, lanterns, or creatures on fire, or create a small wall of fire for a limited time. Small tricks like setting torches, candles, exposed lanterns, or campfires to flame may be done from up to 30 feet away (does not take one of the Signs daily uses). When using Igni, a Witcher must designate the intended result. If the flame makes contact with a flammable gas (such as those made from Witcher's Alchemy) increasing the range to that of the gas, grants x2 damage and may additionally harm the user (if within the gas). If a target of any Igni Sign is reduced to -10hp from the initial damage, the body incinerates from the intense flame. Save DCs to resist Igni effects is Reflex (partial). Successful saves negate the Sign's effects and any damage Igni produces is halved. Any creature may take a full round action to extinguish the flame if they are caught on fire. However doing so, provokes an attack of opportunity. Below is the designations and effects of what Igni is capable of producing:

  • Burst of Flame

A burst of flame is emitted from the user focused in a 30 foot cone. This effect deals 1d6 fire damage per Witcher Level and sets the target(s) on fire dealing an additional 1d6 fire damage each round until extinguished (Full Round Action or until exposed to water). Those that succeed on their reflex save, negate being set on fire and takes only half the damage from the flame.

  • Flaming Missile

A single ray of flame is launched from the user toward a single target. This effect deals 1d6 fire damage per Witcher Level and sets the target on fire dealing an additional 1d6 fire damage each round until extinguished (Full Round Action or until exposed to water). If the target succeeds on his/her reflex save, the target negates being set on fire and takes only half the damage from the flame. For this effect to be successful, the target must be within 60 feet and be in a direct line of sight of the user.

  • Fire Wall

A burst of flame is emitted from the user focused on the ground. The ground touched by fire creates a diagonal wall (15ft), parallel with the Witcher. This effect deals 2d6 (+1d6 per 2 Witcher levels [rounded down]) fire damage for each round they stay in the flame and sets enemies on fire inside the flame dealing an additional 1d6 fire damage each round. Regardless if they remain in the flames, (until extinguished) those that pass through the wall pass through the wall take damage each round. This "Wall of Flame" must be placed 10 or 15 feet away and in a parallel line from the user. If this wall is placed in the area enemies are standing, they make a reflex save to negate being set on fire. If they succeed on their reflex save, they also only take half the initial damage. If anyone (including the user) ends their turn in the wall, they take 2d6 (+1d6 per 2 Witcher levels [rounded down]) fire damage for each round they stay in the flame and must succeed on an additional reflex check to not be set on fire. This flame is not magically continuous and will die out in 1d4 rounds if there is nothing to set on fire. Also this flame may spread (very slowly) if it can reach other combustible objects/items.

Yrden: Yrden is a sign used to create traps. A circular ward is created around the Witcher that only he/she may see (Spellcraft check of 18 or Knowledge (local) check of 25 will tell enemies that the Witcher placed a magical trap near him and a see magic or true sight spell shows the wards around the area). Types of traps that Yrden can produce are Spike Trap, Bear Trap, Magic Trap and Incorporeal Trap. Creatures passing through the warded area are affected by the specific traps effects. Witchers are immune to their own Yrden spells but not those of other Witchers.

  • Spike Trap

The Witcher places a invisibly warded trap (5ft radius) around where he is standing. Any creature that steps into the trap activates magical spike that protrude from the ground striking their foe then instantaneously retract. Once a creature actives the this trap it disperses. Those that succeed on their reflex save take half the damage from the effect while those that miss their Reflex save take 5d6+ 1d6(per 2 Witcher levels [rounded down]). Creatures that fail the reflex save take 1 bleeding damage each round for 2d4 rounds. The spike trap lasts a number of minutes equal to the Witcher's Wisdom Modifier + Witcher level.

  • Bear Trap

The Witcher places a invisibly warded trap directly beneath him/her. Any creature that later occupies that square must succeed on a Will save or becomes sealed to it for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature actives the this trap it disperses. The bear trap lasts a number of minutes equal to the Witcher's Wisdom Modifier + Witcher level.

  • Magic Trap

The Witcher places a invisibly warded trap (15ft radius) around where he is standing. Any spell caster that is within the warded area must succeed on a Will save each round or gains a spell failure of 90% until they leave the warded area. The magic trap lasts a number of rounds equal to the Witcher's Wisdom Modifier + Witcher level.

  • Incorporeal Trap

The Witcher places a invisibly warded trap (15ft radius) around where he is standing. Any incorporeal creature that steps within the trap temporarily fades between the Martial and Ethereal realms while it remains within the warded area. Incorporeal creatures take 50% damage from normal weapons (bypassing the need for ghost touch weapons). The creature does not know of this weakness until they are injured. When this happens they may attempt to flee or at least withdraw. The incorporeal trap lasts a number of rounds equal to the Witcher's Wisdom Modifier + Witcher level.

Quen: Quen is a magical sign used by Witchers that forms a protective field around the caster. Quen's basic ability is to cover the Witcher in a basic shield that absorbs a limited amount of damage. Quen can block physical or magical attack, but not both at the same time. A Witcher when casting Quen must specify which attack they are protecting from. Quen grants a resistance of 5 at level 1, 10 at level 5, and finally 15 at level 10. There are 3 ways that Quen may be dispelled. Quen fades once it has averted 10 physical or magical damage per Witcher level or Quen may also be dispelled when the Witcher takes the alternative form of damage from their chosen type (Example: After choosing to avert physical damage, Quen will be dispelled after taking damage from a spell). Quen fades naturally after 1d4+Wisdom Modifier rounds.

Axii: Axii is a sign comprised of a hypnotic effect that can calm down people and creatures, manipulate their minds, or be used to hex enemies. Axii only affects one target per casting within 60ft and the effect wears off over time or can be prematurely broken if they take damage from the caster.

  • Calming or Manipulation through conversation

Axii when cast during a conversation may force a subject to be intimidated or submit information. The subject is completely aware that they are being forced into this action but remain intimidated. Lastly, the sign can be used to bring calm to target who might otherwise be frightened or outraged. If calmed the target is not aware of the Witchers action. For this sign to be effective, the Witcher must be able to look into the eyes of the target (However, eye contact is not needed), must be capable of making the hand sign (like all other signs), and must be capable of communicating with the target (unless they are calming the target). The target must make a will save of 12+Wisdom Modifier+1/2 Witcher level, or be affected.

  • Hex

Axii may be cast on the mind of a target to disorient them during combat. The target becomes dazed (losing their next turn) and flatfooted (against their next attacker or when the daze fades). A Will negates this effect.

Monster Specialist: At 2nd level, A Witcher may make a special Monster knowledge check with a bonus equal to his/her Witcher level + his/her Intelligence modifier to see whether he/she knows some relevant information about creatures and monsters, how they may fight, and whether their corpses may yield useful resources for Witcher Potions. This skill may also give hints to Witchers (when trying to slay a monster) if a fast style is recommended due to quick reflex or hardened scales of the creature. (If the Witcher has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Nature), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)

A successful anatomy knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic capabilities but may give a hint as to some of its supernatural ones. A Witcher may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is a check to recall previous knowledge gained due to profession of being a Witcher. The table below is the DCs of the type of animal the Witcher may know of:

(If a creature type is not on this list there is no valuable bodily resources from the creature that a Witcher can use.)

Monster Knowledge Check
DC Result
5 Animal's anatomy and useful bodily resources.
10 Plant's and Vermin's anatomy and useful bodily resources.

Grants knowledge on Animals and Humanoids (General; Stats, fighting tactics, defensive capabilities, ect...)

15 Fey's, Magical Beast's, Monstrous Humanoid's anatomy and useful bodily resources.

Grants knowledge on Giants, Oozes, Plants, and Vermin (General; Stats, fighting tactics, defensive capabilities, ect...)

20 Dragon's and Outsider's anatomy and useful bodily resources.

Grants knowledge on Feys, Magical Beasts, Monstrous Humanoids (General; Stats, fighting tactics, defensive capabilities, ect...)

25 Aberration's and Undead's anatomy and useful bodily resources.

Grants knowledge on Dragon's and Outsider's (General; Stats, fighting tactics, defensive capabilities, ect...)

30 Grants knowledge on Aberration's and Undead's (General; Stats, fighting tactics, defensive capabilities, ect...)

If a Witcher fails the dc, he/she may choose to go and research about the creature to gain this knowledge. If a Witcher succeeds the dc, he/she permanently has this knowledge for the specific creature in question (this does not grant knowledge of all creatures of the specific type) and does not need to attempt the save again later. (It is recommended that a Witcher keep notes on which creatures they have knowledge on and the ones they do not.)

Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword): At 3rd level, a Witcher is treated as having Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword) feat, even if he/she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

The benefits of this effect apply only when the Witcher wears medium, light, or no armor. He/she loses all benefits of this when wearing heavy armor.

Sign Mastery: At 4th and 8th level, a Witcher gains intricate knowledge and mastery over a specific sign of their choosing. Activating the additional effects of this sign uses 2 of the charges that Witcher may use per day.

  • Aard Mastery

Gaining this mastery grants the Witcher the ability to create a impenetrable wall of force barring entrance through a door or passageway. Entry is still possible as long as the person does not need to move through the wall (This also bars entry from creatures in the Ethereal and Shadow Planes but not those in the Astral Plane granting access by teleportation, Dimensional Door, and other forms of travel through the Astral Plane). The wall may be dispelled by succeeding on a dc of 15+Wisdom Modifier+Witcher Level.

  • Igni Mastery

After gaining this mastery (when casting a burst or wall of flame) a Witcher may now choose to combine two effects Igni grants. A burst of flame effecting a 30ft radius centered on the Witcher dealing 5d6+1d6 per Witcher level. Those within range must make a reflex save (Partial) or take full damage and be set on fire taking 1d6 damage each round. After the initial burst, a wall of flame is created at the edge of the 30ft radius around the Witcher.

  • Yrden Mastery(Under Construction)

Gaining this mastery grants the Witcher the ability to create a trap that slows opponents that pass through and destroy non-magical projectiles that pass over it. Like before, the Witcher places a invisible trap (15ft radius) around where he is standing. Those that pass through the warded area who do not succeed on their Will save are slowed (as of the slow spell). Also as stated any arrows, javelins or other ranged projectiles that are sent over the warded area disintegrate upon entering the ward. As of the incorporeal trap, this effect does not fade after an opponent enters it, instead it last a number of rounds equal to the Witcher's Wisdom Modifier + Witcher level.

  • Quen Mastery(Under Construction)

Gaining this mastery grants the Witcher two bonuses to the Quen sign. First, Quen no longer fades after taking damage from an alternative source (Physical or Magical). However, the type of damage it will avert must still be called before casting Quen. Secondly, The Witcher gains the ability to have his shield explode once it has been depleted in one of two ways (Witcher must choose at that point to use this ability expending an additional charge of his/her Witcher signs per day). When a shield has been depleted of damage it can take, it may explode dealing half the damage it has averted (Reflex save for partial) or it may explode and daze the target for 1 round that expended it (Will Save negates). The target must be within 10ft of the Witcher or it has neither effect.

  • Axii Mastery

Gaining this mastery grants the Witcher the ability to use Axii to force an opponent into submission and come to the aid of the Witcher. The target will fight to the death against any target that threatens the Witcher (including close friends). The affected target does not take commands from the Witcher but believes him his ally and fights beside him until the sign fades. The effect can still be prematurely broken if they take damage from the caster. To resist this effect of Axii the target must make a Will save to negate the effect. This effect of Axii takes a full round action and may be interrupted by mages or taking damage.

Blade Specialist: At 5th level, a Witcher's skills in the sword forms have greatly increased granting the bonuses displayed in the Specialist table above. Additionally, a Witcher takes a step away from his/her enemies to change fighting tactics and switch forms. A Witcher attempting to change sword forms in this manner may choose to take a Move Action instead of a Free Action to change his/her sword form. If this is done, the Witcher does not provoke an attack of opportunity (if done before the completion of the 3rd round of the current sword form). A Witcher may still change sword forms as a Free Action without provoking an attack of opportunity after completing 3 rounds of any form.

Greater Weapon Focus: At 3rd level, a Witcher is treated as having Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) feat, even if he/she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

The benefits of this effect apply only when the Witcher wears medium, light, or no armor. He/she loses all benefits of this when wearing heavy armor.

Greater Weapon Specialization: At 3rd level, a Witcher is treated as having Greater Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword) feat, even if he/she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

The benefits of this effect apply only when the Witcher wears medium, light, or no armor. He/she loses all benefits of this when wearing heavy armor.

Blade Mastery: At 10th level, a Witcher becomes a master with a blade granting the bonuses displayed in the Mastery table above. Additionally, a Witcher has no hesitation and leaves no opening when changing his/her switch forms. A Witcher attempting to change sword forms no longer provokes attacks of opportunity from changing a sword form (Free Action).

Campaign Information

Playing a Witcher

Combat: Witchers like to gather all the information they can on their target(s) and prepare for the fight before engaging them. In this preparation they try to lay traps, create potions/poisons/bombs, and prepare their weapons for the fight to come. When in fights, Witchers prefer to fight in close quarters to be able to gain the advantage with their expert weapon skills. However, a Witcher knows when he is outmatched by his target he/she will try to turn the tides by falling back using signs and bombs to disorients his targets. Generally with all the extra time needed for preparation, Witchers generally do not like traveling/working with others and their lack of tact. However, when all else fails, Witcher will fall back on aid from others to take down more powerful foes.

Advancement: Witchers are capable of moving into most different forms of advancements. First and foremost, Witchers are warriors and advancing into any other class would augment their fighting capabilities. Continuing or multi-classing into classes such as Fighter, Ranger, Samurai, or Swashbuckler would improve the Witcher's swords skills. However, moving into a spell casting class may weaken the Witcher's fighting capabilities but give access to spells the Witcher would not have and/or make a type of "spell sword". As Witchers are humans multi-classing is both available and may be a welcome addition any warrior type class. Classes to avoid would include all prestige classes that require you have already spent levels into an existing spellcasting class. Signs are not spells so they are not improved by such classes.

Resources: Witchers have very little to do with each, other then when they are training new initiates. These schools may be heavens for safe rest/retirement for Witchers. When friendly Witchers meet on adventures, they may exchange stories, possible jobs or warnings about locals in the area they are in or just came from. The largest benefit of meeting up with another Witcher is; they may take time to exchange working formulas if they both benefit for spending the time. Even in friendly encounters, Witchers may have to pay for the formulas the other Witcher may have discovered, as in the end Witchers are still for mercenaries.

Witchers in the World

Witchers are wanderers. They travel the world and talk to locals looking for their next job. Witchers prefer to the work alone except when they need others help to complete their missions or when their allies can handle their own without holding them back.

Organizations: Witchers may be seen gathering in Witcher schools of. Witchers schools tend to be in abandoned forts or strongholds that are no longer used, where they will train and create more Witchers. It is required for older Witchers teach new initiates and help them through The Trial of Grasses, The Trial of Mountains and The Trial of Dreams. However, out in the world they are rarely seen together unless they are working together to finish a mission.

NPC Reactions: Witchers are feared as freaks and are almost always unwelcome in towns unless they are heavily needed. Merchants or traders are the most likely to be familiar with Witchers, due to the fact that they purchase very specific items no ordinary person would procure. Those who are unfamiliar with Witchers may believe they are demonic because of their appearance. Witchers that pass The Trial of Grasses may change in their appearance. These changes in appearance are generally not noticable, with te exception of their eyes. Witcher's eye are golden and resemble that of a feral cat. The eyes of a Witcher are very unnerving.

Witcher Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Local or History) can research Witchers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Local or History)
DC Result
10 Witchers are hired monster hunters.
15 Witchers are Professional Monster Hunters that use unnatural means to kill their targets.
20 Witchers are human mutants who use their supernatural abilities to hunt and kill their pray. Witchers are easily distinguished by their golden cat-like eyes. Witchers are either considered either exotic or monstrous and are feared/hated by normal society. Witchers are mercenaries and expect their contracts to be honored. Some rumors state that if they are not payed they take young boys back to their Witcher Schools to become the next generation of Witchers.
30 Witchers are a capable of consuming poisons they create for themselves. These poisons give Witchers additional supernatural abilities that are tactically used based on their specific situations.
40 Witchers bodies become mutated after the special trials made to mutate and evolve the body. Witchers are trained and created in Witcher schools. These schools are similar to guilds which they may use as safe heavens from those who despise them. In these areas they may also find new formulas for Witcher Potions. Also with this higher knowledge one might be able to memorize the more famous Witchers in their world.

Witchers in the Game

Foraging: Witchers spend a lot of their spare time on the road, foraging for ingredients necessary to create Potions, Bombs, and Oils. Most of the ingredients needed to make them can only be found within the belly of the beast (inside the Witcher's victims). Many Witchers use the remains of their enemies to create complex and more advanced Potions, Oils or Bombs due to creatures corpses or spend their time gathering herbs and mushrooms.

Other Classes: Other classes recognize and appreciate the benefits of traveling with Witchers but have a hard time watching them dissecting creatures or even worse drinking concoctions comprising of their innards. If these adventurers can see past the abnormalities of a Witcher they may be capable of becoming great friends. Witchers have a healthy skepticism of spell casters and tend to keep their distance from them. Good aligned Clerics and Paladins see Witchers of abominations and tend to be very cold toward them. Witchers also rarely make good friends with religious allies in turn.

Religion: Witchers do not worship deities, many see religion as a waste of time or a face for the ambitious. However, some may pray to Deities for their favor from their respected elements (Obad-Hai Nature, Fharlanghn Travel, Etc...).

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