God's Child (3.5e Template)

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God's Child

Creating a God`s Child (Deities of Forgotten Realms Reference Book)

When a god has a child.

Often gods assume a form capable of procreating with the various races of Faerun. God who has bred with the chosen race may or may not know of his existence. However, all those who have the ability to feel the divine spark know instinctively that there is something different about you.

  • Inherited teamplate. (only at character creation)

Size and Type

Any Size or Type depending of your race and chosen god.

Hit Dice

+2 HD (maximum of +12)

An god`s child always has maximum hit points plus an additional 2 hit points for each HD.


God`s Child base land speed is 40 feet. Swim speed is 20.

Armor Class

Add one ability (choose between the following groups 1 - Cha, Wis, Int or 2 - Str, Dex, Con) bonus (if any) to her AC (Must be God Compatible). +2 AC (this bonus stacks with any other).


The creature retains all natural weapons and weapon abilities as the base creature.

Special Attacks

Spark Strike (Su): Once per day you can shoot your divine sparkle at target dealing 5d8+12 damage.

  • You fell unconscious immediately after for 2d8 hours.
  • Addtional Effect: This shoot cannot be evade or deflected.
  • Distance: 32 feet.
  • Type of Damage: Compatible with the selected deitie.
  • Ammunition: Vital Energy.

Sparkles Missiles (Su): Once per day you can shoot your divine sparkle at multiples targets (maximum of six shoots) one time or til three times at one target dealing 5d8+3 damage per shoot.

  • You fell unconscious immediately after for 1d8 days.
  • Addtional Effect: This shoot cannot be evade or deflected.
  • Distance: 32 feet.
  • Type of Damage: Compatible with the selected deitie.
  • Ammunition: Vital Energy.

Special Qualities

Gifted Son: 1 extra feat at first, two, and every three levels after, plus one at 20th.

Prodigy Son (Ex): +2 to all saves.

Deitie Protection (Ex): Immunities to Diseases, Poisons, Petrification, Stun, Sleep, Paralysis, Massive Damage, Drain and Death Effects, and your opposite alignment.

Breather (Ex): Can breath under water and under earth.

Maturity Ageless (Ex): At 10th level the player don't die from old age.

Damage Vulnerability (Sp): Pick three types of damages, you will get +5 damage from each type you chose. (Must be god compatible)

Energy Vulnerability (Sp): Pick one type of energy, you will get +5 damage from the type you chose. (Must be god compatible)

Immortal Soul (Ex): When you die, you keep all classes / races / templates. You become an invisible wandering spirit and can recover your body naturally in a year. Unnaturally you can spend XP. Every 50xp multiplied by your level, you reduce by one month the time to come back to life. Once every three days you can pray to your god and ask for the gift of returning to the world of the living. You play 1d20. The dungeon master will always consider success numbers 19 and 20. You come to life at that moment as a divine creation, looking exactly like you was when you died. At the discretion of the dungeon master, according to the character's deeds and his devotion to his god, the number 18 can be considered success. Spell Resistance: 12.


Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4 (if your deitie is a mental focus)

Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2. (if your deitie is a body focus)

Str +3, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +3. (in any other case)

  • This abilities stacks with any other


Any environment that the god could visit.


Usually they are left alone in some corner of the world.

Challenge Rating

+3,+4 or +5.


The same allowed for the choosen god.


Either by HD or character class.

Additionally, you chose the higher value between BAB, Fort, Ref and Will and use the same value for the others. Do this check every time your higher modifier Changes.

  • Example: You have +3 BAB, +3 Fort, +3 Ref and +6 will. So your BAB, Fort and Ref will have the same value as +6, same as your Will.
  • This Effects stacks with any other

Level Adjustment

+2 with all the drawbacks. +3 if you remove drawbacks and Sparkle Strike. +4 if you also remove the Sparkle Missiles Drawback.

  • You can pay 600xp to increase for +3.
  • You can pay additional 1.200xp for +4.

(1800xp for +2 to +4)

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