Lycan Skin (3.5e Feat)

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Lycan Skin Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage Your lycan blood grants you their unnatural toughness. -

Lycan Skin [General]

Your lycan heritage guards you against all weapons except those crafted with silver.
Prerequisite: Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage.
Benefit: You gain damage reduction (overcome by silver) equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Lycan Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one). For example, if you have Lycan Skin and Lycan Presence, you would have damage reduction 3/silver. This value stacks with any similar damage reduction you might have from your type, subtype, race, or class, but not from other sources, such as spells or magic items.
Special: This feat counts as a Shifter feat for the Eberron campaign setting.

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