Naginatajutsu (3.5e Feat)

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Naginatajutsu Proficiency with the Naginata, Base Attack Bonus +1 You are trained in Naginatajutsu, the art of Naginata fighting. -

Naginatajutsu [General]

You are trained in the art of fighting with the naginata. You are specialized in fighting cavalry.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the Naginata, Base Attack Bonus +1
Benefit: You can attack adjacent, mounted enemies with a Naginata as though it were 10 ft. While using a Naginata, you gain a +2 familiarity bonus on all attack rolls. When attacking characters weilding weapons without reach with a Naginata, you gain a +2 Situation bonus on the attack roll.
Normal: Characters without this feat cannot attack adjacent, mounted enemies.
Special: Female Characters gain an aditional +1 familiarity bonus to all attack rolls made while equiped with a Naginata.

See Also


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