Mystical Dances (3.5e Feat)

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Mystical Dances [Dance, Reserve]

A normal Dancer has only physical Dances, with no magical components to them. When they take Mystical Dances, they gain access to three magical dances.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 12 ranks, Dance class ability, arcane caster level 4th, ability to spontaneously cast 2nd level spells., Dancing Bard, Dancer of Music
Benefit: A Dancer with the Mystical Dances feat may add the three Dances listed here to her repertoire. The Dancer must have at least one unused 2nd level spell slot to perform these Dances. She may only use these Mystical Dances a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (entering Fire Lily Dance expends two uses). Once the Dancer has used half of her daily uses of Mystical Dances, one unused 2nd level spell slot becomes unusable for casting spells; however, that spell slot can still count as the slot that allows the Dancer to perform Mystical Dances.

These are the Mystical Dances:

Lavender Dance (Ex): The Lavender Dance is characterized by a visible blurring of the Dancers movements. The Dancer makes somewhat fast, circular motions, continuing every motion out into a fluid recovery. An overly exaggerated amount of motion blurring occurs, making it difficult to discern the Dancers actual position. Anyone who attacks a Dancer performing the Lavender Dance has a 20% chance to miss completely. True seeing negates the miss chance. To maintain the dance, she must either move more than 10ft, make a full attack, or take a move action to do nothing (except for continuing to dance). The DC for the Lavender Dance is 24. To learn the Lavender Dance, the Dancer must be at least class level 4.

Eglantine Dance (Ex): The Eglantine Dance is characterized by the slow, fluid movements, with hands close to the body. The motions associated are not for offense; they simply augment the use of magic to aid in healing. A Dancer performing the Eglantine Dance gains Fast Healing 3. To maintain the dance, she must either move more than 10ft or take a move action to do nothing (except for continuing to dance). The DC for the Eglantine Dance is 27. To learn the Eglantine Dance, the Dancer must be at least class level 7.

This is the Elite Mystical Dance:

Fire Lily Dance (Ex): The Fire Lily Dance is similar in technique to the Black Lily Dance, except that the Fire Lily Dance is much less furious; in fact, a careful observer will note that most motions are simply flourishes, not actual attacks. Upon actually making an attack, her weapon is suddenly sheathed in fire. When she hits her foe, the fire explodes out, burning everyone around him. Whenever a Dancer performing the Fire Lily Dance makes an attack and hits, she creates a small fireball, dealing 6d6 fire damage to everyone within 10ft, excluding the Dancer. A Reflex save, DC 14 + the Dancer's Charisma modifier, results in half damage. To maintain the dance, she must either move more than 10ft or take a move action to do nothing (except for continuing to dance).

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