Arachnida Ring of Shock (3.5e Equipment)

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Arachnida Ring of Shock: In order to use this Arachnida Ring, the spider's Rider must have the trample feat, and must be riding the spider. The spider may use this ring when it's Rider initiates a mounted charge. If the spider succeeds, it must make an attack roll (it is automatically proficient with the weapon it uses- it's legs). If it's attack hits, it deals a number of d6 of electricity damage equal to the level of the ring.

-- Faint EvocationCL 5/10/15/20/25; Forge Ring, Shocking Grasp; Cost 2,000gp/4,000gp/6,000gp/8,000gp/10,000gp (5d6).; Activation: --; Weight: -- lb.; Market Price: 2,500gp/4,500gp/6,500gp/8,500gp/10,500gp

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