Legend Crafter (3.5e Class)

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Legend Crafter

The staff of a renown wizard, the armor of a famous knight, the juggling pin of the world's greatest jester- all of these items were made legendary through the trials and tribulations of their master. Forming a special bond with seemingly ordinary objects, a Legend Crafter sets out to unlock the untapped potential of their favored weapon or armor. Through use and experience, their signature equipment develops into something more, gaining in power and becoming a part of the Legend Crafter's legacy. If the Legend Crafter is skilled enough, one day their adventure will become legend.

Making a Legend Crafter

Legend Crafters have the ability to chose what style of play suits them best. How they chose to augment their signature equipment will greatly alter their capabilities and role within a party.

-A Legend Crafter that chooses a weapon as their signature equipment will excel in offense and bring a myriad of offensive tactics to the battlefield.

-A Legend Crafter that chooses a set of armor as their signature equipment will excel in defense and bring a versatile arsenal of defensive tactics to the battlefield.

Legend Crafters are capable of specializing in any kind of weapon or armor, including shields and exotic weapons. This affords them a unique opportunity to avoid the normal equipment restrictions that other classes suffer from.

Abilities: The abilities of a Legend Crafter vary greatly depending on your play style. It is important to choose attributes based on how you intend to engage the enemy, and what you intend to engage them with. Strength is necessary if you are going to focus on melee offense, Dexterity is important for ranged attackers and those who wear light and medium armor, Constitution is good for both offensive and defensive styles, and Intelligence can help you round out your play style by allowing you access to a larger number of skills. Wisdom and Charisma don't have a heavy influence on Legend Crafters.

Races: The adaptability of the Legend Crafter allows for any race to take advantage of the class. Some races will even find that some of their racial abilities enhance the individuality of the Legend Crafter class.

Alignment: Legend Crafters require a certain amount of focus to be proficient at their class. This means that alignments that might distract from their progress are necessary to avoid. Lawful Good characters, Chaotic Good characters, Lawful Evil characters, and Chaotic Evil characters have traits and obligations that cause them to lose focus, so they do not make for effective Legend Crafters.

Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil are all acceptable alignments.

Starting Gold: 6d6 X 10 (150gp)

Starting Age: Simple

Hit Die: d12

Table: The Legend Crafter
Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Extra Atonement
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Extra Atonement
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Extra Atonement
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Extra Atonement
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Swim (Str), Knowledge: Local (Int), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis)

Class Features

All of the following can be class features of the Legend Crafter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

Starting out, a Legend Crafter can choose to be proficient with Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Exotic Weapons, or even Improvised Weapons, if they select one as their signature equipment. This does not include masterwork equipment. This item is automatically put into their inventory. This allows them to be proficient with that weapon only, and they do not retain the proficiency with other weapons, even weapons of the same type. If the Legend Crafter does not choose a weapon as their signature equipment, they gain Simple Weapon Proficiency and Martial Weapon Proficiency.

If a Legend Crafter does not choose a weapon as their signature equipment, they must choose a piece of armor instead. While designating their signature equipment they can choose from Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Shields including Tower Shields. This does not include masterwork equipment. This item is automatically put into their inventory.

If the Legend Crafter dedicates a piece of armor as their signature equipment, this allows them to be proficient with that piece of armor, and they do not retain proficiency with any other armor, including other armor of the same type. They gain Shield Proficiency and Tower Shield Proficiency.

If the Legend Crafter dedicates a shield as their signature equipment, this allows them to be proficient with that shield, and they do not retain proficiency with any other shield, including shields of the same type. They gain Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, and Heavy Armor Proficiency.

Extra Atonement:

Every 4 levels after 5th level an Legend Crafter can Atone to one extra magic this ability also allows the Legend Crafter to atone to the many of the same type of item if they so choose.

Signature Equipment:

A Legend Crafter dedicates a piece of equipment to become their signature equipment at first level. Once a piece of equipment has been dedicated, it can not be lost, stolen, removed, damaged, disabled, borrowed, sold, dropped or be the target of any source that would make the Legend Crafter unable to utilize their signature equipment. The signature equipment can not be altered in any way that would not be of benefit to the Legend Crafter. Signature equipment can not become masterwork equipment.

Legendary Weapon Forging:

If the Legend Crafter dedicates a weapon as their signature equipment, this weapon can improved with Legendary Weapon Forging Perks as the Legend Crafter gains levels. See the Legendary Forging Perks table for more information.

Legendary Weapon Forging Perks stack with all other bonuses.

Legendary Armor Forging:

If the Legend Crafter dedicates a piece of armor as their signature equipment, that piece of armor can improved with Legendary Armor Forging Perks as the Legend Crafter gains levels. See the Legendary Forging Perks table for more information.

Legendary Armor Forging Perks stacks with all other bonuses.

Perk Type Perk Name Perk Description Max Ranks
Weapon Tempered Weapon +1 (per rank) base attack bonus. 5
Weapon Mortal Strike Deals 1 (per rank) bleed damage to victims per turn that are struck by this weapon, unless treated. 3
Weapon Armor Penetration +1d4 (per rank) (type) bonus damage. Choose one: Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing 3 (per type)
Weapon Enchanted Weapon +1d4 (per rank) (element) bonus damage. Choose one: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. 3 (per element)
Weapon Critical Strike Rank 1: No longer requires Critical rolls to determine the success of a Critical hit. +1 Critical Hit Range for each rank after. 20
Weapon Devastating Blow +1 (per rank) to weapons critical modifier. 20
Weapon Life Drain Drain 2 hit points (per rank) with each successful attack. 3
Weapon Crippling Strike Creatures struck with this weapon have a 50% chance (enemy must roll an 11 or better on a d20) to have their movement reduced by 5' (per rank) to a minimum of 1' for one round (per rank). 3
Weapon Immobilize Creatures struck by this weapon have a 25% chance (per rank; enemy must roll a 6 or better on a d20) of not being able to move for 1 round. 3
Weapon Culling Choose one: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Giant, Ooze, Plant, Undead, Vermin. Any creature of that type struck by this weapon with a HD equal to or less than your level is utterly destroyed if it fails a Will check. Spell resistance does not apply to the destruction effect. 11
Weapon Unstoppable Force This weapon becomes typeless damage and will ignore all resistances and immunities. 1 (Requires Level 10)
Armor Tempered Armor +1 (per rank) base armor bonus. 5
Armor Enchanted Armor Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic damage (per rank) from all sources. 5
Armor Spiked Armor Return +1d4 (per rank) damage when struck by a melee attack. 5
Armor Cursed Armor Return 1d4 (per rank) (element) damage when struck by a melee attack. Choose one: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. 5 (per element)
Armor Health Reserve Restore 1 hit point (per rank) every time you take damage. 5
Armor Swift Movement Gain a 5' movement bonus (per rank) 20
Armor Levitate (Personal) You +100 pounds (per rank) can levitate at will. 5
Armor Immovable Object You can not be stunned, slowed, or immobilized. 1 (Requires Level 10)
Weapon, Armor Ability Bonus Choose one: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Gain a +1 (per rank) to your selected Ability. 5 (per ability)
Weapon, Armor Legendary Glow Gain Bright Light within 25ft (per rank) of the Legend Crafter. This effect is permanent, and can not be turned off. 1
Armor Weightless This piece of signature equipment has a weight of 0. 1

Ex-Legend Crafter

If a character's alignment becomes a distraction, they will no longer be able to use their signature equipment. The character loses all stats and abilities that come from their signature equipment, leaving them at a disadvantage. They must take the necessary steps to adjust their focus back to the ways of a Legend Crafter.

Epic Legend Crafter

Table: The Epic Legend Crafter

Hit Die: d10

Level Special
21st Extra Atonement
22nd Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
24th Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
25th Extra Atonement
26th Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
28th Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk
29th Extra Atonement
30th Legendary Weapon Forging Perk or Legendary Armor Forging Perk

2 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Bonus Feats: At level 21 the epic Legend Crafter gains the ability to dedicate a second piece of signature equipment. This piece of signature equipment gains 5 bonus Legendary Forging Perks that can only be applied to this newly dedicated piece of signature equipment.

Campaign Information

Playing a Legend Crafter

Religion: A Legend Crafter rarely finds time to worship, so religion does not play a heavy role in their life. It is sometimes beneficial to study religion, however, as many legendary items have come from blessings and curses of various gods.

Other Classes: A Legend Crafter can be selfish, or friendly, or anything in between. As long as they can remain focused on their goal of improving upon their legend, they will remain content. Any characters that would impede their ability to grow and gain experience would be looked at unfavorably.

Combat: A Legend Crafter is a fighter at heart, whether they choose to focus on offensive or defensive tactics remains to be seen. Each Legend Crafter has their own approach, but all view combat as a chance to improve upon their legend.

Advancement: A Legend Crafter pours all of his essence into creating a grand legacy worthy of renown. This process takes a lot of focus, so a Legend Crafter can not afford to waste time with other ventures. This means that a Legend Crafter can not take on a secondary class.

Legend Crafters in the World

I feel like the whole universe is against me. Of course, because of my axe, it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
—Gimick the Deceiver, Human Legend Crafter

A local hero, a rumored warrior, a mythical mage- legends exist everywhere. A Legend Crafter strives to create a world where their reputation precedes them.

NPC Reactions: As a Legend Crafter increases in level and adds Legendary Forging Perks to his Signature Equipment, NPC's will take notice and, depending on how the Legend Crafter's alignment, may either revere or despise them. They will always be celebrated in their hometown, and to a lesser extent, their home nation.

Legend Crafter Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge: Local can research Legend Crafters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge: Local
DC Result
5 I believe I heard a rumor about this one and their <signature equipment>.
10 Of course! <Name> and their <signature equipment> are famous in these parts.
15 Everyone has heard of the renown Legend Crafter <Name>, and their incredible <signature equipment>.
20 How could anyone not know of the legendary <Name> and their <signature equipment>?

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