Transmuter Alchemist (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Becoming a Transmuter Alchemist

Transmuter Alchemist are extremely intelligent living beings, who seek to find the absolute truth or all the knowledge existence. Their initial lesson is that in alchemy, everything has an equivalent exchange. Intelligence is the primary stat and since alchemy is a science and not magic, they don't use mana.

Entry Requirements
Intelligence status: +28
Skills: Alchemy 25 ranks.
Table: The Transmuter Alchemist

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Alchemy Points
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Principle of Transmutation +100
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Intermediary Transmutation +200
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Advanced Transmutation +300

Class Skills

Class Skills (6 + Int x4 at first level) The Alchemists class skills (and the key ability for each Skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentrate (con), Craft (any, taken individually) (Int), Decipher Script (Int),Disable Device (Dex) Heal (Wis), Knowledge ([any, taken individually])(Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the transmuter alchemist. All transmuter alchemist abilities can only be used after the character drawing an alchemy circle.

Principle of Transmutation: After spending a few years learning the basic of alchemy and following the transmuter path, the character learned to make a few alterations in some materials as:

Simple Transmutation: The alchemist affect objects as if from the spell Prestidigitation. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his Int modifier. Objects to be effected by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around them. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action if the object is stationary or a full round if the object is mobile. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action.
Transmute Wood: The alchemist affect wooden objects as if from the spell Wood Shape. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his Int modifier. Objects to be effected by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around them. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action if the object is stationary or a full round if the object is mobile. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. Transmute wood costs 1 alchemy point per cubic foot altered this way.
Transmute Stone: The alchemist affect stone objects as if from the spell Wood Shape. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his Int modifier. Objects to be effected by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around them. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action if the object is stationary or a full round if the object is mobile. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. Transmute stone costs 1 alchemy point per cubic foot altered this way.
Deoxidation Transmutation: The alchemist has the ability to restore any rusted iron or iron based object to its original state. If the target is a iron or iron based creature is the target of this ability it heals the creature of 3d6 damage +1/2 the alchemist's level. Objects or creatures to be effected by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around them. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action if the object is stationary or a full round if the object is mobile. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. Deoxidation transmutation costs 2 alchemy points.
Oxidation Transmutation: The alchemist has the ability to cause any iron or iron based object to rust upon transmutation. This ability is as the druid spell rusting grasp. Objects or creatures to be effected by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around them. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action if the object is stationary or a full round if the object is mobile. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. Oxidation transmutation costs 3 alchemy points.

Intermediary Transmutation: As the alchemist grows stronger, his hunger for knowledge grows at the same rate, his new research showed him some result:

Metal to Gold: The alchemist has the ability to turn a block of any kind of common metal into gold coins, 1/5 pound of gold (10gp) per 5 pounds of the metal. The process of transmuting metal to gold costs 2 alchemy points per 5 pounds of metal. This ability requires a transmutation circle to be drawn upon or around the lead to be transmuted. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action.
Alchemical Enchantment: The alchemist has the ability to make weapons a little stronger or more powerful, giving them an effective enhancement bonus through alchemy. The alchemical bonus granted to weapons begins at 1st level with +1, and rises to +2 at 3rd level. Armor can be enhanced this way starting at 1st level with +1, and rises to +2 at 3rd level. This can bring an weapon or armor's effective enhancement bonus above +5. However, nothing can have more than a +10 total effective bonus, so this class-granted effective bonus cannot be used if the addition would increase it's total effective bonus above +10. Any bonus gained this way is considered an alchemical bonus and does not stack with any other alchemical bonus. This process costs 10 alchemy points, and requires 2 hour for a nonmagical item, or 8 hours for an already enchanted item.
Gold Restore: The alchemist can take any item and change it into gold equal to half its market price. Alchemists can only transmute metal objects this way. The object to be converted by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around it. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. The transmutation cost 2 alchemy point per 5 pounds of the substance being transmuted. A partial transmutation can not be performed.

Advanced Transmutation: As the alchemist grows stronger, his hunger for knowledge grows at the same rate. Now he is a few steps to conquer the true knowledge. The alchemist no longer needs to draw an alchemy circle to do basics transmutations (Principle of Transmutation Feat):

Steel to Mithral: The alchemist has the ability to take any steel object, and turn it into artificial mithral. It gains all the properties of mithral, but cannot be sold for a profit as it is not natural mithral. The object to be converted by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around it. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. The process costs 3 alchemy points for every 5 pounds that the object weighs.
Plating: The alchemist can take weapons and armor and plate them with new metal. By using silver, an alchemist can create a silver plated sword to affect lycanthropes more effectively, or use cold iron to damage fey. When plating a weapon, it functions as the new metal for bypassing damage reduction, but retains all other effects of its old material. This process costs 6 alchemy points, and requires 10 minutes for a nonmagical item, or 1 hour for an enchanted item.
Mithral to Adamantium: The alchemist has the ability to take any mithral object, and turn it into artificial adamantium. It gains all the properties of adamantium, but cannot be sold for a profit as it is not natural adamantium. The object to be converted by this ability must have a transmutation circle drawn upon or around it. Drawing a transmutation circle takes a standard action. The transmutation may be performed as a swift action. The process costs 4 alchemy points for every 5 pounds that the object weighs.
Transmutation Combination: At 3rd level and with int mod equal to 16 the alchemist can take an item with magical properties, and meld it with any other object, giving the other object all its properties. An alchemist can meld a ring of protection (+2 AC) with a spider ring (+2 to climb), and have a spider ring of protection (+2 to AC and Climb). Or meld a ring of protection (+2 to AC) with half plate armor and get halfplate of protection, or halfplate +2. These items cannot exceed any normal limitations (you cannot meld two longswords +10 into a longsword +20 as total enchantments cannot go above +10) and in addition to the alchemy point cost, it requires transmuting an amount of gold equal to the final item cost minus the cost of the two melded items.

Campaign Information

Playing an Alchemist

Religion: Alchemists rely on their understanding of science to survive. They are generally extremely critical when it comes to chaos and faith. With proof, they will acknowledge the gods, but will not blindly believe. Most Alchemists follow no deity, and believe solely in the powers of their science.

Other Classes: While the Alchemist will not work well with the cleric, druid, or sorcerer, they can accept classes that follow codes such as the Paladin or Knight, and those who categorize the world, such as Wizard. They recognize violence as a sometimes inevitable and necessary part of civilization.

Combat: While the Alchemist can be somewhat useful in fighting, they avoid the front line whenever possible.

Alchemists in the World

Some basic information on the average Alchemist.

Alchemists tend to live in larger cities where workshops and materials are easy to come by. Less social alchemists will create workshops far from civilization to protect their craft.

Daily Life: Alchemists like to spend most of their days inside studying and are usually only drawn out of their home from a need for food, water, materials, or the hope of getting some rare material with which to work.

Organizations: While it isn't very common, sometimes alchemists will band together into guilds to collectively safeguard their craft. Alchemists tend to be very reclusive as they do not like to be bothered or have their work stolen.

Alchemist Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) can research an Alchemist to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
11 Alchemists are researchers and loremasters who specialize in potions.
16 Alchemists are very skilled in creating potions and are able researchers of the secrets of life and the multiverse in general.
21 Alchemists are able to learn incredible secrets, and thus are able to reshape themselves and the universe around them.
26 Very powerful alchemists can even reach the secret of eternal life, making them young forever and thus able to evade death. However, that ability doesn't stop them from dying by the sword.

Alchemists in the Game

Alchemists rarely interact well with the divine or the magical. They don't like to be interrupted unless absolute necessary. Alchemists are support casters and skill users, so not while directly useful in combat are a great asset. They are, however, useful for strengthening items, and improvising weapons.

Adaptation: Not all Alchemists adhere to these rules. Alchemists will generally be loathe to accept anything that cannot be classified, but aren't all held by that conception.

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