Santoryu Swordsman (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Santroyu Swordsman

I'm gonna be such a great swordsmen, my name will be heard from heaven
—Roronoa Zoro, Human fighter, before inventing santoryu

The santoryu swordsman is a very powerful physical combatant. By holding the hilt of a third sword between his teeth, the santoryu swordsmen is able to use a wide array of devastating attacks. This power can only be achieved, however, through great effort, and requires both immense strength and miraculous dexterity.

Becoming a Santoryu Swordsman

Those who pursue the way of three swords do so for one reason, and one reason alone: to be the best swordsman in the world. The unorthodox methods they use quickly attract fame, should they survive to enjoy it. A santoryu swordsman may enjoy the pain he inflicts in others, may desire the strength to protect those he loves, but no matter his motivation, he loves fighting. For this reason, a Santoryu Swordsman may be of any alignment. Rangers are the most likely to consider picking up a third sword, but fighters and barbarians are not unheard of. The techniques of the Santoryu Swordsmen are simply unusable to those without both great strength and astounding dexterity. As with any melee class, constitution is of the utmost importance. Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are for sissies.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: none.
Base Attack Bonus: +2.
Race: Must have only two arms.
Feats: Two weapon fighting, Two weapon defense, combat reflexes and either weapon focus: longsword or weapon focus: katana. .
Table: The Santoryu Swordsman

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Perfect Three Sword Style
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Demon Slash
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Superior Critical
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Tiger Trap
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Phoenix Cannon
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Lions Song
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 Three Thousand Worlds
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 Dragon Twister
9th +9 +6 +6 +3
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 Asura Form

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Balance (dex, Climb (Str), Hide (dex), Jump (Str), Move Silently (dex), Swim (Str) Tumble (dex).

Table: The Epic Santoryu Swordsman

Level Special
11st Asura Demon Slash
14th Bonus Feat
18th Bonus Feat

Class Features

Perfect Three Sword Style: Time can scarcely recall the awkwardness felt the first time the Santoryu Swordsman picked up his third sword. He will never again feel fatigued or exhausted on account of his blades, and can fight indefinitely. The penalties to attack are likewise eliminated. And finally, an sword being wielded provides a +5 bonus to AC.

Demon Slash: Per class level, as a standard action, if a Santoryu Swordsman has a strength modifier of +3 or greater, and a dexterity modifier of +3 or greater, he may attack with all three swords at once. This attack is both devastating and difficult to block. For this attack, his attack bonus is equal to his BAB+triple his dexterity bonus, and deals damage equal to the sum of each weapon individually (for example, if he has a strength bonus of +3 and is wielding three longswords, his demon slash would deal 3d8+9 damage). While exceptionally unexpected, it can be blocked with repetition. Any foe which has already been struck by a demon slash in an encounter receives an insight bonus of +10 to its AC against any further demon slashes.

Superior Critical: At level 2 Your attacks with your chosen weapon strike with great force, and deal grievous damage when striking at vital areas. Your critical multiplier for your chosen weapon is increased by 1. For example, a rapier now possesses 18-20/x3 multiplier and a scythe becomes 20/x5.

Tiger Trap: Per class level, while in total defense, if he has a strength modifier of +3 and a Dexterity modifier of +4, a Santoryu Swordsman may prepare a Tiger Trap. If he is targeted by an attack, but the attack does not damage him, he may immediately counterattack using two of his blades. This counterattack does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but it does remove the bonus to AC provided by total defense, as well as the shield bonus of two swords.

Phoenix Cannon: Per class level, if a Santoryu Swordsman has a strength modifier of +4 and a dexterity modifier of +4, as a standard action, he can slice the air with his swords, launching a blast of air, allowing him to attack with his blades at a range of 50 feet. This attack does only non-lethal damage.

Dragon Twister: If the Santoryu Swordsman has a strength modifier of +5 and a dexterity modifier of +4, as a full round action, he may make an attack against all enemies within range, using his BAB plus triple his strength bonus. This attack deals 3d8, and knocks the recipient of the attack prone.

Lion's Song: At level 10, the Santoryu Swordsman is treated as though he had the Die Hard feat (if he already has this feat, then he may choose a different feat). When he has negative hitpoints, if a Santoryu Swordsman has a strength bonus of +5 and a dexterity bonus of +5, he may ignore hardness when attempting to sunder any object. Further, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity during a sunder attempt, and +3 bonus on his opposed attack roll. Further, any and all attacks while he has negative hit points bypass natural armor and ten points of damage reduction.

Three Thousand Worlds: Once per day, if he has a strength bonus of +5 or more and a dexterity bonus of +5 or more, the swordsman may unleash his most dangerous attack: three thousand worlds. As a full-round action, he may make a charge attack ending with a Demon Slash. For this attack, his critical range is extended by two (20 becomes 18-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20, etc.), and each weapon he holds is treated as being one die size category larger than it actually is. Further, if the attack lands, he automatically rolls max damage. Whether the attack lands or not, the Santoryu Swordsman is immediately exhausted, and deals 100 points of non-lethal damage to himself.

Asura Form: Once per day, if the Santoryu swordsman has a strength bonus of +5 or more and a dexterity bonus of +5 or more, for three rounds he may transform into an avatar of swordsmanship, spontaneously growing two new heads and four more hands, each wielding duplicates of the swords he was wielding. While in this form, all bonuses attributes to three-sword-style apply for nine-sword-style.

Asura Demon Slash: Once per day, while in Asura form, the Santoryu Swordsman may unleash his ultimate attack. As a full round action, he may make a single attack with an attack bonus of his BAB plus nine times his dexterity bonus, and deals damage with every weapon he is wielding.

The Santoryu Swordsman gains a bonus feat every 4 levels every 4 levels after 20 he may choose a bonus feat selected from the list of epic Santoryu Swordsman feats.

Epic Santoryu Swordsman Bonus Feat List: armor skin, blinding speed, damage reduction, devastating critical, epic dodge, epic fortitude, epic prowess, epic reflexes, epic speed, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, epic weapon specialization, fast healing, great constitution, great dexterity, great strength, improved combat reflexes, multiweapon rend, overwhelming critical, perfect multiweapon fighting

Campaign Information

Playing a Santoryu Swordsman

Combat: The Santoryu Swordsman is very clearly a melee combatant, excelling a cutting a swath through enemy forces. He is, however, susceptible to magical attacks, and will likely need support in any extended battle. He excels in single combat and small skirmishes.

Advancement: While the multiweapon tree of feats available to fighters is appealing to Santoryu Swordsman, the Strength boosts given by raging makes Barbarian an equally valid option.

Resources: Santoryu Swordsman, on the incredible off chance that they meet another of their vocation, inevitably fight to establish their own superiority. The loser will often seek training from the winner, or at the very least a rematch. However, the possibility remains that the winner will not desire to see another stealing his style, and execute him post-haste.

Santoryu Swordsman in the World

There is a difference between using Three Swords and using Santoryu.

The Santoyu Swordsman is frequently an adventurer, but will often fall into a life of bounty hunting, piracy, or even law enforcement in his search for a worthy opponent. When not fighting, he is constantly training for the next fight. While he appreciates the power to be found in magic, he regards those who use it as taking shortcuts on the long-hard road to power; childish, and obsessive. Strength can be found only in strength, and the dedication to seek it day after day.

NPC Reactions: NPC's, meanwhile, are frequently terrified of anyone crazy enough to carry more weapons than armor into battle, and will avoid the Santoryu Swordsman unless they are desperate.

Santoryu Swordsman Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can research Santoryu Swordsman to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (local)
DC Result
11 They say that in learning the way of three weapons, a santoryu swordsman becomes less proficient in the use of one or two weapons.
16 They say that no Santoryu Swordsman has ever fought for more than ten minutes at a time.
21 They say that the first practitioner of Santoryu went on to be first mate to the King of the Pirates.
26 They say that a Santoryu master doesn't use three swords, but nine.

Santoryu Swordsmen in the Game

While on the battlefield, whether PC or NPC, the Santoryu Swordsman will, without fail, either be on the front line of the fight, dead, or dying. Off the battlefield, he is rarely inclined towards inellectual pursuits, and is more often found training his body simply enjoying life to the fullest.

Adaptation: A Santoryu Swordsman would make an excellent rival for any melee based PC, regardless of alignment. Even if he is not morally, philosophically, or otherwise motivated to fight the party, the Santoryu Swordsman will frequently attack for the sole purpose of enjoying a good fight. Further, he may well be motivated to spare the lives of any who he considers a worthy opponent, which opens all sorts of story options.

Sample Encounter: Sailing, lost, upon the high seas, searching for his long-lost crew-mates and captain, Roronoa Zoro is frustrated, unpredictable and dangerous. Keeping afloat on little more than a dinghy, he has survived for the three weeks before sighting your vessel surviving on sake, moldy bread, and an inhuman exercise regimen. While his first priority in this meeting is to locate his missing friends, his pride is unperturbed by his poor nutrition, and his three swords are loosely holstered on his hip, as ever.

EL 14:

Roronoa Zoro

CR 12

Male SRD:Human Fighter 4 Santoryu Swordsman (3.5e Prestige Class) 10
CG Medium SRD:Humanoid
Init/Senses +5/Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10
(+5 Dex)
hp 168 (16 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will 11/8/4
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee Katana +19/+20/+20/+20/+14/+15/+15/+15 (1d10+10/1d10+11/1d10+11/1d10+12/1d10+10/1d10+11/1d10+11/1d10+12)
Base Atk/Grp 14/14
Atk Options Demon Slash, Tiger Trap, Phoenix Cannon, Dragon Twister, and Lion's Song.
Special Actions Santoryu; becomes fatigued after 20 straight rounds of combat, and exhausted after 40.
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 4, Cha 11
SQ Directionless
Feats Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Weapon focus (katana), Weapon specialization (katana), exotic weapon proficiency (katana),combat reflexes, improved critical (katana), dodge, improved multiweapon fighting.
Skills 5 ranks swim, 5 ranks intimidate, 6 ranks tumble.
Possessions Belt of Giant Strength +4, Boots of Striding and Springing, +4 Adamantine Holy Defending Katana, +3 Mithral Speed Katana, +2 Wounding Katana.

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