Fierceweapon Smith (3.5e Prestige Class)

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The Fierceweapon Smith

"Steel? Bah...steel not always good. My forged claws can rip you to shreads in seconds and you'll feel excruciating pain through each slash, can your steel do that?" - Fierceweapon Smith Zvark Kelvach

Deep in some ravenous races of the horde tribes there lies a Fierceweapon Smith. Through radical experimentation and sheer desire, they have created something truly wicked and horrifing. They have realized that the best weapons are not always steel and iron, but those found on our body, and when properly made, can create tools of death and destruction. These Fierceweapon Smiths forge their own hands into vicious claws that can tear through flesh and rend armor. In doing so, they have become vicious and blood-thirsty and whenever they taste blood, they gain a power boost and turn into monsters of destruction, all with their own hands.


  • Race: Orc, Goblin, Hobgoblin
  • Feats: Toughness or Improved Toughness, Power Attack or Weapon Finesse
  • Skills: Craft(Weaponsmithing) +8, Craft(Alchemy) +4
  • Special: Must have created your own natural weapons with a Fierceweapon Smith.
Table: The Fierceweapon Smith
Hit Die: d10
Level Base
Attack Bonus
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Great Smithy, Natural Weapons, Signature Weapon
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Claw Block +1, Multi-Attack, Blood-Thirsty
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Fast Smithy, Improved Signature Weapon, Improved Natural Weapon
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Claw Block +2, Dreadful Charge
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Master Smithy, Greater Signature Weapon, Greater Natural Weapon
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Claw Block +3, Gory Wound, Blood-Vicious
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Forge Natural Weapon, Master Natural Weapon

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Gather Info (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All the following are class features of the Fierceweapon Smith:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Fierceweapon Smith gains proficiency in all simple weapons and light and medium armor.

Greatsmithy (Ex): A Fierceweapon Smith is really adept at creating weapons. A Fierceweapon Smith adds his class level to Craft (Weaponsmithing) checks. Also, a Fierceweapon Smith works in the hot forge so much that their body adapts to the extreme heat; their body can resist hot temperatures as the Endure Elements spell.

Natural Weapons (Ex): A Fierceweapon Smith gains a set of natural weapons upon entering this PrC. They forge them out of their hands and turn them into deadly weapons. The natural weapons are a set of claw attacks which deal 1d6 Damage Slashing and Piercing (1d4 for Small) and are primary natural weapons (when using a manufactured weapon they are secondary attacks).

Signature Weapon (Ex): A Fierceweapon Smith specializes with his natural weapons. A Fierceweapon Smith gains Weapon Focus(Claws) and Weapon Specialization(Claws).

Claw Block (Ex): At 2nd Level, A Fierceweapon Smith learns how to block incoming attacks with his claws. A Fierceweapon Smith gains a +1 Shield bonus to AC. This improves at 4th and 6th Level.

Multi-Attack: At 2nd Level, the Fierceweapon Smith learns how to attack multiple times with their claws, and still with deadly accuracy. They gain the feat Multi-Attack for free.

Blood-Thirsty (Ex): At 2nd Level, the Fierceweapon Smith becomes blood-thirsty and the smell and taste of blood fuel his rage and power. Whenever you score a critical hit with your claws, you gain one of the abilities below:

  • Power Surge: +2 Str and +2 Con
  • Adrenaline Rush: +2 Dex and +2 Con
  • Heated Blood: +2 Str and +2 Dex

The bonuses last a number of rounds equal to your Fierceweapon Smith Level + Con Mod. Multiple Critical Hits do stack (Max +6). Once you pick the ability, it can not be changed.

Fast Smithy (Ex): At 3rd Level, the Fierceweapon Smith improves on his already amazing smithy skills. He learns how to rush jobs to make weapons faster. A Fierceweapon Smith may choose to do twice the amount of work in one week cutting the time down by one week to make. A Fierceweapon Smith can do this 1 + Con Mod times per weapon. If the Craft Check fails and you make no progress, you still make 1 week progress. After the Fierceweapon Smith finishes the weapon, he takes 4 Temp Con damage until he rests for 3 complete days.

Improved Signature Weapon (Ex): At 3rd Level, the Fierceweapon Smith gains extraordinary skills with their claws. The become a +1 weapon and become magic for overcoming damage reduction.

Improved Natural Weapon (Ex): At 3rd Level, the Fierceweapon Smith's improves on his claws through more forging. You can choose one of the following improvements:

  • Increased Damage: Increase the Damage die by one step
  • Improve Critical: Increase the threat range by one (to 19-20)
  • Vicious Critical: Increase the critical multiplier by one (to x3)
  • Silver Veins: Treat them as silver for overcoming damage reduction.

Dreadful Charge (Ex): At 4th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith charges with extreme power. The Fierceweapon Smith gains Pounce (Ex). At the end of a charge, the Fierceweapon Smith may make a full-attack.

Master Smithy (Sp/Su?): At 5th Level, The Fierceweapon Smith masters his abilities and learns how to create magical arms and armor. A Fierceweapon Smith gains Craft Magical Arms & Armor with a Caster Level equal to his Fierceweapon Smith Level + Int Mod.

Greater Signature Weapon (Ex): At 5th Level, The Fierceweapon Smith becomes even more masterful of his claws as weapons. They become equal to a +3 Weapon.

Greater Natural Weapon (Ex): At 5th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith improves upon his claws through more forging. You can choose one of the following improvements:

  • Increased Damage: Increase the Damage die by one step
  • Improve Critical: Increase the threat range by one
  • Vicious Critical: Increase the critical multiplier by one
  • Silver Veins: Treat them as silver for overcoming damage reduction.
  • Posion Slash: You can store a single dose of injury or contact poison in your claws that release on your next hit.

Gory Wound (Ex): At 6th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith is able to deliver really gory wounds with their claws that continue to bleed and cause antagonizing pain. Whenever you score a critical hit with your claws, the wound continues to bleed, 2 HP a round, for a number of rounds equal to your Fierceweapon Smith level) + Str Mod. 1 point of magical healing or a DC (15+Your Str Mod) check stops the bleeding.

Blood Vicious (Ex): At 6th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith's lust for blood and the power he gains from it becomes even greater. Whenever you score a critical hit with your claws, Pick another one of the following:

  • Iron Skin: Gain DR (5+Con Mod)/-
  • Spell-Rejection: Gain SR = to your (Fierceweapon Smith Level + Con Mod)
  • Rejuvenating Blood: Gain Fast Healing = Con Mod

Each trait only uses your inherent Con Mod. They stack with Blood-Thirsty and last just as long. Once you pick the ability, it can not be changed.

Forge Natural Weapon (Ex): At 7th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith masters his craft as a blacksmith and learns how to forge natural weapons on anyone, or improve them. You can create a set of claws or a bite attack for any humanoid creature. If they already have a set of natural weapons, you can improve them slightly.

Master Natural Weapon (Ex): At 7th Level, the Fierceweapon Smith masters his claws into vicious and deadly weapons. You can choose another improvement below.

  • Increased Damage: Increase the Damage die by one step
  • Improve Critical: Increase the threat range by one (18-20 Max)
  • Vicious Critical: Increase the critical multiplier by one (x4 Max)
  • Silver Veins: Treat them as silver for overcoming damage reduction.
  • Posion Slash: You can store a single dose of injury or contact poison in your claws that release on your next hit.
  • Adamantine Nails: Treat them as Adamantine for overcoming damage reduction. (Replaces Silver Veins)

Forging Natural Weapons

Forging Natural Weapons: Forging a set of natural weapons is a long and painful process. It takes 3 weeks and 3000gp of supplize to prepare the components for the operation. The acutal operation takes 1 week and 1000gp to complete, for a total of 4 weeks and 4000gp (all done by a 7th Level Fierceweapon Smith) and you must succeed on a DC 25 Craft (Weaponsmithing) check on the operation (failure listed below). The operation is extremely painful and debilitating and you suffer 4 temp. points of Con damage & 2 points of Str damage for a minimum of one week which then it takes 2 days of full rest to return to normal. The weapons are claws which do 1d6 Slashing and Piercing (1d4 Small) and are secondary natural weapons (1/2 Str Bonus, etc.).

Improving Forged Natural Weapons: Improving upon a forged set of natural weapons is a less painful and much shorter process and if you are serious about fighting with them, you should upgrade them. You can preform any of the following improvements upon forged natural weapons:

  • Improve Damage: Improve the damage die up one step (Max 1d12): 3000gp, Craft DC 20
  • Improve Critical: Improve the critical threat range by one (Max 18-20): 4000gp, Craft DC 22
  • Vicious Critical: Improve the critical multiplier by one (Max x4): 4000gp, Craft DC 22
  • Poison Slash: Store a single dose of injury or contact poison in your claws that releases on your next hit: 2000gp Craft DC 22
  • Silver Veins: Treat as silver for overcoming damage reduction: 3000gp, Craft DC 24
  • Cold Iron Caps: Treat as Cold Iron for overcoming damage reduction: 3000gp, Craft DC 24
  • Adamantine Nails: Treat them as Adamantine for overcoming damage reduction: 6000gp, Craft DC 26
  • You can only have one type of special material in the natural weapons.

Improving Natural Weapons: You can also improve upon a creatures natural weapons as well. Although, since you are improving what is truly natural, you can only go so far. You can only preform one improvement per natural weapon. The creature must be willing or helpless. You can preform any of the improvements listed above, but with no max on the damage die.

All improvements take 3 weeks to complete plus the cost listed. It takes 2 weeks to prepare the materials, and 1 week for the operation. After the operation, the creature suffers 2 Temp. points of Con damage until they get 2 full days of rest (or an equivilent amount of rest).

You must succeed on a Craft (Weaponsmithing) check against the DC listed in the improvement. Each succeful operation adds +3 to the DC of the next to not screw up. Failure means the operation failed and you need to pay 1000gp for new materials can try again; Failure by 5 or more means you failed and ruined the materials and have to pay the cost again, and the patient suffers 4 Temp Con damage; Failure by 10 or more means you horribly screwed up the operation, you fail and the patient suffers 2 permanent Con damage (only a Wish or Miracle can restore); God forbid you fail by 15 or more, then the patient loses the function of their hands and suffers 2 permanent Con Damage (only Wish or Miracle can restore damage or use of hands.

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