Blademaster (3.5e Prestige Class)

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"Only the most dedicated and honorable hear the calling of the Blademaster."

The path of the Blademaster is a difficult life, but those who have the dedication and honor are feared by enemies and allies alike. The training the Blademaster must go through is arduous. They are tested physically and mentally over the course of their training. The final test is defeating their mentor in a duel until one is unable to fight, whether through death or debilitation.

Becoming a Blademaster

Characters that have this class are typically barbarians who have become lawful or fighters. The reason characters would persue this class is that it has high hit points and good saves as well as Damage Reduction. The Blademaster is also a fun class to play, because of the fact that combines some of the best aspects of Monks, Barbarians and Fighters. While there are certain disadvantages to this class (no spells), it certainly makes up for it due to the massive damage it can do with a Great Sword.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Base Attack Bonus: +10.
Skills: 10 Balance; 10 Tumble; 10 Survival.
Feats: Great Cleave.
Special: Must be trained by a Blademaster.
Table: The Blademaster

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Damage Reduction 1/-; Fast Movement; Weapon Finesse: Great Sword; Improved Critical
2nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Uncanny Dodge; Weapon Focus: Great Sword
3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Trap Sense +1
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Damage Reduction 2/-; Improved Uncanny Dodge
5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Trap Sense +2; Greater Weapon Focus: Great Sword
6th +6 +2 +5 +2 Damage Reduction 3/-
7th +7 +2 +5 +2 Trap Sense +3; Power Critical: Great Sword
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Purity of Body
9th +9 +3 +6 +3 Damage Reduction 4/-; Trap Sense +4
10th +10 +3 +7 +3 Diamond Body; Timeless Body; Weapon Specialization: Great Sword

Class Skills (2 + Intelligence modifier per level)
Balance, Climb, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival, Tumble

Table: The Epic Blademaster
Level Special
11th Diamond Soul; Greater Weapon Specialization: Great Sword
12th Damage Resistance 5/-; Trap Sense +5
13th Slowfall: 40 Feet
14th Damage Resistance 6/-; Trap Sense +6
15th Slow Fall: 80 Feet
16th Epic Weapon Specialization: Great Sword; Damage Resistance 7/-; Trap Sense +7
17th Slow Fall: Any Distance
18th Damage Resistance 8/-; Trap Sense +8; Epic Weapon Focus: Great Sword
19th Evolved Self
20th Perfect Self; Damage Resistance 9/-; Trap Sense +9

Class Features

The class features of the Blademaster are about how physically and spiritually they grow over time. Class features should be listed in the order which they are gained. Abilities gained at the same level should be listed alphabetically->. All of the following are class features of the Blademaster.

Weapon Proficiency: The Blademaster has martial melee and military melee

Armor Proficiency: The Blademaster has proficiency in light armor, but he loses all Blademaster abilities if he wears anything heavier than leather.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The Blademaster is able to shrug off damage due to his training (every three levels, it increases by +1 until the epic levels are reached, then it's increased by +1 every 2 levels.).

Fast Movement (Ex): The Blademaster runs at +'10 feet. This only applies when he's wearing leather or lighter and not carrying a heavy load.

Improved Critical: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Improved Critical" even if he doesn't meet the requirements.

Trap Sense: The Blademaster recieves a +1 to Reflex saves and AC to avoid traps (this increases by +1 every three levels, until the epic levels are attained, then it increases every two levels.)

Weapon Finesse: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Weapon Finesse: Great Sword" even if he doesn't meet the requirements.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The Blademaster is able to retain his dexterity bonus when flanked, because of his talented senses (if your class already has Uncanny Dodge, then recieve Improved Uncanny Dodge).

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The Blademaster is no longer able to be flanked due to his natural senses unless the target has four more rogue levels than the Blademaster has Blademaster levels. If two classes give Improved Uncanny Dodge then the levels stack to determine the level requirement to flank the Blademaster.

Greater Weapon Focus: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Greater Weapon Focus: Great Sword" even if he does not meet the requirements.

Power Critical: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Power Critical: Great Sword" even if he does not meet the requirements.

Purity of Body (Su): The Blademaster has become so well-trained and skilled that he has become immune to non-magical diseases.

Diamond Body (Su): The Blademaster's devotion and dedication has made their body immune to all poisons.

Timeless Body (Su): The Blademaster no longer recieves penalties to aging, but he still retains any current penalties, but still dies when his time is up.

Weapon Specialization: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Weapon Specialization: Great Sword".

Diamond Soul (Su): The Blademaster recieves spell resistance 10 + Blademaster level. The spellcaster must get a caster level check (1d20 + Caster Level) that exceeds the Blademaster's Spell Resistance.

Greater Weapon Specialization: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Greater Weapon Specialization: Great Sword" even if he doesn't meet the requirements.

Epic Weapon Specialization: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Epic Weapon Specialization: Great Sword" even if he doesn't meet the requirements.

Slowfall (Ex): The Blademaster recieves the ability to use slowfall (40 feet) at 13th level and it doubles every 2 levels until 17th level where it's any distance.

Epic Weapon Focus: Great Sword: The Blademaster recieves the Feat: "Epic Weapon Focus: Great Sword" even if he doesn't meet the requirements.

Evolved Self (Ex): The Blademaster has become so well trained that he has improved in every way. The Blademaster recieves +2 to Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

The epic Blademaster gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Blademaster feats) every 2 levels after the player becomes an Epic Blademaster (They also recieve one on the 1st Epic Blademaster Level)

Epic Blademaster Bonus Feat List: Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Epic Speed, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Leadership, Fast Healing, Great Strength, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Great Intelligence, Great Wisdom, Great Charisma, Epic Toughness, Improved Combat Reflexes, Superior Initiative.

The Code of the Blademaster

First, a Blademaster is nothing without his honor. He must never speak an untruth, take someone else's possession or rig a game.

Second, a Blademaster must never harm another Blademaster outside of an honorable duel or in self defense.

Third, a Blademaster must always train, through that they gain peace, through which they gain tranquility.


Blademasters who become non-lawful or break the Code of the Blademaster can not advance in Blademaster abilities any longer.

Campaign Information

Playing a Blademaster

Religion: As a group, blademasters don't practice any one religion more than any other. Many are nature-worshipers or agnostic. Individually, a blademaster can follow any religion she chooses, or none at all.

Combat: A Blademaster typically serves like a Fighter or Barbarian. He takes damage, but also deals a very large amount as well.

Advancement: The best class to multiclass with a Blademaster is a Fighter, but a Paladin is also a good choice.

Resources: Blademasters rarely meet each other, due to how rare they are. When they contact each other, they never fight each other, unless it is a duel (that is never to the death). If they meet in a conflict (in example: War), they will duel each other and the loser must leave the battle (even if it means execution for desertion). Refusing to leave or intentionally performing a killing blow is a violation of the Code of the Blademaster (meaning that the offender can never gain another level as a Blademaster).

Blademasters in the World

"Blademasters are rarely known to be Blademasters, usually seen as socially-adept Barbarians or Fighters."

Blademasters are rarely seen, but when they are they can be found leading armies.

NPC Reactions: Known Blademasters are respected by soldiers, fighters, warriors, barbarians and Clerics of Kord, but Wizards and Clerics of Boccob look down on Blademasters. Civilians also have mixed reactions, some saying that Blademasters are vicious thugs and others considering them to be heroes worthy of song and praise.

Blademaster Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Local) can research Blademasters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Blademaster Knowledge
DC Result
15 Blademaster Initiates are trained by Blademasters.
20 The first Blademaster was completely self-taught.
25 Blademasters through their intense training and dedication gain immunity to non-magical diseases and poisons.
30 Powerful Blademasters can kill even the strongest foes in a single blow.
35 The most powerful Blademasters become Outsiders.

Blademasters in the Game

Blademasters will typically play as the 'brute' of the group. They often get along well with Paladins, Clerics, Fighters and Barbarians. However, they often bicker with Wizards and Sorcerers.

Adaptation: This class can be fit into the game as both an NPC or as a PC. As a PC it requires an NPC Blademaster enter the party for some time or the player to leave the party for up to an ingame year.

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