Sword God (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Sword God

Of course I use all of these, why else would I carry this many?
—Aldhelm, human Sword God

The Sword God is a swordsman who studies a bizarre fighting style: using dozens of swords scattered around the battlefield, he attacks his foe from every direction, making it all but impossible to predict his moves. The name of the class, while far from an accurate factual description, hints at the Sword God's supernatural speed and accuracy.

Becoming a Sword God

A adventurer may become a Sword God because they feel they have mastered using a sword and wish to find more effective ways of proving their power, they usually will start as fighters or rouges as they require both speed and strength, as said, strength and dexterity are the most important abilities for a Sword God to have followed by wisdom and constitution.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Any one handed Sword).
Table: The Sword God

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Infinite One-Sword Style, Blindside
2nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Three Shining Paths
3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Swords Addition
4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Swords Multiplication
5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Unlimited Bladeworks

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
<-Intermediate, concentration, tumble->.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Sword God.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Ex): Sword Gods gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Infinite One-Sword Style (Ex): The Sword God practices a bizarre fighting style that makes use of several swords scattered around the battlefield. He carries a scabbard that contains four of his chosen sword per class level. As a standard action, he may deploy these swords in a circle. The center of the circle must be within 10 ft per class level, and its radius is 10 ft per class level. If the ground is soft and yielding (like sand, grass, or dirt) or has many cracks (like hard earth or a tiled surface), the swords land with their points in the ground and their hilts pointing up. If the ground offers no such purchase for the blades, they simply fall flat. In either case, they are randomly distributed in the area. Once the swords are deployed in this manner, the Sword God may perform several complicated techniques with them, detailed below. (This ability is referred to as IOSS below.)

Blindside (Ex): The most basic feature of the Infinite One-Sword Style is that it allows the Sword God to attack from any direction, making it difficult for his opponent to predict his moves. When he has deposited his swords using IOSS, he is within the radius of the swords, and he is threatening an opponent in melee, he may attack with the scattered swords. As part of an attack or full attack action, he may grab a sword that is within 5 ft and attack with it. (This is not a separate action, so it takes no time at all and provokes no attacks of opportunity.) The first attack he makes in a round with a given sword allows him to make a feint in combat Bluff check as a free action before he makes the attack roll - though he must still attack even if the Bluff check fails, he must attack with the sword immediately after grabbing it, and he only gets the free Bluff check if he just grabbed the sword (in other words, he cannot have had the sword in hand before the attack action). Since grabbing the sword forms part of the attack action, he may grab as many swords as he is entitled to attack with in a round (this includes such features as off-hand attacks). Furthermore, whenever the Sword God attacks with a Chosen sword, he may deposit it in the ground afterwards (within the original IOSS area) as a free action. This ability cannot be used if the Sword God is wearing armor heavier than light or carrying a load heavier than light.

Three Shining Paths (Ex): A 2nd-level Sword God may use Spring Attack in conjunction with Blindside. He may grab a sword from any point within 5 ft of the path he travels towards his opponent and still get a free feint in combat Bluff check when he makes his attack. (This allows the Sword God to move into the IOSS area and still attack in the same turn.) If this attack is a disarm attempt, he gets a +4 bonus on the roll to disarm.

Swords Addition (Ex): A 3rd-level Sword God can attack with several blades, causing each successive hit to deal increased damage. As a full attack action, he may use his Blindside technique to attack with up to two swords per class level. He makes each attack roll at his highest base attack bonus. He need not grab any or all of them from the IOSS area, but only those he does grab from the IOSS area entitle him to free Bluff checks. The swords do not deal their normal damage. Instead, the first deals 1 damage, the second deals 2, the third deals 4, the fourth deals 8, and so on. If he misses any of these attacks, the full attack ends. The Sword God must declare beforehand how many attacks he will attempt (this has no effect until he gains Swords Multiplication - see below). Each sword is released once it hits or misses.

Swords Multiplication (Ex): A 4th-level Sword God can turn his Swords Addition attack into a truly devastating maneuver. If the Sword God manages to hit with all his Swords Addition attack rolls, he can make a final strike (using another sword which he may either pick up or have in hand), again at his highest BAB, that causes each blade that hit during Swords Addition to deal its damage again.

Unlimited Bladeworks: Unlimited Bladeworks is an ability that activates expands an enclosed alternate reality that is a physical representation of a user's soul. This ability is treated as the Power Genesis, with the following differences.

Duration: 3 Minute per Level of Sword God.

XP Cost: 0

Effect: You materialize a plane of reality onto the Ethereal Plane, and on the next round, bring it crashing to the Material Plane. This temporarily displaces the material plane, leaving the ultimate battlefield within it's place. While within the area of effect, enemies must make a Will Save DC 15+Intelligence Modifier or suffer a -1 Penalty to Attacks, Damage, and Saves. Within this reality is an infinite amount of blades, that anyone may draw. These are randomly any weapon. Someone who can identify these weapons can use a movement action to draw a specific weapon, while the Sword God can draw any weapon as a swift action. In addition, the Sword God is granted a +20 Insight bonus to movement Speed, as it is his Reality.

Campaign Information

Playing a Sword God

Combat: A Sword God is a large damage dealer in combat, but as they will likely take a large amount of damage, they will need to be supported by other characters, They can also be used to block off areas or to protect immobile spell-casters, downed party members, etc.

Advancement: <Swordmaster is advised to have before getting this class.>

Resources: Sword Gods are backed by no particular organization, though are often hired by one at some point, so resources are intermittent at best.

Sword Gods in the World

Yes, now you shall see all of my techniques. Defend yourself.
—Algur Shigin, Human Swordmaster

A Sword God is most likely a wandering adventurer and is probably has a good amount of recognition amongst swordsmen and the like.

NPC Reactions: NPCs that know of the character are, for the most part, respectful; those who don't are generally confused by their equipment and demeanor.

Sword God Lore

Characters with ranks in <-Knowledge-> can research Sword Gods to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
DC Result
11 <-not so common knowledge->.
16 <-rare information->.
21 <-very rare information->.
26 <-information so obscure that members of this class might not even know it->.

Sword Gods in the Game

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play->

Adaptation: <-Fitting this class in your campaign->

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPC of this class->

EL whatever: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->

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