Spiked Juggernaut (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Spiked Juggernaut Epic PrC

The Spiked Juggernaut, is a warrior who has discovered...(?)


Hit Die: d12
Table: The Spiked Juggernaut
Level Special
1st Greater bull rush, juggernaut's tackle
2nd Juggernaut's skin
3rd Juggernaut's heart, spiked skill I
4th Juggernaut's bones
5th Juggernaut's heart, juggernaut's sprint
6th Epic bull rush, juggernaut's skin, spiked skill II
7th Juggernaut's heart
8th Juggernaut's bones, powerful build
9th Juggernaut's heart, spiked skill III
10th Juggernaut's skin, juggernaut's rush

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Ride, Swim, Tumble.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the Spiked Juggernaut:

Greater Bull Rush(Ex): At 1st level, the Spiked Juggernaut is now more adept at performing a bull rush. The Spiked Juggernaut now gains a +4 bonus to a Bull Rush. Also, during a bull rush, the Spiked Juggernaut can now make a full attack action with no penalty during a bull rush so long as he passes within range of all specified targets. Also, the Spiked Juggernaut can make no more than one attack per enemy that he passes during a charge attack. Bonuses from a charge attack are applied to all attacks made during the rush. Also, during a bull rush, the Spiked Juggernaut can push a successfully rushed enemy to the side and continue onward. Also, during a successful bull rush, the Spiked Juggernaut can make an attack using both shields, if he chooses to continue to push the target, and his armor spikes. If he chooses to push the target to the side, the target only takes damage from one shield.

Juggernaut's Tackle(Ex): At 1st level, the Spiked Juggernaut can tackle a creature up to one size category larger than himself. If his bull rush attempt is successful, the bull rush ends, but the enemy is pinned and takes damage from the characters armor and shield spikes. This automatically provokes an attack of opportunity with a 25% chance of failure, a 50% chance of success and a 25% chance to be redirected to the attacker. The player must declare a tackle before the bull rush is started. This requires the Spiked Juggernaut to perform a charge as well as have 5 ft for him to leap into the enemy.

Juggernaut's Skin(Ex): At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the Spiked Juggernaut through practice and training has thicker skin. Everytime the Spiked Juggernaut gains an increase to damage reduction. The Spiked Juggernaut's current damage reduction increases by 2/-.

Juggernaut's Heart(Ex): At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, the Spiked Juggernaut, through practice and training has a more resistant body. Every time the Spiked Juggernaut gains this ability, choose one element (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) and the Spiked Juggernaut gains 10 energy resistance to that element. The maximum for any single element is 30. If the Spiked Juggernaut attains 30 resistance to all five elements, then the maximum increases to 50, but only once all elements have reached 30.

Spiked Skill I(Ex): At 3rd level the Spiked Juggernaut becomes more skilled with positioning his body to make his weapons more dangerous. The damage from the Spiked Juggernaut's armor spikes or spiked shield increase by one rank (ie 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.).

Juggernaut's Bones(Ex): At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, the Spiked Juggernaut, through practice and training has become sturdier. Every time the Spiked Juggernaut gains this ability, the Spiked Juggernaut's natural armor increases by +2.

Juggernaut's Sprint(Ex): At 5th level the Spiked Juggernaut can now initiate a charge attack instantly while wearing heavy armor. He no longer needs a 10 f head start. This allows him to perform a full bull rush even to enemies adjacent to him. If he is wearing medium armor, then he still needs a 5 ft head start, and he gains no benefit from this ability in light or no armor.

Epic Bull Rush(Ex): During a charge, the Spiked Juggernaut can now go around people without having to stop. If any ally, or someone he doesn't wish to attack, is in the path of his charge, he can step around them without having to stop his charge. The Spiked Juggernaut can only step around a number of squares equal to his dexterity modifier. This means that if Kain, a 30th level fighter 6th level Spiked Juggernaut with 30 dexterity, he can step past two large creatures and two medium creatures, or any combination of 10 squares.

Spiked Skill II(Ex): At 6th level the Spiked Juggernaut's skill increases even further. The damage dealt by the Spiked Juggernaut's armor spikes and spiked shield increase by an additional rank (ie 1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10 etc.) Also, the critical threat range of the Spiked Juggernaut's armor spikes and spiked shield increases by 1 number (ie 20 to 19-20, 19-20 to 18-20 etc). This increase stacks with all other bonuses gained from any enchantment or feat.

Powerful Build(Ex): This ability functions just like the racial trait. The physical training of a Spiked Juggernaut lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a Spiked Juggernaut is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the Spiked Juggernaut is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A Spiked Juggernaut can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this extraordinary ability stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. When performing a bull rush, treat yourself as one size category larger when determining your limitation. If the character already has Powerful Build as a racial trait, then this ability stacks with it, as it is more skill than anything.

Spiked Skill III(Ex): At 9th level the Spiked Juggernaut attains the pinnacle of his skill using armor spikes and the spiked shield. The damage dealt by the Spiked Juggernaut's armor spikes and spiked shield increases by two more ranks (ie 1d8 to 2d6, 1d10 to 2d8). Also, the critical threat range of the Spiked Juggernaut's armor spikes and spiked shield increase by an additional 2 numbers (ie 19-20 to 17-20, 18-20 to 16-20). This increase stacks with all other bonuses gained from any enchantment or feat.

Juggernaut's Rush(Su): At 10th level, the Juggernaut has practically perfected his ability to rush enemies. During a bull rush, he can sidestep an unlimited number of allies. Also, with a successful tumble check DC 30, he can continue his bull rush after performing a tackle. Also, the Spiked Juggernaut gains a bonus to attack, damage and all checks related to a charge attack or bull rush equal to his Spiked Juggernaut level. Also, while performing a charge attack or bull rush all of the bonuses that he would apply to his bull rush and/or charge are also added to all attacks and damage during a charge or bull rush. Also, during a bull rush or charge attack, the

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