Guidelines (RoF Supplement)

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Guidelines for Reign of Fire Play[edit]

Character Creation[edit]

A Note on Occupations[edit]

For most characters, occupation represents their job in 2010 at the fall of civilized government. Aside from helping to decide character skills and, perhaps, bonus feats, most occupations no longer offer any bonus to the characters, as the world has no need for most of them anymore. Wealth bonus is entirely disregarded and instead replaced with a salvage bonus; unless otherwise noted, all occupations effectively have a salvage bonus increase of 0. In order to qualify for any occupation, unless otherwise noted below, the character must have met the prerequisites in 2010.

  • Adventurer: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time; salvage bonus increase +2
  • Athlete: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time
  • Criminal: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time; salvage bonus increase +1
  • Drifter: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time; salvage bonus increase +1
  • Dragon Slayer: see entry for full details
  • Law Enforcement: salvage bonus increase +1 (+4 for initial equipment)
  • Marauder: see entry for full details
  • Military: salvage bonus increase +2 (+8 for initial equipment)
  • Outcast: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time
  • Religious: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time
  • Rural: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time
  • Scavenger: characters must meet prerequisites as of present time; salvage bonus increase +3
  • Survivor: see entry for full details

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