Herbalist (5e Class Feature)

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HERBALIST (Poultices & Poisons)
At 3rd level, you can create special herbal poultices that have some healing power. You take an hour and make a Wisdom (Survival) check¹ DC10 (plus any modifiers the DM should wish to apply), gathering herbs and preparing herbal poultices using treated bandages to create a number of such poultices equal to ((your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1)) + (1 for ever 2 points over the DC your roll was))² Successes beyond your Maximum capacity reduce the foraging time by 15 minutes each). You can have up to your proficiency number of poultices and ointments on you at one time. The poultices you create cannot be applied by anyone but you. After 24 hours, any poultices that you have not used lose their potency.
If you spend 1 minute applying one of your poultices to a wounded humanoid creature, thereby expending its use, that creature regains 1d6+(Your Wisdom Modifier) hit points for every two ranger levels you have (rounded up). If a poultice is used to treat a poisoned or diseased person, the Ranger must make a nature check against the DC. The poultice heals the difference between the DC and the result (Yes, that means it might do damage upon failure). Upon success the poison/disease is halted, and may be cured if rest is taken by the victim. The DM determines palliative care requirements. If rest is not taken, the poison or disease is only offset by 12 hours in its effect.

¹ The Check is at advantage if in a Favored Terrain.
² A foraging attempt uses one of Healer's Kit's usages, regardless of the number of Poultacies generated.

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