The Untouchable Monk (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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There are those that fight with the sword, and those that fight with the arcane. You are a monk who has perfected his craft in both wizardry and hand to hand combat. Can you take on beasts from another plane? With ease. Can you take on a small army by yourself? Of course. Can you fight a Tarrasque? Alone? Only Pun-Pun can I think.


Complete Arcane, PHB "duh", Sword and Fist, Champions of Valor, many more.

Game Rule Components

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...

You're almost capable of full casting, capping off at 7th level spells. So sure, if your party runs into a Tarrasque, you won't be able to kill it by yourself. However, you're more about defense, and crowd control. And if you don't feel like burning a spell, just run up and punch it. Or punch it from 20 feet away.


You'll need a few, but no armor. Some Ioun stones would be good. A Belt of Magnificence, Ring of Protection, Starmantle Cloak, and a Monk's Belt. These are the essentials.


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): 10 Str, 16 Dex, 14 Con, 16 Int, 12 Wis, 8 Cha

Race (Templates): Human: You need those feats in the beginning.

Class Build: Monk 3/Abjuration Domain Wizard 2/Fighter 2/Abjurant Champion 5/Eldritch Knight 8

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
2nd <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
3rd <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
4th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
5th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
6th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
7th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
8th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
9th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
10th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
11th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
12th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
13th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
14th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
15th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
16th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
17th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
18th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
19th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
20th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->

Other Components

<- anything not covered by the previous sections ->


<- How and why this build works ->

Munchkin-Size Me

<- Take it to the next level ->

Side Notes

<- overview of additional info about this build ->


<- conditions of when this build works ->

DM Counters

<- If needed, tricks for the DM (provided they allow this build) to keep the abuse to a minimum. ->


<- Any other side notes that don't fit in the above sections. ->

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