Mundane Weapon Upgrades (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Mundane Weapon Upgrades

Sometimes a player wants to customize his weapons, but doesn't have the necessary gold to purchase expensive magical enhancements. This variant rule provides non-magical customization options for your weapons, aside from just plain masterwork.

None of these upgrades count as masterwork. So, for instance, you wouldn't be able to place magical enchantments on a weapon which had one or more of these upgrades but was still not masterwork.

You may have up to three of these mundane upgrades at a time on any one weapon. Masterwork is separate, so you may have three upgrades in addition to masterwork.

This will not be a "pet page" of mine--feel free to add any ideas of your own to the list.

Reading the entries

Name of the upgrade

Description: Descriptive text, along with what the upgrade does.

Cost: The price of the upgrade for most weapons (in addition to the weapon's normal cost).

Applicable Weapons: What weapons the upgrade can be placed on.

Must be added on creation? This entry will read either "yes" or "no". If "yes", the upgrade must be created with the item (much like the Masterwork enhancement)--it cannot be added to an already existing item. If "no", you can add the upgrade to an existing item simply by taking it to a smith and paying the indicated price.

Special: Any special rules regarding the upgrade.

List of mundane weapon upgrades


Description: Adds dozens of sharpened ridges, similar to the teeth of a saw, to the striking edge of the weapon, allowing it to chew through armor with ease. When attacking an enemy with a Serrated weapon, you may ignore 1 point of the enemy's Armor or Natural Armor bonus to its AC. If the enemy has no armor or natural armor, this modification does nothing.

Cost: 150 GP

Applicable Weapons: Dagger, Sickle, Handaxe, Kukri, Battleaxe, Longsword, Scimitar, Falchion, Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Guisarme, Kama, Bastard Sword, Dwarven Waraxe, Orc Double Axe, Two-Bladed Sword, Dwarven Urgrosh (Slashing end only)

Must be added on creation? Yes

Special: This upgrade must be purchased separately for each end of the Orc Double Axe and the Two-Bladed Sword.


Description: With some extra time in the forge and some extra material used, the weapon is made harder and denser. Its Hardness and Hit Points are each increased by 25%.

Cost: 100 GP

Applicable Weapons: Dagger, Punching Dagger, Light Mace, Sickle, Heavy Mace, Morningstar, Light Hammer, Kukri, Light Steel Shield, Short Sword, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Heavy Steel Shield, Trident, Warhammer, Falchion, Greatsword, Halberd, Lance, Sai, Bastard Sword, Gnome Hooked Hammer, Dwarven Urgrosh

Must be added on creation? No


Description: Adds hard metal studs, not unlike those on a suit of studded leather armor, to a blunt weapon to amplify its ability to damage unarmored foes. A studded weapon gains a +1 damage bonus against unarmored (having neither Armor nor Natural Armor AC boosts) opponents.

Cost: 50 GP

Applicable Weapons: Gauntlet, Club, Quarterstaff, Sap, Shield (any), Light Flail, Greatclub, Heavy Flail, Nunchaku, Dire Flail, Bolas

Must be added on creation? No

Special: This upgrade must be purchased separately for each end of the Quarterstaff and the Dire Flail.

This upgrade is incompatible with Spiked.


Description: Adds long, sharp spikes to a flail, making it significantly deadlier. The weapon's damage type is changed to Piercing, and its damage increases by one size category.

Cost: 300 GP

Applicable Weapons: Light Flail, Heavy Flail, Dire Flail

Must be added on creation? No

Special: This upgrade must be purchased separately for each end of the Dire Flail.

This upgrade is incompatible with Studded.

Razor Edge

Description: The edge of the blade is hammered to an ultra-fine edge and tempered, making it much sharper than ordinary weapons of its type. You gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls with the weapon. This also stacks with the bonus for a Masterwork weapon. However, the edge is not permanent: after 20 successful attack rolls, the edge will grow dull from battle and return to normal. The upgrade must then be purchased once again to gain the benefit.

Cost: 100 GP

Applicable Weapons: Dagger, Punching Dagger, Sickle, Shortspear, Longspear, Spear, Javelin, Throwing Axe, Handaxe, Kukri, Battleaxe, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Falchion, Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Guisarme, Halberd, Ranseur, Scythe, Arrows, Kama, Bastard Sword, Dwarven Waraxe, Orc Double Axe, Two-Bladed Sword, Dwarven Urgrosh, Shuriken

Must be added on creation? No

Special: This upgrade must be purchased separately for each end of the Orc Double Axe, the Two-Bladed Sword, and the Dwarven Urgrosh.

When adding this upgrade to Arrows or Shuriken, the cost is to add the upgrade to 20 units.


Description: The weapon is forged to be much heavier than normal weapons of its class and size,effectively making it 1 size larger for everything positive and gaining the weight of the next size category.

Cost: Increase the cost of forging by 20%.

Applicable Weapons: Every weapon but wooden ones.

Must be added on creation? Yes.

Special:Colossal weapons increase one dice size in damage and get +10% weight.

Extremely sharp

Description: The weapon is extremely sharp and every time it deals damage it inflicts 1d4 bleed damage,it can stack with itself

Cost: +200 cost.

Applicable Weapons: Every weapon with a blade

Must be added on creation? No

Special: Can be applied to ammunition in 50 stacks

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