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Lapidai (Ta'Ril Supplement)

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Solid as the earth they're named for, if one comes for you, best get out of the way.

Basic Info

The Elemental races are an inherent contradiction. Existing as an example of both order and chaos, a primordial being bound into mortal form. The Lapidai represent the powers of Earth given flesh.

Creation Info

Racial Traits

  • Average Height: 5'4"-6'0"
  • Average Weight: 150-275lbs

  • Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
  • Size: Medium.
  • Speed: 5 squares.
  • Vision: Normal.

  • Languages: Common, choice of one other.
  • Skill Bonuses: +2 Balance, +2 Endurance

  • Solid Body: +1 to your Fortitude defense and saving throws.
  • Resilient: You use your second wind as a minor action
  • Stand your ground: When you are forced to move (Slid, pushed or pulled) you may move one less square than specified. When an attack would knock you prone, you can immediately make a saving throw to stay aright.

Racial Powers

Storm's Wrath     Lapidai Racial Power
 "The Lapidai slams a limb to the ground, creating a shockwave of earth."
Encounter Power
Minor Action          Close Burst 2
Attack: Ability vs Fortitude +2 (Ability used is a physical ability(typically your highest) selected when you gain this ability)
Hit: Target is knocked prone and takes 1d4 earth damage.
1d6 at 11th, +4 to hit
2d4 at 21st, +6 to hit

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