Goblin, Trickster (Herregor Supplement)

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In the world that contains Herregor, Goblin is the generic name for a host of similar creatures born from the feywild. During the Elfwars these creatures did the bidding of the faerie lords. When the fighting was done and the barrier sealed, many were left behind by their master and have since "gone native".

Goblins have a strange society. Among their own kind they mix as a single race. A horde of goblins may include a mix of all the types (brutes, skulkers, and tricksters) and they make little distinction among themselves. They do not breed as men do, that much is known, but from that point the legends differ. Stories tell of goblins who steal children to raise as their own, imparting their own form to them, as well as men who drink of ensorcelled wine or eat of tainted food and join their ranks. Other stories tell of how they spring fully formed from the earth.

The term "Trickster Goblin" is not the proper name of these creatures but is more definitive of their role. Trickster Goblins are the royalty of the goblin race. They are usually the leaders of a group of goblins and command the fear and respect of their fellows. They may be jovial and witty, but there is always a tinge of madness to their smile. Some folks say that Tricksters are not goblins at all, but faerie lords who were trapped in the world when the barrier between was repaired, cut off from their source of power they are dim reflections of their former glory.

Of all the goblin races the Tricksters are most likely to be comely, a large portion of them can even pass for human with a bit of mundane disguise. Those among them who are not comely are hideous beyond imagining - creatures of darkness and nightmare.

Nymphs, faeries, elves, hags, and hobgoblins all belong to the trickster goblin family. The following statistics represent a trickster goblin that is a 6th level sorcerer.

Trickster Goblin (6th level sorcerer)
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Fey)
Hit Dice: 6d8 (36 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 Dodge) DR 6 (+4 chain shirt, +2 natural), touch 18, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: +9 masterwork longsword (1d8)
Full Attack: +9 masterwork longsword (1d8)
Space/Reach: 1 sq./1 sq.
Special Attacks: Sorcerer Spells, See Below
Special Qualities: Sorcerer Spells, See Below
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Skills: Fly +13, Intimidate +13, Spellcraft +11, Concentration +15
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Concentration
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard, double goods
Alignment: Unaligned or Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +4

The man smiles a toothy grin at you from across the clearing, but he is not a man at all. His features are too narrow, his skin too pale, his teeth are sharp like a wolf's. He winks at you as you hear something moving stealthily off to your left, you chance a glance in that direction but see nothing. Returning you gaze to the man he is gone. An inhuman battle cry sounds in the distance, the birds fall silent, the sounds of booted feet can be heard crashing through the undergrowth in your direction.

Trickster goblins advance by character class and are always sorcerers with the fey bloodline. Trickster goblins vary in appearance. They are usually medium in size with a human build. Many appear human at first glance but have some otherworldly feature that betrays them as inhuman such as animal like teeth or black, void-like eyes. Others are wholly monstrous, appearing as twisted, black-skinned hags with iron claws and teeth or monstrous ogres with wide mouths, goat horns, and smoldering eyes that glow like coals.


Trickster goblins are the masterminds and leaders of the goblin races. They are rarely encountered alone, and when they are they are usually not looking for a fight. They use spells to confound opponents and bolster their allies. They rarely select spells that are flashy or directly damaging, instead favoring illusions, enchantments, and transmutations.

In addition to the abilities described above Skulker goblins often have two or more of the following abilities:

  • Animal Form (sp): Allows the goblin to take the form of an Animal at will as the Beast Shape III spell (see the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Most goblins with this ability have only one form they may assume, but some may assume many.
  • Damage Reduction (ex): 5, 10, or 15/cold iron.
  • Flight (ex or sp): The goblin can fly at a movement speed of 60 (good) whether this is from a set of insect or bat like wings or as innate spell-like ability is up to the DM.
  • Immortal (ex): The goblin cannot be killed and does not age. It is immune to aging attacks, disease, and poisons. If killed through hit point loss it returns to life were it was "killed" in a week and a day. It may only permanantly destroyed by performing a special ritual or using a special weapon, unique to each goblin (such as being given a proper funeral and interred on holy ground or being slain with a weapon made of cold iron and quenched in the blood of a dove). Learning the goblin's weakness is often an adventure in itself.
  • Innate Spells (ex): The goblin casts all of its magic at a thought, without the need for somatic or verbal components.
  • Large: The Goblin is large instead of medium. It gains a +10 to strength.
  • Regeneration (ex): 3, 6, or 9/cold iron.
  • Shapeshifter (su): Allows the goblin to use Alter Self at will.
  • Small: The goblin is size small instead of medium. It's dexterity is 4 higher.

In addition to these special qualities goblins often (but not always) posses the following weaknesses:

  • Aversion to Holy Ground: Goblins with this weakness cannot tread on the grounds of temples, churches, or graveyards consecrated and maintained by clerics of the Triad.
  • Pained by Church Bells: When church bells are rung on consecrated ground, goblins with this weakness must flee the sound as if turned.
  • Mistletoe Warding: A sprig of mistletoe hung above a door or window will prevent the entrance of a goblin.

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