Electric Element (Planar Travel Supplement)

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Electric as an element means that the Planar Form is the embodiment of Electricity, brimming with energy-filled paralyzing attacks. Electricity is known for its large damage ranges and ability to freeze an opponent solid.

Allied Elements

Air, Light (Positive), Chaos

Elemental Effect: Paralysis

Para (chance, rounds): If a natural roll higher than the chance parameter is rolled on an attack with paralysis, the target is paralyzed. Paralysis lasts as many rounds as the rounds parameter, and causes the target to have to make a roll of 5 or higher on a D10 in order to take an action on their turn. If a target is already paralyzed add on the rounds parameter to the current number of rounds they must wait.



Name: Spark
Element: Electric
Required Level: 1
Required Abilities: None
Ability Point Cost: 2
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 0, Crit 20 x4, Dmg 1D20


Name: Jolt
Element: Electric
Required Level: 2
Required Abilities: Spark
Ability Point Cost: 4
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 0, Crit 20 x4, Dmg 1D20 + Magic


Name: Surge
Element: Electric
Required Level: 3
Required Abilities: Jolt
Ability Point Cost: 8
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 0, Crit 20 x4, Dmg 1D20 + 1D10 + Magic


Name: Thundershock
Element: Surge
Required Level: 5
Required Abilities: Jolt
Ability Point Cost: 18
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 0, Crit 20 x4, Dmg 1D50 + Magic. Rolling a D50: Roll a D100 (2 D10 with one designated as the 10's where 00 is 100), and then divide by 2 round up

Lightning Bolt

Name: Lightning Bolt
Element: Electric
Required Level: 8
Required Abilities: Jolt
Ability Point Cost: 33
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 0, Crit 20 x6, Dmg D100 + Magic

Static Shot

Name: Static Shot
Element: Electric
Required Level: 1
Required Abilities: None
Ability Point Cost: 1
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: Miss 5, Crit 20, Dmg D10 + Magic, Para(15,3)

Lightning Mastery

Name: Lightning Mastery
Element: Electric
Required Level: 3 for Lightning Mastery I, 6 for Lightning Mastery II, etc.
Required Abilities: None
Ability Point Cost: 10 for Lightning Mastery I, 15 for Lightning Mastery II, etc.
Number of Uses
Per Combat:
Description: For each level of this ability, the chance to paralyze with a lightning skill increases by 1 per level (if there was no chance, then treat the requirement as a roll of 21 needed and reduce that). Paralysis lasts 1 extra round per level (if there was no chance, this becomes 1 round).

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