Bellinor Fenjornic (3.5e NPC)

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Bellinor Fenjornic (Outburst, Raging)

CR 12

Male maenad wilder 4/barbarian 1/psionic dragon disciple* 7
CN Medium humanoid (maenad, psionic)
Init/Senses +1/blindsense 30 ft.; Listen +13, Spot −2
Languages Common, Draconic, Maenad
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 14; elude touch +1
(+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 deflection, −2 raging)
hp 128 (12 HD)
Immune cold
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+5/+10
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee bite +21 (1d8+12) and 2 claws +21 (1d6+7)
Base Atk/Grp +9/+15
Special Actions breath weapon (30-ft. cone of light, 4d8, DC 24), outburst, rage 1/day
Combat Gear bag of holding type I, boots of speed, potion of cure moderate wounds
Power Points 36
Abilities Str 28, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 13
SQ fast movement
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Multiattack, Multiattack
Skills Listen +13, Speak Language (Draconic), Swim +10
Possessions combat gear plus amulet of mighty fists +3, ring of protection +3, cloak of resistance +1, 200 gp
Outburst (Ex) Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, Bellinor can subjugate himself mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When he does so, he takes a –2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gains a +2 bonus to Strength.

When Bellinor's outburst ends but his rage continues, he has the following statistics.

Bellinor Fenjornic (Raging)

CR 12

Male maenad wilder 4/barbarian 1/psionic dragon disciple* 7
CN Medium humanoid (maenad, psionic)
Init/Senses +1/blindsense 30 ft.; Listen +14, Spot −1
Languages Common, Draconic, Maenad
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 14; elude touch +1
(+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 deflection, −2 raging)
hp 128 (12 HD)
Immune cold
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+5/+11
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee bite +20 (1d8+11) and 2 claws +20 (1d6+7)
Base Atk/Grp +9/+15
Special Actions breath weapon (30-ft. cone of light, 4d8, DC 24), outburst, rage 1/day
Combat Gear bag of holding type I, boots of speed, potion of cure moderate wounds
Power Points 36
Abilities Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13
SQ fast movement
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Multiattack, Multiattack
Skills Listen +14, Speak Language (Draconic), Swim +9
Possessions combat gear plus amulet of mighty fists +3, ring of protection +3, cloak of resistance +1, 200 gp
Outburst (Ex) Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, Bellinor can subjugate himself mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When he does so, he takes a –2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gains a +2 bonus to Strength.

When Bellinor is neither raging nor outbursting, he has the following statistics.

Bellinor Fenjornic

CR 12

Male maenad wilder 4/barbarian 1/psionic dragon disciple* 7
CN Medium humanoid (maenad, psionic)
Init/Senses +1/blindsense 30 ft.; Listen +14, Spot −1
Languages Common, Draconic, Maenad
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 16; elude touch +1
(+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 deflection)
hp 104 (12 HD)
Immune cold
Fort/Ref/Will +12/+5/+9
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee bite +18 (1d8+9) and 2 claws +18 (1d6+6)
Base Atk/Grp +9/+15
Special Actions breath weapon (30-ft. cone of light, 4d8, DC 22), outburst, rage 1/day
Combat Gear bag of holding type I, boots of speed, potion of cure moderate wounds
Power Points 36
Powers Known (ML 4th, wild surge +2/psychic enervation/surging euphoria +1):
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 6th):
1/day—energy ray (sonic only, DC 12)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13
SQ fast movement
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Multiattack, Multiattack
Skills Autohypnosis +6, Concentration +18, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Listen +14, Speak Language (Draconic), Swim +7
Possessions combat gear plus amulet of mighty fists +3, ring of protection +3, cloak of resistance +1, 200 gp
Outburst (Ex) Once per day, for up to 4 rounds, Bellinor can subjugate himself mentality to gain a boost of raw physical power. When he does so, he takes a –2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom but gains a +2 bonus to Strength.

* Bellinor's dragon variety is crystal dragon which can be found in the Monster Manual II. How the crystal dragon is applied to the half-dragon template can be found in the Draconomicon.

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