Ascetic Leadership (3.5e Feat)

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Ascetic Leadership [General]

Your wisdom attracts those seeking insight into the way of the monk.
Prerequisite: Character level 6th, monk or ninja level 1st.
Benefit: You attract followers and a cohort as if you had taken the Leadership feat. Your leadership score is treated as 2 higher than it otherwise would be for the purposes of attracting monk and ninja followers and treated as 4 lower than it otherwise would be for the purposes of attracting other followers.
Special: Your Wisdom modifier is added to your leadership score instead of your Charisma modifier.

Your DM may decide whether a character who does not have levels in the monk or ninja classes are considered monks or ninjas for the purposes of this feat. For example, an expert who is a pupil in a monastic order, or a rogue who is described as having training similar to that of a ninja may be included in the leadership score bonus this feat provides.

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