Arachinda Ring of Jumping (4e Equipment)

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Arachnida Ring of Jumping Level 1+ Uncommon
This pair of silver rings are engraved with pictures of jumping spiders pouncing on their prey. One of the rings can grow or shrink to fit a spider.
Level 1 +2 360 gp Level 16 +5 45000 gp
Level 6 +3 1800 gp Level 21 +6 225000 gp
Level 11 +4 9000 gp

Item Slot: Spider Mount
♦ This item consists of two rings. Your spider must wear one ring on one leg (it resizes to fit), and you must wear one ring on your hand or on a chord around your neck in order to benefit from the effects of this item. This does not use up a ring slot.
♦ Your spider gains an item bonus to athletics skill checks jump equal to the ring's enhancement bonus.

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Template:4e Homebrew BreadcrumbSourcebooksArachonomicon; the Book of SpiderkindEquipment.