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I play close to 20 years role playing games. Mostly DSA also known as "The Dark Eye", but I prefer the German version which is much more worked out, maybe to much.
Then in order of favorite:
Das Swarze Auge aka The Dark Eye, Deathwatch, D&D, LotR, Marvel RPG(dice less), Kuro and Call of Cthulhu

I hope soon to be again active again in Melvaunt a place in the world of Forgotten Realms. My hero is is a sorceress from Secomber who is finally a level 1 Presto. I should have lowered the perquisite for Presto. :(

I'm still working on a self made class for her, but I have the idea that it is overpowered.
It's work in progress. See "discussion" for more information.


As a possible alternative
Presto Lite

Also spells like
Warp Door

More later...

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