The Metal (3.5e Creature)

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April Fools!
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The Metal

Size/Type: colossal Construct (Living)
Hit Dice: 50d10+1000 (1250 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 1000
Armor Class: 1000, touch 1000, flat-footed 1000
Base Attack/Grapple: 1000/1000
Attack: Metal +1000 (10d20+1000/10-20x4)
Full Attack: 3 Metals +1000 (10d20+1000/10-20x4)
Space/Reach: 50/30
Special Attacks: Strike You Down With A Vicious Blow
Special Qualities: Invincibility
Saves: Fort 1000, Ref 1000, Will 1000
Abilities: Str 1000, Dex 1000, Con 1000, Int 1000, Wis 1000, Cha 1000
Skills: hide +1000, move silently -1000, Profession (Awesome) +1000, Craft (Awesome) +1000, perform (Guitar) +1000
Feats: Skill Focus (perform Guitar)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1000
Treasure: quintuple standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Awesome
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: N/A
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You walk along singing a song, and OH MY GOD! IT'S THE METAL!

The Metal is the most awesome thing ever. It is shaped like a giant, 50 foot long guitar, and is invincible. You can't Kill The Metal, The Metal Will Live On!


The Metal prefers to jump straight into combat, knowing full well that it is awesomer than anyone. Still there are times when it hides, and jumps down from above adventuring parties, and squishes them under its mighty metal.

Strike You Down With A Vicious Blow (Ex)
This attack is The Metal's Primary attack. Upon encountering a party The Metal with play a rockin' song that can be beaten by no other song, and will strike the party down with as vicious blow. anyone within hearing distance of this ability (100 ft) is subject to roll a fortitude save (DC: 1000+1000) or be struck down with a totally vicious blow resulting in becoming stunned, paralyzed, shaken, deafened, blinded, knocked unconscious, rocked most hard, and killed from the mighty awesome of The Metal. This ability is an extraordinary ability, and can be used once per round. -->

Invincibility (Ex): That's right. Nobody can destroy The Metal, The Metal will strike you down with a vicious blow. The Metal cannot be harmed by anything mortal or godlike. Even the gods themselves cower in fear at the power of The Metal

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