Humans, Kohanim (3.5e Race)

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When the first rays of dawn struck the world, the first fruits of it's inheritors awoke. lalaidain by the elves, thaladain by men, the kohanim are the first of men to walk the earth. Though the darkness of fate has ever hunted them and scattered their numbers and many a Kohen has died at the hands of evil, the kohanim endure as they always have. For the strength of their will and heart is only matched by some amongst the younger peoples.


An unselfish race, the kohanim live each day to their fullest. They give freely when they can and will not hesitate to aid another. In the beginning of their long lives, a kohen will act playfully towards all they encounter and maintain a thirst for knowledge throughout their lives. They also seek to constantly better themselves in whatever task they divert themselves to. Though they pay respect to Lords and Kings, a kohen will risk that lord's wrath to do what is just. They hate wrong-doing (even if they seem hardened to it), and have an innate ability to see into the hearts of all whom they encounter.

Physical Description

In regards to height, weight, and skin color, the kohanim are nearly indistinguishable from other humans. The only difference is that all kohanim possess an eye color of light or gold hue. However, a large majority are sometimes mistaken as men from the South due to darken skin inherited from aforementioned ancestors. Though no stronger than men, the Kohanim may seem to endure longer than even some elves because of their unmatched power of will.


In regards to other races, the kohanim have a very unique spectrum. Other humans tend to view the kohanim with suspicion and envy. On one hand, their children will mature at the same time, but on the other, one shall pass around 70 while the other may live on until they depart after eight hundred or so years. Once discovered a kohen may be persecuted or welcomed, it all depends on the community. But for their part, the kohanim have remained true friends to those who befriend them and grieve for many years at the passing of that friend.

Though elves have always viewed the kohanim as unfaltering friends, some can't but feel a tinge of envy towards them since elves and kohanim do not decay with the flows of time, but eventually a kohen may choose to depart while an elf remains bound to the circles of the world until the End and after that none but Eru knows of their fate.

While halflings and gnomes are somewhat congenial towards the kohanim, dwarves and Half-Elves will not hesitate to allow one to dwell amongst them. Dwarves hold many legends of the strength of kohen heroes and marvel that one can look so young and yet may have lived as long as two millennium. Half-Elves appreciate that that the kohanim care not for their heritage and often see them as brothers in arms.

Half-orcs are looked upon with love and pity, love because they too are children of Elohei, but pity because of the circumstances of their birth. Regardless, a kohen will trust a half-orc until they give reason not to be trusted.


Due to their nature, a kohen will never willingly serve any force of evil. Even the supposed worst of the kohanim are considered Neutral at worse and ever will they hear Enoch's call.


Scattered throughout the ages, the kohanim will live in any land that welcomes them. There was a time that the kohanim gathered into the realm of Lebanon during the War against the Dark King, but if any still live there, then they likely dwell within the city of Hekhal Yonah, sanctuary of Jonah.


"Since the first dawn, our people have bowed to only one God. Elohei Adonai is his name, Iesus is his son and King of our world. Never have we bowed to any other, we respect those who prove to come in Adonai's name, but never did we bow to the dark one. He who blinded they who should have shared in our blessing and caused them to decay into dust." - Jesse, Shepard of Bethel


Notzrim is the language of the Followers and remains an way of speech amongst themselves. However, the kohanim are also taught the common tongues in order to converse with other races and peoples. Sindarin is especially popular amongst kohanim scholars studying elven lore.


All kohanim are given a Notzrim name at birth and that name remains till the Gates of Morning are opened. Among other races, that name is sometimes pronounced with a dialect that may stick for example: Yeshayahu is the original Notzrim form of the name Isaiah; For simplicity, the common form is even pronounced by fellow kohen while the original is preserved for death.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom,
  • Medium
  • Kohanim base land speed is 30 feet
  • Light of the Firstborn (Ex).: Kohen characters do not suffer the effects of aging, nor do they naturally expire until they wish.
"We are as Elohei meant for all men to be.  To enjoy and care for this world for as long as we are able and release ourselves from its circle when our task is done.  But sadly, all others were ensnared by the Dark   One and lost this gift save for us, against whom the darkness gathers all of its malice." - Aaron, Guardsmaster of Shiloh.
  • Mind Sweep (Ex). : Kohanim can steal a memory from an enemy and take it as their own, the target loses the memory, and then the Kohanim takes a -5 to will checks till they rest and a temporary -2 Int -2 Wis -2 Cha (picture the biggest hangover ever), this can be used as a five-round action to remove a specific memory (30 sec) or as a full-round action to remove a spell slot, the level of the slot chosen is determined by opposed checks of 1d20 +int modifier. for every point you beat your opponent's check by, you can affect a spell slot of one level higher (on par is 0, beat by 4 is up to 4th level and so on).
  • Indomitable Will (Ex). : Though fear can pierce their heart, a kohen refuses to allow it to control them. a kohen has a +4 racial bonus on saves against fear, and a base +2 racial bonus to will saves that does not stack with their bonus against fear effects.
  • Magic Beacon (Ex). : When people are searching for magic, they glow like a beacon, meaning that they can be detected from twice as far away.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Notzrim. Bonus Languages: Sindarin, Sylvan, Halfling, Dialect of Elven or Human.
  • Favored Class: Paladin (non-lawful good kohen do not suffer penalties for not being lawful due to innate nature of the race.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
40 years +2d8 +2d10 +2d12

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