Stamina System (Avatar Supplement)

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Character Level Maximum Stamina Points
1st 5
2nd 10
3rd 15
4th 20
5th 25
6th 30
7th 35
8th 40
9th 45
10th 50
11th 55
12th 60
13th 65
14th 70
15th 75
16th 80
17th 85
18th 90
19th 95
20th 100

Benders most often use their elements as a supplement to and extension of their martial abilities. Thus, I thought it more practical to make bending abilities operate on a stamina system, instead of a magic system. Bending abilities, or techniques, will cost a bending character a certain number of stamina points depending on the ability's complexity and power level. This cost will be drawn from a stamina reservoir, which increases as the character gains levels, shown on the table.

A bender will regain all spent stamina points after a long rest.

Learning techniques[edit]

For each bending class, there is a starting bending technique that is known by at level 1. This is the same for each bending character. At each level after level 1, you may learn one technique related to your element, and you retain that technique. These techniques increase in power as you increase in level. Each technique has a stamina cost associated with it, depending on the complexity and power of the technique. There are three tiers of techniques: Basic, Adept, and Master-level. Level 8 is required to begin to learn Adept-level techniques for the four bending classes, and level 17 is required to learn Master-level techniques.

Techniques that are attacks will use either Strength or Dexterity for the attack rolls and damage modifiers, depending on the nature of the attack.

As part of the fun of bending is the myriad imaginative and unconventional ways to use the elements, do not limit your techniques by the examples for each element that I place below. Those are simply to get you started and give inspiration for your own techniques. Work with your DM to decide the practicality of a technique idea, as well as its execution and stamina cost.

Example techniques[edit]





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