Equipment (Spelljammer Supplement)

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Template:5E Spelljammer Breadcrumb

Personal Weapons[edit]

Starwheel Pistol

The Starwheel is the furthest advancement of gunpowder technology in the Spelljammer setting.

Personal Equipment[edit]


Spacefaring elves use this small winged plant for short-distance travel outside a spelljammer's air envelope.

Ship Equipment[edit]

Passage Device

Created by the Arcane. The device creates a portal in a crystal shell that allows a ship to pass between Wildspace and the Phlogiston. This device does not require a spellcaster for it to function. Acts as a create portal spell.

Portal Locator

Created by the Arcane. The device locates a natural portal in a crystal shell that allows a ship to pass between Wildspace and the Phlogiston. This device does not require a spellcaster for it to function. Acts as a locate portal spell.

Planetary Locator

Created by the Arcane.

Locator Becon

Created by the Arcane.

Star chart

Star charts indicate the location and relative position of the various planets in the Crystal Sphere. They are not magical but are very useful for determining things like prominent races, environments, and spaceborne powers operating in the region.

Life Boats

Life boats have one purpose: to bring those inside relatively safely to the surface of a planet. The life boat falls toward the nearest gravity well (using a lifeboat close to a star can have nasty results).

Ship Weapons[edit]

Spelljammer ship-to-ship combat makes use of the siege engines in the DMG, p. 255 along with some homebrew weapons. Here is a summary, which also gives alternate names from original AD&D Spelljammer book.

Size to hit Range (Ft.) Damage HP RoF
Springald (Light Ballista) M +6 100/400 2d10 piercing 30 3
Medium Ballista L +6 120/480 3d10 piercing 50 3
Heavy Ballista H +6 150/500 4d10 piercing 75 3
Gnomish Sweepers L +6 100/400 Special 60 3
Light Catapult M +5 150/600 (min 60) 3d10 bludgeoning 20 3
Mangonel (Medium Catapult) L +5 200/800 (min 60) 5d10 bludgeoning 100 2
Trebuchet (Heavy Catapult) H +5 300/1200 (min 60) 8d10 bludgeoning 150 2
Light Jettison M +5 150/600 (min 60) 4d6 bludgeoning 20 3
Medium Jettison L +5 200/800 (min 60) 6d6 bludgeoning 100 2
Heavy Jettison H +5 300/1200 (min 60) 8d6 bludgeoning 150 2
Cannon (Bombard) L +6 600/2400 8d10 bludgeoning 75 3
Warwolf G +5 400/1600 (min 60) 11d10 bludgeoning 200 7

**Spelljammer Helm[edit]

Spelljamming helms are the central setting concept which allow interplanetary and interstellar space travel for vessels which would otherwise not be spaceworthy, in the form of a helm (not armored helmet). Any spellcaster may sit on a spelljammer helm to move the ship. The mysterious race known as the Arcane is the sole manufacturer and distributor of spelljamming helms. They are a method of converting magical energy into motive power.

Template:5E Spelljammer Breadcrumb