Cuban Water Trap (5e Trap)

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Cuban Water Trap

mechanical trap

A Cuban water trap is so called because it's a real-world trap that was used in the '50s in revolutionary Cuba. It is always constructed outdoors and uphill, in an area where it often rains. The trap consists of a reservoir of water, which is held back by a log dam with an overlap in the center. The log dam is typically 60-90 feet off the trigger area (such as a trail), and carefully concealed by tree cover (DC 20 Perception check to notice). The braced logs are connected by a cable or rope to a small (3 ft. diameter) boulder, which is camouflaged by dense vegetation off to the side of the trap area and propped up by a 4-figure assembly connected to a trip stick laid out in the trigger area (DC 20 Perception check to notice). When the trip stick is triggered, the boulder rolls down a chute, pulling with it the attached cable. The cable draws the logs out, breaking the dam and releasing a flood of water, debris, and rolling logs on unsuspecting trespassers. Once triggered, the trap affects all creatures in a line 150 feet long as wide as the dam (typically 20-30 feet). Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity check, taking 88 (16d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Creatures or objects that are Huge size or smaller are swept to the end of the area and knocked prone (if a creature), whether or not they made their save.

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