Talk:Arcane Storyteller (5e Class)

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You give this class a lot of tools. Perhaps 2 or three is sufficient.

Additionally, you add little tidbits where unnecessary, such as the bit under Skills, Armor Proficiency, etc.

This class also starts out with the highest potential roll for gold. A roll for gold comparable to a Bard would be more appropriate given they do almost exactly the same thing flavor-wise.

What spell list does this class utilize? (I'd reckon Bard.)

Does Context Clues only apply to ancient walls and manuscripts?

Might wanna cap out spell level for From Beginning to End and Three-Act Story structure, so you don't cast two level 7 spells (and possibly a 6th level spell) as one action.

Advantage on all Deception and Persuasion checks seems a bit much especially at 8th level. A blanket "every 'X' check is with advantage" can be problematic as many skills have many uses and advantage means many more high rolls on those checks. Usually Expertise is applied to add a bit more proficiency rather than a potential 20 on every roll.

As for Literal Following, referring to a specific material is odd considering not all people own XgtE. A class ought to be made complete within itself without calling for external references specifically, though that's just my opinion I suppose. Also, the warning isn't necessary to write. People understand the limitations of a feature when they read it; implying bad things could happen is a good way to have be wary of a feature for fear of it's detriments.

1d4 isn't much for royalties and is effectively worthless at 13th level. I gather you probably don't want to disrupt the balance of the game economy, but just don't include money generation at all. Make your players work for it instead of either breaking the game with cash flow or giving them little more than pocket change.

Sudden Inspiration is absolutely bonkers, in my humble opinion. You get all features returned like that. You effectively get two long rests in a day (albeit with less healing). Absolutely bananas, and it's not even the capstone.

Magnum Opus is excessively powerful. You could min max that all for the cost of... one action! 5 spells (with no level limit) for one action is unbelievably good, especially when you pair it with Sudden Inspiration for 10 spells in two turns. Just upcast Mind Spike and profit.

For The Way Back Home, I don't know if you mean Dimension Door or Demiplane. Dimension Door is a long (though relatively short) teleport, not an actual door to another dimension.

I've noticed several "once per day" features. In 5e, features restore on short or long rests. The only exception I have found are magic items.

How long does Weak-Kneed last? If it's theoretically indefinite, there could be heavy abuse because it's almost Hex but forever and uses no resources at 2nd level.

How long does Lovefool last? Also a 1d4 penalty to their Intelligence score at only 6th level is decently substantial. Lowering an ability score isn't something trivial. You'd be literally sapping their mental capacity. Also, at states "any creature you see" implying all creatures within my field of vision. There is no save, required action, or limit on use either which I would believe is easily unbalanced.

Invoke Tears doesn't have a limit on use or an action requirement. Additionally, we come back to blanket adv. and disadv. which can be problematic. If you're gonna grant advantage, it's best to mak it for a subset of things instead of any check made. For example, I have subclass for a class, and it is based around horse riding. Instead of granting advantage on every Dexterity check and save, I had it only apply to staying on a mount and falling off a mount because their expertise isn't in the entire skill, but the subset of things that fall under that skill.

Bathroom Door has no real function... It only applies to you, and you can't open doors for your party because, "Hey look! The bathroom." It might be funny for the first few times, but it's ultimately unnecessary. Also, it's not properly phrased at the end, and I don't know how you'd prefer it worded.

Just a Sweetheart ought to be once upon completion of a long rest. Up to 3 times (or more with magic), you just succeed. One Persuasion attempt can cause a ruckus, but three on easymode autopilot: a bit much.

What sets off Paperback Traps? Reading them? Stepping on them? Sneezing in their general direction? SOme say step on. Others are unknown.

"Night Terror" under the Paperback Traps feature mentions fatigue which does not exist in 5e to my knowledge.

Jump Scare mentions hit dice, and from what I can tell, only spell effects refer to hit dice, not class features as players wouldn't know or couldn't know how many hit dice a creature has. It also uses round counting which isn't done in 5e. Timespans of one minute, or one hours, or until the start of X turn, is more appropriate in terms of mechanics and formatting.

The "Bogman" feature (though I figure you mean Boogeyman) says you can use it a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.... But never says when it refreshes. Do I need to complete a long rest or can it come back on a short rest as well?

Does Eerie nation just happen... or... do I need to cast a spell first? Also, once per... rest is ambiguous.

Graveyard society mentions Hit Dice. Again, features don't usually refer to hit dice, but that isn't the issue. It duplicates a 9th level spell... but for all creatures in range, at 18th level. Very powerful...

PunnyDM12 (talk) 23:45, 2 February 2019 (MST)

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