Fiendish Flight (3.5e Feat)

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Fiendish Flight 3.5e Abyssal Heritor Feats

Your flight gained through your abyssal heritage has greatly increased so that you are more comfortable in the air than on the ground.
Prerequisite: Vestigial Wings, Functional Wings
Benefit: You gain 1 point to your attack whenever you are attacking while flying. You gain one additional point to attack per 2 Abyssal Heritor feats you possess. You also are no longer limited to a maximum maneuverability of good as through the Functional Wings feat. If you have enough Abyssal Heritor Feats, you can now reach perfect maneuverability.
Special: When not in flight, your movement feels restricted and you cannot aim as easily. Gain a -2 penalty to all attacks when you are not flying.

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