Breath of Arkhosia (4e Theme)

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Breath of Arkhosia

The Theme is intended to provide an enhancement to your natural Dragonborn abilities, such as bonuses to your racial powers or extra mechanical abilities.


You are a true Child of Arkhosia, the ancient dragon empire that once ruled most of the world.

Class Prerequisites


Race Prerequisites

Dragonborn, Dragonbreath Racial Power


Children of Arkhosia have incredible power, and share a heritage with their ancient Arkhosian Brethren. Those that know of their ancestry can learn to wield their inherent power with sufficient grace to grant them unimaginable power.

Associated Skill: History, Intimidate

Starting Feature

Arkhosian Dragonborn possess inherent, latent powers that modify their natural Dragonborn capabilities.


You gain access to special burst features for your dragonborn "Dragonbreath" racial power, in addition other ongoing effects. Your power can instead use a close burst 2, area burst 2, or 5 x 5 close blast size instead of the ordinary burst size. When you use your dragonbreath racial power, you can modify it's shape to form a cone, line, or diamond. Your power can effect an area in a cone shape that increases to 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, a line that covers a 3 x 10 area, or a diamond shape that produces an area 4 spaces in every direction.

Additional Features

Level 5 Feature


When bloodied, you gain a scaling +2/3/4 bonus to damage on all damage rolls. Furthermore, you gain an extra use of your "Dragonbreath" racial power.

Level 10 Feature


You gain a bonus to your healing surge value equal to your highest ability modifier, instead of your constitution modifier. When using your Dragonbreath power, you can utilize any of the base elemental types associated with the power instead of only the power you chose at the beginning of your character creation, but you may only choose to apply one damage type and the associated ongoing effect at a time. In addition, when you choose your dragonborn elemental damage type, you gain an additional damage type associated with that type, or you do lightning in addition thunder damage, acid with force, cold with necrotic, fire with radiant and poison with psychic. This effect applies to other powers that are determined by your dragonborn racial power's type.

Optional Powers

Utility Powers


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