School of Runes (5e Subclass)

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School of Runes

Wizards can appreciate that magic is a form of art, a manipulation of forces to create something wonderful, perhaps even dangerous. There are some who see this with such clarity, they can inscribe their magic into material forms. They are masters of timing and patience, allowing them to rig the battlefield in a pinch, or create powerful weapons that feed off their magic.


When you take this school at 2nd level you gain proficiency in all Artisan tools except alchemy, brewing, cooking, and tinkering.


In taking the school of runecraft, you have given up your ability to cast fast spells for a more tactical approach with the exception of cantrips which are cast normally. When you choose this school at 2nd level you can no longer cast spells instantaneously. You can, however, create symbols out of any material, as long as the necessary components are consumed in the process, that, when something enters its activation range, activate the spell. This negates concentration necessities in spells, but if you want to actively modify a lasting spell, such as ending or moving it, you must concentrate on it. These runes may be used once and once activated the rune loses its magic. The rune may be burnt into an inanimate object you touch instantaneously, drawn in a solid substance, such as dirt or clay, or be made into an object of its own to be given the magic again and again. Vocal requirements are no longer necessary. You may touch the rune in a way that will not set it off to retrieve the spell slot, if the rune wasn’t activated. The removal requires a minute to retrieve it. The rune fades after a certain time equal to two hours times the spell level, minimum of two hours. The rune is activated once anything comes into its range of activation, see Muralist. The activator is the target of the rune with the exception of lasting runes. You cannot put more than one rune in a designated space, exceptions see muralist.


At second level your runes may take up a 5 foot diameter area. This improves at 6th level, allowing you to make runes that can fit on a large objects (such as a greatsword) known as a small rune and/or 10 foot diameter known as a large rune, 10th level, allowing you to make runes that can fit on medium sized objects (such as a short sword) known as a tiny rune and/or 20 foot diameter known as a huge rune, and 14th level, allowing you to make runes that can fit on any object known as a diminutive rune and/or a 30 foot diameter known as a gargantuan rune. If a creature of a greater size than the rune steps into the general area of the rune without intending to activate the rune, they must make a percentile roll to see if they activate the rune. If they are 7 sizes higher they must roll a 1 to activate it, if they are 6 sizes higher they must roll a 3 or below, if they are 5 sizes higher they must roll a 5 or below,if they are 4 sizes higher they must roll a 9 or below, if they are 3 sizes higher they must roll a 12 or below, if they are 2 sizes higher they must roll a 25 or below, if they are a size higher they must roll a 50 or below, if they are the same size, they instantly activate the rune. You may put multiple smaller runes in a certain sized area (for example, you may put four tiny runes in a medium zone) that if a creature the size of the area enters the designated zone, the total maximums of the percentile die would equal no more than 100. If a creature steps into this zone, they must make as many percentile rolls with the same rules above as the number of runes in the zone.

Lasting Runes

You have mastery of runes enough to make some permanent. At 6th level you may choose any spell of 2nd level or lower that isn’t a cantrip to put into a weapon, piece of armor, holy symbol, skin, ect. It requires the same components to initially create and spell slots to use (if someone else uses the rune it still comes from your spell slots), but once made only require a bonus action to use. This may only be done once per turn. To make them you must touch an object and perform whatever ritual necessary for them to form. If you want to remove it, you perform the regular retrieval ritual for a minute. It’s effects, level of control, and fading rules are the same. Lasting runes are only activated by the intent of the user (not the caster) and can have a chosen target other than the activator.

Lucid Runes

At 10th level, you only need a bonus action to make diminutive or tiny runes with spells of 3rd level or below. These cannot be lasting runes.

Magic Eye

At 14th level, you understand all written languages after concentrating on it for a minute, have advantage on all perception checks related to traps or magic, and can’t be blinded.

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