Society (Vanchilia Supplement)

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The Citizens if Vanchilia

live in tyranny they don't have many rights but even the ones they do have are limited for one worshiping gods is the most banned law there is anyone caught worshipping the Gods is sent to the overlord directly for execution. But there are some Nobles and by Nobles those are the ones who stand next to the overlord day by day they tend they tend to his needs and act as the royal Guard. He does not meet then he also has Wizards for certain path such as booklore finding out information and even InterContinental spies though he despises magic for he wants you to be a wizard himself a very powerful one he still uses magic to get jobs done more effectively.

Arena of Oblivion

The arena of Oblivion is said to be the only fun thing about this horrid place matchups are held every day and night without end and all fights are fights to the death with no exceptions if a person does show Mercy they are both executed by the overlord himself it is also rumored that those who win 20 fights in a row are immediately accepted into the overlords Castle as a personal fighter for Overlord enjoyment the overlord also does participate in the arena of Oblivion but none dare face him for they would be a fool. But those who do face the overlord and lose do not die they are just brutally beaten each matchup has a chance of going from 10 gold pieces and doubles each time you win.

Aggressive Nature

Most people that's the overlord pics is a potential successor in his place but to do this they must pass a frivolous task they're to be tossed out into the wild where all the beasts are and survive one year on their own and then if they do survive they are going to face the overlord and it all out match only one person has done this has fought the Wild and all of its beasts and even came back alive with all of its limbs attached Overlord he fled and it's not living a life of hiding it is said he knows all the overlord and strengths and is possibly the only person who can actually go.

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