Ebony Blades of Ruin (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Ebony Blades of Ruin
Conjuration [Creation, Teleportation]
Spellcraft DC: 79
Components: V, S, Xp
Casting time: 1 Round
Range: 300 ft.
Effect: Create Up To 5 Swords of Disintegration
Duration: Concentration, up to 1/round per caster level; See Text
Saving Throw: Reflex (Partial); 5d6 Damage (See Text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,251,000 gp; 326 days; 50,040 XP. Seeds: Afflict (DC 14), Conjure (DC 21), Destroy (DC 29), Transport (DC 27). Factors: Conjure a stable gateway 5 ft. across using the Conjure and Transport seeds, and compress the gateway into a moveable sword of disintegration 3 ft. long (ad-hoc +5 DC); double damage on direct hit with 1 eighth save damage (+20 DC); allow the sword to be moved at 75 ft. per round (ad-hoc +23 DC); 1 round casting time (+11 DC); most 9th level or less spells, and spell like effects, don’t dispel or counter swords (ad-hoc +20 DC); create and control up to 5 swords at once (ad-hoc x5 DC). Mitigating Factors: Anyone can take mental control of the swords (ad-hoc -250 DC); no penalties due to Afflict (-4 DC); +300 days to develop (ad-hoc -60 DC); 540,000 Gp added to development costs (ad-hoc -60 DC); decease duration to 1 round per caster lvl (-50 DC); additional Knowledge (Planes) 24 Ranks, and Knowledge (Math and Physics) 5 Ranks, is required to develop or cast (ad-hoc -29 DC); rare materials needed for development, including dust from a Sphere of Annihilation, and material from the Void (ad-hoc -4 DC); for each sword to be created, the caster must expend 1 use of Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p.29) as a 9th lvl spell slot (ad-hoc -85 DC); for each sword to be created, the caster must expend 1 use of Polymorph Any Object as an 8th lvl spell slot (ad-hoc -75 DC); the caster must expend 1 use of Time Stop as a 9th lvl spell slot (ad-hoc -17 DC); the caster must expend an additional 32 spell levels of spell slots from this list [Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock, or Gate], required amount may be exceeded (ad-hoc -72 DC); spell requires concentration (ad-hoc -35 DC); burn 5,000 XP (-50 DC).

Brief Description

This spell creates up to 5 rift swords, that damages and destroys enemies and objects. These 5 stable sword shaped planar rifts, about 3 ft. long, are briefly connected directly to the primal depths of Oblivion, and contain the pure destructive power of the raw material of the planes themselves.

Full Description

Spell Flavor: As you complete the final words and gestures of this spell, the plane trembles around you, and 5 rips in the fabric of the universe appear before you. You shape the rifts into blades as they tear through the air with a roar, ripping your foes to shreds, and turning everything they touch into piles of dust and rubble.

Short History: Originally developed by Dalila Lycoris (The Enduring One), an Ascended Bronze Dragon from Faerun, and one of the 3 Lords of The Storm. She designed this spell primarily for facing small groups of tough foes while in her humanoid form. It first saw action during The Crown Wars, where Dalila played a decisive, but little known role in helping the Elves fight back against the Dragons.

Ebony Blades: These swords resemble the blades created by the Black Blade of Disaster Spell (Spell Compendium, p.29), with a few minor differences. The swords move on their own (starting the round you cast the spell) at a maximum rate of 75 ft. per round (in any direction), requiring a Free Action worth of effort to change targets or attack. The swords can be used offensively, but also as a means to defend; if a creature makes direct contact with the sword, it is dealt 40d6 damage (Reflex save for 5d6). Items carried must also save when the creature carrying them is dealt damage. Each Ebony Blade requires a Melee Touch Attack to make one free attack on one target, once per round. The bonus for this attack equals the casters base attack bonus + their Intelligence bonus (Wizards) or Charisma bonus (Sorcerers). The energy from the blades emanates straight from the Void. The Ebony Swords are treated like a Force Effect when attacking Ethereal and Incorporeal creatures. If an Ebony Blade goes out of range or you lose Line of Sight with it, that sword’s spell duration ends. The spell requires concentration to maintain (Standard Action), but each blade may only remain in existence for up to 1 round per caster level (D). Ebony Blades always attack facing away from your position, and never provide a flanking bonus or help others receive one. Ebony Swords are invulnerable to physical attacks, and have a touch AC of 13. A Sphere of Annihilation effects an Ebony Blade normally.

Effects of Ebony Blades on Objects: Though it’s not said directly in the text of the Black Blade of Disaster spell, it’s generally assumed that this blade works similar to a Disintegrate or Sphere of Ultimate Destruction Spell (Spell Compendium, p.200) on Objects (i.e. up to 10 cubic feet is Disintegrated when touched). If your DM takes the text literally, then Objects take Damage the way a creature does (DM Discretion).

Controlling an Ebony Blade: To control an ebony sword requires a Concentration Check against a base DC equal to the spell's DC. Every form of control over a sword is a Free Action. After establishing control, the controller may chose the swords target as he wishes; only for forcing it to make more than one attack per round or changing targets, are new checks required. The caster of the spell gains a +20 bonus to any Concentration Check involving his Ebony Blade.

Actions with an Ebony Blade

Establishing Control (Base DC)

Wresting Control (Opposed Con Checks)

Opponents who have wrestled control of swords from you, don’t get the benefit of Free Action/Concentration Checks, unless they too, have this spell active. Controlling an Ebony Blade without this spell, requires a Standard Action.

Maneuvering Sword to Attack (Base DC, +10 for each additional target)

It is possible to attack any number of creatures with the ebony sword each round, as long as all of those creatures can be reached by the sword within 75 ft. worth of movement. To target more than one creature, or attack more than once per round, the controller of the sword needs to make consecutive Concentration Checks, adding +10 to the DC for every targeted enemy or attack over the first. After the first failed check, the sword will stabilize in its position, and control over its movement and attacks can be resumed next round.

Other Ebony Blade Uses and Properties

Defensive Use of Swords: Each sword can be directed to block any attack (including spells or spell like effects) that requires Line of Effect (this is an Immediate Action, treated as a Free Action). If this attack involves Melee Combat, the attack is blocked, and the foe hits the sword, either with their Melee Weapon or their body, respectively. Treat this as an attack from the sword. If the attack doesn’t succeed (ether because of a failed concentration check, or a failed attack), the caster is unable to block the attack. Ranged Attacks are blocked without harming the opponent. Ebony Blades can also be used to trap, hedge, or Immobilize (Not Helpless) an opponent; preventing them from moving, or getting close without getting hurt. Remember, swords get 1 free attack on 1 target per round, attacking more requires checks.

Magical Barrier Penetration: The blade can pass through any magical barrier equal to or less than an epic spell (10th level or less), but cannot penetrate an epic level Dead Magic Area or Antimagic Field (non-epic versions are treated the same as any epic spell within an antimagic field or dead magic area).

Dimensional Anchor/Dispel Magic: A Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p.29) is normally vulnerable to these type of spells and spell like effects. However, an Ebony Blade of Ruin is immune to any 9th level or lower version of these spells or spell like effects. Epic versions will likely only effect one blade at a time, unless they’re all caught within the area of effect of certain dispel/disjoining effects. Mages Disjunction has a 1% per caster level chance of effecting an Ebony Blade. Wish, Miracle (5,000 Xp Version), and Reality Revision can give the opponent a chance at dispelling/disjoining a Blade. This requires an opposed Caster Level Check.

Rod of Cancellation: Unlike a Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p.29), an Ebony Blade of Ruin is unaffected by a Rod of Cancellation. However, Ebony Blades are still vulnerable to an Epic Rod of Cancellation.

Gate: Gate can be used as a counterspell for Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p.29), but can’t be used to counterspell Ebony Blades of Ruin. An epic version of Gate (e.g. Final Gate), could possibly be used to counterspell Ebony Blades of Ruin (DM Discretion).

Ebony Blade and Aiding Another: It is possible for other casters to use Concentration checks in order to Aid Another to control the sword. A successful Concentration Check against the Ebony Blades of Ruin spell DC bestows the controller a +10 bonus per aiding spellcaster on all his checks to guide the swords movement for the round.

Ebony Sword Free Actions: In regards to the use of this spell, the caster has unlimited Free Actions. Maintaining this spell requires normal concentration (Standard Action), but free action Concentration Checks used to control the swords, function normally, without interfering with maintaining the spell. Additional normal free actions are still at the discretion of the DM.

Cost and Development

Spell Cost: To cast this spell, the caster must expend 1 Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p.29) and 1 Polymorph Any Object as a 9th and 8th level spell slot per Ebony Blade created, and at least 32 spell levels worth of spell slots from the following list: Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock, or Gate. When paying the cost of casting Ebony Blades of Ruin, the caster simply loses the prepared spell slot for the day, as if they cast it; however, they don’t actually cast the spell, nor does this increase the spells casting time. Spell level slots may exceed the spell levels required, as long as the necessary spells are being used.

Development Notes: If your DM doesn’t use the Knowledge (Math and Physics) skill (which they probably don’t in a typical D&D 3.5 game), either use a relevant Knowledge Skill, or make something up. It should represent, considering the technological level of your campaign, being able to solve simple math problems, predict basic flight paths, and work with the flow of different types of energy (e.g. the movement of water; the power of an explosion; the strength of a sword blow).

XP Cost: 5,000 Xp (1,000 Xp Per Blade).

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