Crusaders! (5e Sourcebook)

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Welcome to Crusaders![edit]

Crusaders! is a sourcebook for superheroic roleplaying using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset.

Character Creation[edit]

Determining Ability Scores[edit]

There are three recommended methods for determining ability scores in Crusaders!. Random Generation, Standard Array, and Point Buy.

Random Generation

Roll three (3) six-sided dice for each ability score down the line, taking the two highest and adding six to each result.

Standard Array

Use the following scores and assign them to your abilities in any order you want: 18, 16, 15, 13, 12, 10.

Point Buy

You have 40 points which you can use to buy your ability scores, all of which start at 8 until you spend points. The cost of raising an ability score is determined by the chart below. Note that the chart is not the same as the chart from the PHB.

Table: Ability Scores and Modifiers
Ability Score Point Cost
8 Free
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 6
15 7
16 9
17 11
18 13


Crusaders! does not use classes. Instead, at character creation you have 15 picks which you can use to select features of your character such as your hit dice and proficiencies.

Hit Points[edit]

  • For 0 picks, your hit dice are 4d4, plus 1d4 per level. You have a number of hit points at 1st level equal to 20 + five times your Constitution modifier, and for every level after 1st you gain 1d4 (or 3) hit points plus your Constitution modifier.
  • For 1 pick, your hit dice are 4d6, plus 1d6 per level. You have a number of hit points at 1st level equal to 30 + five times your Constitution modifier, and for every level after 1st you gain 1d6 (or 4) hit points plus your Constitution modifier.
  • For 2 picks, your hit dice are 4d8, plus 1d8 per level. You have a number of hit points at 1st level equal to 40 + five times your Constitution modifier, and for every level after 1st you gain 1d8 (or 5) hit points plus your Constitution modifier.
  • For 3 picks, your hit dice are 4d10, plus 1d10 per level. You have a number of hit points at 1st level equal to 50 + five times your Constitution modifier, and for every level after 1st you gain 1d10 (or 6) hit points plus your Constitution modifier.
  • For 4 picks, your hit dice are 4d12, plus 1d12 per level. You have a number of hit points at 1st level equal to 60 + five times your Constitution modifier, and for every level after 1st you gain 1d12 (or 7) hit points plus your Constitution modifier.

NB: If it's not clear, you start play at 1st level with five hit dice.

Armor Proficiencies[edit]

  • For 0 picks, you have no armor proficiencies whatsoever.
  • For 1 pick, you are proficient in light armor.
  • For 2 picks, you are proficient in light and medium armor.
  • For 3 picks, you are proficient in light, medium, and heavy armor.
  • For 1 pick, you are proficient with shields. You can combine this option with any of the previous options.
  • For 2 picks, you can choose to benefit from unarmored defense. While you aren't wearing armor or using a shield, you can add your Constitution or Wisdom modifier (your choice) to your AC. You can combine this option with any of the previous options.
  • For 1 pick, you can choose to benefit from improved defense. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wearing armor. You can combine this option with any of the previous options.

Weapon Proficiencies[edit]

  • For 0 picks, you have no weapon proficiencies whatsoever.
  • For 1 pick, you are proficient in any four simple weapons of your choice.
  • For 2 picks, you are proficient in all simple weapons.
  • For 3 picks, you are proficient in all simple weapons and any four martial weapons of your choice.
  • For 4 picks, you are proficient in all simple and martial weapons.
  • For 2 picks, you are a martial artist. You can combine this option with any of the previous options. As a martial artist, you gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield:
    • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
    • You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes to a d6 once you reach 5th level, a d8 once you reach 9th level, a d10 once you reach 13th level, and a d12 once you reach 17th level.
    • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven't already taken a bonus action this turn.

Saving Throw Proficiencies[edit]

Choose one of the following ability scores: Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma. Then choose one of Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom. You are proficient in the saving throws you selected.


  • For 0 picks, you are proficient in two skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 1 pick, you are proficient in three skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 2 picks, you are proficient in four skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 3 picks, you are proficient in five skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 4 picks, you are proficient in six skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 5 picks, you are proficient in seven skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 6 picks, you are proficient in eight skills or tool sets of your choice.
  • For 1 pick, you are an expert in one skill you are already proficient with. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that skill. You can combine this option with itself (selecting a different skill each time) or with any of the previous options.
  • For 2 picks, you are a jack of all trades. You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.

Damage Types[edit]

Crusaders! uses the water damage and wind damage variant rules. Thus, elemental attacks and effects can inflict water damage or wind damage in addition to the damage types normally found in the core rules.


Crusaders! Uses a variant and drastically expanded equipment list, which includes a large number of modern and futuristic items.

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