Talk:The Witcher (3.5e Class)

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Revision as of 07:55, 18 June 2018 by Asgard-v-d-S (talk | contribs)
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  • If there is a prerequisite to entry, particularly with these "trials", then this should be a prestige class: that's what they're for.
  • The order of features in the table do not match the feature descriptions:
    • Witcher Alchemy; 1st level in table, 3rd level in description
    • Favored Enemy; 2nd level in table, 1st level in description
    • Potion overload; 3rd level in table, no level (i.e. 1st) in description
    • And so on
  • The Trial of the Grasses does not explain the mechanics well. What are the ingredients, where can they be found, how much do they cost? How does it "help" him drink witcher potions? How do you regain hit points over time (in a D&D context)? How long does the trial take and what state is the PC in during that time?
  • What is the point of "weapon focus availability"? Being a fighter doesn't change the availability of these feats.
  • Awkward terminlogy everywhere. Example: Witcher Criticals: "lands a Critical attack" should be "scores a critical hit"; "with a -2 mod to damage" should be "with a -2 penalty to the damage roll".
  • This is just a random smattering, there are errors on almost every line. Marasmusine (talk) 01:53, 2 August 2016 (MDT)
  • Shouldn't the Alignment rather be a neutral one? Either chaotic or lawful. Witchers are the epitome of help but get paid.
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