Martial Archetypes, for non-Fighters (5e Variant Rule)

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What Does a Martial Archetype Represent?[edit]


Features Worth Special Consideration[edit]

Eldritch Knight Spellcasting

For non-casters: use all rules as written.
For partial or full casters: Adhering to the Multiclassing rules presented PHB 164:
  • Spell Slots:
Use the number of spell slots gained through your primary class, gaining no bonus spell slots due to Archetype. Any Spell slots possessed may be used to cast spells from any class or archetypes possessed.
  • Spells Known for Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, and Bards:
gain 1 additional Spell known of each spell level, an one additional spell prepared of your highest spell level.
  • Spells Known for Clerics, Druids, Paladins, and Rangers:
Gain Spells Known exactly as described for Eldritch Knight.
  • Spells Prepared Per day:
Prepare one additional spell per day of each level you are able to cast. You may intermix spells from your primary class with Eldritch Knight spells during preparation. When cast, they are all treated as spells from your primary class.

Superiority Dice Whenever a class feature indicates that the Die size of your superiority dice should increase, increase the die size by one step, rather than making arbitrary jumps to specific die sizes.

Individual Class Descriptions[edit]


Receives level 3 feature at level 3.

Receives level 7 feature at level 6.

Receives level 10 feature at level 10.

At level 15 feature at level 14.


Receives level 3, and 6 features at their normal levels.

At level 14 the Bard receives their choice of either the Fighters level 10 or 15 feature.

At level 3 the Bard also receives a Fighting Style from those available to a Fighter.


Receives level 3 abilities at level 2.

Receives level 6 abilities at level 6.

Receives level 18 ability at level 17.

At level 1, the Cleric receives a Fighting Style from those available to a Fighter.

At level 8, the Cleric receives the Extra Attack feature, granting 2 attacks per attack action.


Receives level 6 and level 10 features at their normal levels.

Receives level 3 features at level 2.

Receives level 15 feature at level 14.


Receives level 3 and 6 features at their normal levels.

Receives level 10 feature at level 11.

Receives level 15 feature at level 17.


Receives level 3 feature at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 7.

Receives level 15 feature at level 15.

Receives level 18 feature at level 20.


Receives level 3 feature at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 7.

Receives level 10 feature at level 11.

Receives level 15 feature at level 15.


Receives level 3 feature at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 9.

Receives level 10 feature at level 13.

Receives level 15 feature at level 17.

The Rogue Additionally gains Second Wind at level 3.


Receives level 3 feature at level 1.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 10 feature at level 14.

At level 18 the Sorcerer receives their choice of either the Fighters level 15 or 18 feature.


Receives level 3 feature at level 1.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 10 feature at level 10.

Receives level 15 feature at level 14.


Receives level 3 feature at level 2.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 10 feature at level 10.

Receives level 15 feature at level 14.

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