4e Skill Challenge Preload

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The name of your challenge
Skill Challenge
XP award for completing the challenge (be it a success or failure) XP
A brief backstory or setup.
Goal: The goal that will be achieved by completing the skill challenge. If the adventurers fail the challenge, they still achieve the goal but pay some price for doing so.
Complexity: 1 to 5 (X successes before 3 failures; X advantages)
Primary Skills
Which skills can be used more than once to contribute successes?

Skill 1 (DC X standard action)
description of what happens
Other effects.

Skill 2 (DC X standard action)
description of what happens
Other effects.

Secondary Skills
Which skills can only contribute one success, or can provide a bonus to a primary skill?

Skill 1 (DC X standard action)
description of what happens
Other effects.

Skill 2 (DC X standard action)
description of what happens
Other effects.

What events, treasures, bonuses or advantages are rewarded on a success? Optionally include Stages of Success.
What penalties are incurred for failing? Optionally include Stages of Failure

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